I Believe In Freedom

Contributed by David Vesper

Why can’t parents co-parent their children after divorce or separation? Because they are conditioned to win. To win is to have power. Power controls the other parent. That was when I discovered joint custody was a ruse. Sole custody or primary custody determines the true power dynamic between two separated parents.

 The Family Court system is naturally adversarial, creating a disincentive for parents to mediate or co-parent and harms their children. Family wealth could be better spent on their children rather than spent on their lawyers and court costs.

 That is why I advocate for shared parenting legislation. The rebuttable presumption of 50/50 shared physical custody should be the norm rather than the exception. If both parents are fit, capable and loving, the government should not interfere. Parenting is a human right. Children have the human right to have a relationship with their parents. When the Government picks winners and losers, the People are divided and they lose their freedoms. That is one reason why I became a Libertarian in 2016.

I was also fed up with the binary choices for President. In 2016, I truly believed that neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump could unify a deeply divided country. My vote went to Gary Johnson. I believed a third party can bring Left and Right together, and I still believe that right now… in 2020.

At this moment, President Trump and former VP Biden continue to divide this country along political lines. They are consistently placing blame on each other rather than accepting responsibility for the words and actions. They believe so much in themselves that, if elected, only they can heal a nation. However, their internal belief in themselves do not align with their external reality. The violence around the country reflects on their cognitive dissonance. So, again… in 2020… I am looking for the healthy alternative.

When I look for that healthy alternative, I want to feel confident knowing that I have a President that will secure freedom. Currently, politicians in power are deciding who wears a mask and who does not… who can assemble in protest and who cannot assemble in their house of worship to pray… who is to be a protected class of citizens and who is the oppressor and, therefore, cancelled… who can marry whom and who cannot marry… what history we can and cannot… what politicians can or cannot be indicted for crimes… which political candidates can or cannot appear on a ballot. This is not Freedom.

I believe in freedom! Someday, we will achieve freedom. Freedom to send our children to the school of our choice, to carry the weapon of our choice for the purpose of self-defense of ourselves or property, to do what we want with our bodies, to marry who we want to marry regardless of gender or sexual orientation, to peacefully assemble, whether it is to protestor pray… to have ballot access for ALL political parties… and freedom to be a parent again.

 I do not crave freedom for myself. In my years in the US Army deployed to the most depraved and desolate locations around the globe, I believe freedom is not mine alone. Freedom does not belong to a particular race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or age. Freedom belongs to the American People. I believe ALL Americans are entitled to the same Freedom which must be secured to each person’s individual state of agency. Our agency… our power… is our vote.

 When we are faced with a binary choice for President, Americans believe they are voting for the lesser of two evils. When you vote for the lesser of two evils, YOU ARE STILL VOTING FOR EVIL!

In 2016, I casted my vote for the person I believed in. In 2020, I will adhere to the same principle by casting my vote… for Dr. JO JORGENSEN! Jo will heal a nation. Jo will secure our Freedoms. Jo is what this country needs! I believe in Jo Jorgensen… and so should you!

There are those in America that won’t let her speak! The Commission on Presidential Debates- ran by the duopoly of Democrats and Republicans. The only time they are bipartisan is when they want to shut everybody else out. But, I think they are afraid of a better educated, free-thinking woman.

There are those in the cable news networks that won’t let her speak! Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC! They are afraid that her ideas might actually threaten their candidate in the election!

There are those in the newspaper business that won’t let her speak! Newspapers like the NY Times, Washington Post, and the ALASKA DISPATCH NEWS! They are afraid to break from their editorial boards and actually report the news objectively!

There are those in Big Tech such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube that won’t let her speak! They use their algorithms to boost their favorite candidates while suppressing their political enemies… thus stifling or censoring free speech! They are afraid that Jo will make inroads in this election cycle and lose millions of corporate dollars in the process!

 Let her speak!