The Chasm

Contributed by Bee Rupright. Patriot

Today our politicized landscape once clearly drawn through with a colored line, is now the appearance of a great gulf, a chasm which seemingly can’t be crossed.

Here in Alaska, there a few who are claiming that “middle ground”. Well the middle ground of a chasm is definitely a fall to your death. Yes, there is ground there – about five hundred to a thousand feet down. This is the landscape of Alaska where unfortunately, because of the success of the Independent Bill Walker campaign for Governor, other so called independents or non-partisans, as they call themselves, are using the same game to deceive Alaskans. Now Walker was at least a republican at the start, and a lifetime one at that, a moderate republican I believe, but he got into bed with the Democrats to get elected, then, cleaved to that party, evidently, after his election. Was that necessary, I think not. Clearly, he performed as under obligation.

Now how much more obligation will be required from a so called non-partisan with open Democratic Party support and many similar ideologies from the get go. Perhaps it won’t even be a compromise of any sorts, since their heart lies in those same ideologies. They are not islands of “middle ground” which will float haphazardly upon the United States Senate or House floor. That body has ground rules, and one of those rules is association with one party or the other to pass legislation. Which party will these middle-grounders choose? Hmm? They will choose the party that has supported them with millions poured into our state for their campaigns. Do you need to ask who they are? Al Gross and Alyse Galvin.

There are others in our state races also, such as Dan Mayfield and Thomas Lamb. I can state these as my beliefs knowing the history of these people. They are from my district. Alaskan’s, you have to do your homework, as there are quite a few more questionable “nonpartisans” on the ballot. There is a history on these persons also, perhaps not the big money, but believe me they are seeing some, and some do have records, even with a few good things (most would find agreeable), but upon looking at the greater picture of their ideology, the truth is revealed. Both party sides have clearly expressed beliefs. Why don’t these middle grounders choose a side where their beliefs are stated plainly by their choice? The only answer is deception, and to fall for this deception is to fall into the chasm. As for myself, I will be voting for Republicans. One must be careful though, here and on the national level, and you may doubt whether your Republican vote is really a conservative.

On that account, I have great hope that here in Alaska, as supported by our recent primary “upsets”, we can bring up legislators who indeed walk the walk, not just the talk. Once again, do your homework. On the federal level it is harder to effect change, or possibly harder to see change, in an incredibly uphill battle for those who attain to principle.

Our President Trump is clearly, most definite about keeping to our Republic Constitution. Our Senator, Dan Sullivan has adhered to Republican principles. I was not a fan of his at first, but he has also addressed “across the aisle” concerns, although I don’t know why they are called that, as if a Republican shouldn’t have concern about polluted oceans. There are many examples of this type with him and our President on individual, national and world concerns that should just be that, not polarized. Our House Rep. Don Young, well he is Don Young, a solid vote.

My tears would fill the ocean, if you could understand how much I did not want this chasm, this division of ideology. I find it incredible that the Democratic Party has descended into the New Socialism, which is completely against our Republican Constitution and a large portion of our citizens don’t even know the beauty of their individual liberty contained there-in. We are a Republic. We were warned by our forefathers about the two-party system, though, and this divide was expected , but now is not the time for Republicans and conservatives to descend into factualism as we tend to do (since we are free thinkers), but it is the time to join together, put a voice to our commitment and get out and vote.

Then the real change back to the Republic we are privileged to live in can fill that chasm and we will be on solid ground, once again, to begin the work anew. One ground, one country, one Republic, under God, indivisible.