Israel vs. Hamas
Contributed by Breck Craig
The Nile runs thru my blood. I spent my high school years in Egypt as an Amoco oil brat. I was in Cairo during the 1973 Yom Kipper War. The memories are still fresh. Of course, I rooted for Egypt and Sadat to win the war and he did in the end. Egypt got the Sinai back, even though Sadat was murdered by Libyan dictator Omar Gaddafi for making peace with Israel.
Hamas and the Palestinians who overwhelmingly support them in Gaza are not Egyptian soldiers. They are jihadist, cowards. Ruthless murderers and rapist toodies working for Iranian mullahs.
We are all fair game for Hamas. All of us, liberal, conservative, MEGA, WOK, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, all 6 billion + of us are in the cross hairs of their AK-47’s, their vampire drones, their car bombs, their IED’s and child suicide bombers. Ever notice that mullahs themselves are never suicide bombers, it’s always a follower, never the mullah. That’s a real coward.
We are infadels, non-believers. In fact, all secular Muslims are also infadels (approx. 500 million). All Sunni Muslims, devote or not, are infadels. To Hamas, at best, we are to be tolerated, like you tolerate small children who don’t know better. At worst, we are to be enslaved, forced to convert, or murdered.
Israeli Jews get no such options. For Hamas, Hezbollah, and their Iranian masters, Israeli Jews are not even human. That is why Hamas gunmen had no problem shooting unarmed senior citizens, mothers, babies, and children at point blank range. They kidnaped, raped,and paraded young Israeli women thru the streets of Gaza so throngs of Palestinians could beat the dyeing naked Jewish women. Only animals do things like this. Again, only animals do such things. An Israeli would never dream of behaving like that.
Make no mistake, the Palestinians overwhelming support Hamas, If they are given a homeland it would immediately become another Iran, dedicated to destroying Israel and the United States.
No matter how much the media wants you to focus on the hostages and a cease fire it’s not an option. The media with shocking mendacity has played right into Hamas’s hands. We are now expected to forget the brutality Hamas displayed on Oct. 7th and instead ring our hands over the hostages they took? Forget it. Hamas and all their backers must now pay, no matter where they are in the world.
God bless and protect Israel. Something I thought I would never say. I stand with Israel and Jewish people everywhere.