Ordinary VS. Extraordinary

Contributed by Mike Alexander

Living in interesting times can be a curse or a blessing, it all depends on our approach to dealing with the problems. Ordinary methods, we have always done it this way, will not be enough in the difficult years ahead of us. 

Due to the current unsustainable state budget, Valley residents must create a strong local economy. This goal can be partially accomplished by completing existing major infrastructure projects, such as the railroad spur to the port and the upgrades to the Knik-Goose Bay Road. 

The Japanese are moving away from nuclear power generation. Our deep water port can export all the coal produced by Usibelli Coal Company to Japan.

Responsible harvest of our timber for wood products is more sensible and profitable, than our present method of using wildfires to clear our forests. Increased moose browse is a side bonus.

Extraordinary measures required from local government will be keeping taxes low, cutting the borough budget and business regulations to the bone.

Future extraordinary measures should include, planning a freight airport at Point Mac, expanding our road system to the Susitna River, and developing cheaper electrical generation.  Infrastructure, cheap energy, and resources are the key building blocks of a strong economy.

 As an individual citizen you can be part of the extraordinary plan to build a robust local economy which will create opportunities for your children and future generations. How?  Simple: Vote Mike Alexander for Mat-Su Borough Assembly.