The Alaskan Trump: Vote Write-In, Stephen Wright

Contributed by Jessica Wright

On July 4th, we participated in the Freedom Festival Parade, waving to the crowds and passing out candies. It was the highlight of the event and we throughly enjoyed ourselves. Later that evening, Stephen Wright received a message from a little girl’s mother who said: “My four year old daughter was so excited when you gave her candy during the parade, she thought you were Donald Trump.” Needless to say, the compliment made Stephen’s day!

So who is Stephen Wright? He’s a husband, a father, a church goer, an avid baseball player and sports enthusiast, plus an Alaskan interested in politics. Prior to Stephen’s retirement from the Air Force, he was the Resource Advisor. His duty was to balance the budget with a 25% cut and and find creative ways to make everything work. Prior to this position he was the Contract Officer Representative in Iraq for the Army, Air Force and Iraqis.

Stephen Wright has been a Trump supporter since day one, even before Trump was nominated as the Republican Presidential Nominee. He was at a Trump rally in Las Vegas in December 2015. After coming home to Alaska, he decided to run for Congress in 2016 hoping to make a difference! And now knowing the present political climate Stephen Wright is committed to make a positive change for the State Senate race. He knows how important it is to stop the liberal AKLEG power grab and the liberal ideas coming from past officials. AKLEG is now the new villain replacing former Governor Bill Walker who took your PFD to fund Medicaid expansion and Pipelines to nowhere. Although Walker is gone from office many of his minions remain wrecking havoc to our Alaskan government. Since Governor Walker, Alaskans have been cheated out of $8869.00 PFD per person!

This is one of the reasons that Stephen Wright is not backing down! After a close setback to David Wilson in the Primary, you still have a chance to get your permanent fund dividend by the original rules set forth. Casting your vote for David Wilson or Thomas Lamb or Dan Mayfield to represent our district in Juneau is a mistake!

Write-in Stephen Wright for District D. He’s a Conservative Republican that will fight for your PFD, keep his promises, help to expand Alaska’s businesses, protect our families and individuals of our great state. David Wilson tries to act like he’s more conservative than he is and likewise the two democrats, Lamb and Mayfield. David Wilson said he supports the PFD and he’s against binding caucus, but in reality voted against the PFD in the binding caucus.

Some people say, “Stephen Wright, I can’t vote for you as you’ll split vote and then a democrat will win.” This simply is not true. Eighty percent of the Valley voters are Republicans or undeclared conservatives, so the Valley is less inclined to vote for any democrat. Wasilla/Big Lake, we have to win this election or get another four years of the same.

President Trump inspired Stephen Wright to get involved, to be part of the solution/not the problem! So it’s up to you Wasilla/Big Lake ,write-in and vote Stephen Wright for District D Senator. Choose the Right, Write-In Stephen Wright!