Mokie Is My Man!

Contributed by Beth Fread

His government name is Clayton Tew and he’s running for MSB Assembly Seat 5. Mokie and Roberta have been married and business partners for 35 years. They met as students at Evergreen High School and the love affair, as well as their business partnership, has led them to build a successful life. Their children, grandchildren and close friends gather every weekend at their home on Beaver Lake.

Mokie and Roberta have always been grateful for their community and the benefits they’ve received as active community members during their 20+ years on Beaver Lake in Big Lake. So, when they recognized that many people, including their employees, are challenged to get from one part of the borough to another, they built Valley Mover. Today, Valley Mover is called Valley Transit and has expanded its services and service area. A rose is still a rose regardless of its name and the Tews built it.

The headline for this article is a direct quote from my cherished friend former Mayor Larry DeVilbiss. When I asked him recently if I could re-post the endorsement he gave Mokie in 2017 he said, “Sure thing! I stood by those words then and I still stand by them today, ‘Mokie’ is my Man!”

The Tews have many other folks, just like Mayor DeVilbiss and I, who appreciate Mokie for his dedication to his community, his family, his employees and his friends. Following are quotes from Mokie’s neighbors, friends and employees.

Tom Gordon: “Mokie's the best man for the job. He'll do a fine job and I can see him getting into bigger government (like someone else I know -Amy!). That's the kind of leadership our state needs now.

We’re on the right track as our state is the richest in our nation. We need people who will stand for Alaskans. This is a lot bigger than anyone thinks. There’s potential for growth that needs to benefit the Alaskan people. I can honestly say that most that know Mokie say that Mokie is the best candidate for the job, best of luck Moke!”

Garland Morrison: “Mokie will do a fantastic job!”

Edward Mooney: “I owned an auto body shop in Anchorage during the 1980s, that’s when I met the Tews. Mokie knows what it is to work hard and he did selling tools door to door. I don’t know a family that is more honest and down to earth than the Tews. Mokie always stands behind his word. That’s hard to find anymore. l know he would be a great assembly member and will work hard for the people, he has our family vote”.

Jeremiah Kiggins: “My wife said you stopped by the house in Settlers Bay today. And she was happy with the conversation you had with her. I think it’s safe to say you have the support from our family this election.”

Those of us who know Mokie also know and respect that he’s choosing not to work as much. Instead, he’s enjoying his grandchildren, working for his friends and looking forward to serving on the MSB Assembly.

Clayton Tew’s goal is to reduce spending in myriad ways including ensuring that open and competitive bidding is mandatory in all contracted projects. He’s figured out why our trash collectors go to Anchorage, besides the fact that they pay less for dumping trash in Anchorage. He’s identified why MSB trash collection is more expensive in the MSB than it is in California and he will work to reduce our tax dollars going to trash. He’s also studying why so many $$$ go to school district administration, instead of the classroom. His major concern is the thievery and vandalism. He wants to understand what our law enforcement officers think the best way to reduce those infringements upon our homes and our wellbeing.

One of my friends on the ‘other side’ of the aisle once said to me, “Beth, you’ve always supported good people.” I say, I’m still supporting good people. That’s why Big Lake, Point MacKenzie and the southern portion of KGB’s best bet for an excellent Assembly member who has his family, friends, employees and neighbor’s at the forefront of his mind. That member would be Clayton Tew (Mokie).

Beth Fread lives in the Greater Palmer Area and is the Broker/Owner of Valley Views Realty. She’s also a well-known conservative activist in the community. She can be reached at