Fall Campaign Update

Contributed by Lisa Behrens

Months ago, the prospect of canvassing KGB, Point Mackenzie and Big Lake, to meet the people I hope to represent, seemed daunting. As of today, our team and I have walked, driven or called most all of District 5. It has been our goal to reach as many of our neighbors as possible before the big day; November 3. We’ve been diligent, and have met so many great people!

The experience and opportunity to engage the community has been both humbling and enlightening. The response to our effort and my message has been overwhelmingly positive. Most everyone we contacted expressed appreciation for the effort and the opportunity to address their concerns directly to a candidate. Our intent has been to express the goals of my candidacy while taking the sincere time to reach out, listen, and consider each person’s thoughts, desires, concerns, and hopes, through genuine conversation. I am grateful for this opportunity, and want to thank each person who has engaged in conversation with me and my team.

There has been a consistent message from our district citizens – a desire for better access to their representatives, with transparent, accurate, and honest information about matters important to them and occurring before the Assembly. Many feel as if their interests are excluded from Assembly consideration. I am a problem-solver by nature, and will address and that issue. My dedicated “Lisa Behrens for Assembly” team has established several ways to contact me for information: Email (lisa.behrens.msbak@gmail.com,) website (LisaBehrensAK,) Facebook (Lisa Behrens for Assembly,) and mobile telephone (907-775-5683.)

I hope those of you who I have not yet had the privilege to meet or communicate with make time to give me a call or send an email. I answer each one that comes to me. If elected, I intend to maintain and augment our Website and Facebook pages with information about matters of interest, borough business, meeting agendas, and follow-up summaries of meeting events. I am prepared to do the footwork of research, data gathering, and information sharing to aid the residents of our district in accessing what they need to stay accurately informed.

Put this on your calendar! Early voting starts October 19th (Wasilla Public Library and DSJ Building in Palmer,) with polls open on November 3rd. Election information can be found at www.matsugov.us/elections. Voting is our chance to affect the direction our government takes. We must not squander the opportunity; particularly now in what is a truly difficult period in our nation’s history. Your vote on November 3rd reaches far, far beyond District 5, and I ask, whatever your affiliation, that you ensure your vote is cast and counted.

I hope to build an expanding and inclusive network of people/friends who will be involved, care for our district as I do and who are themselves committed to see our borough move forward to a healthy, prosperous, intelligently managed future… so that it will continue to be the best place we call home!

Again, please do consider supporting me and my campaign with your vote – I look forward to working for you.