Saving Babies

Contributed by Rick Small, Abolitionist Society of Anchorage/Mat-Su Valley

Saving babies is NOT what drives us.

Followers of Christ are driven by obedience to God as the expression of love for Him and for His glory.

You must be born again. That’s the starting point. A person is either walking in the flesh (Humanism/lawlessness) or walking in the Spirit (Submission to God/God’s Law), and it is impossible to walk in the Spirit until you are born again, brought from death unto life and made a new creation by God Himself. 

God's plan is to redeem sinful men through the propitiatory death burial and resurrection of the sinless Son of God, Jesus the Messiah. It is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to Scripture alone... for the Glory of God alone. Because God loved the world, He gave His Son, that whoever believes in Him, will not perish, but have everlasting life. It is by grace, through faith, a gift of God not of works lest any man should boast. When we see our sin, and see His holiness, and turn from shaking our fist in His face and saying, “You’re not the boss of me!” and turn to Him... He causes us to be born again.

As born-again ones, what is our highest goal? Why are we here? What is our chief end? God’s glory is our highest goal. “What is the chief end of man? The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” This has deep ramifications. It becomes our boundary. We should never violate it. We should never want to. We must seek to know what glorifies Him and take joy in doing it. The Bible says that the love of Christ constrains us, it shoves us out, it motivates us.

What glorifies Him?

Willing obedience: Loving Him with all our heart soul mind and strength and loving our neighbor as ourselves is obedience. Jesus said, “If you love Me... you will keep My commandments.”

Let’s look at where we are today:

God said, “You shall NOT murder.”

We have state governments that agreed to follow a US Constitution that says, “You shall not murder.” We even reiterate it in our state constitution, “You shall not murder.” Then men come along and say, “Did God really say? We want murder. You’re not the boss of me!” And so, 50 years ago, states started shaking their fist in God’s face and saying, “We’ll murder if we want to!” And 45 years ago, the so-called supreme court said, “You’ll allow murder in your state even if you don’t want to.” And what did we do? We bowed down and worshipped them. (See In Alaska, we even changed our statutes to say, “If a mother feels like murdering her child... have at it.” (AS 11.41.180). 

Is God glorified by such high-handed rebellion? What should be our response?

Here’s where prolifers and abolitionists split. Prolifeism teaches that “Saving Babies” is the highest goal. That ideology teaches that any method that “saves babies” is acceptable and good, and goes so far as to teach that even attempting to shoot for that goal is all that’s necessary. And, the standard for what qualifies is extremely low. 

In Utah, prolifers passed a bill that called for anesthetizing tiny humans before murdering them. In fact, the standard was so low that it only asked the hired hit man (who of course always does what he is asked) to tell the mother that he can administer anesthesia if she wants. And, it was supported nationwide by a bunch of prolifers because, “They feel pain.” 

In Alaska, prolifers came up with a brilliant plan: Let’s, they say, ask the hired hitman to murder babies in a certain way, and if any survive the mother’s attempt to have her child murdered and removed, let’s ask them to be nice to the child they just MOSTLY murdered. They say, you guessed it... “It will save babies.”

God said, “Do. Not. Murder.”


Do NOT murder.

What should a follower of Christ say and do? A follower of Christ asks, “Does it glorify God?”

Seriously, does it glorify God to allow five babies to be murdered every day in our state? Does it glorify God that our statutes give permission for a mother to murder her child if she feels like it? Does it glorify God that our state willingly flies several-inch-long-humans to Seattle to murder them? Does it glorify God that we bow down and worship and lick the boots of evil men and women who tell us that we have to allow this?

Abolitionists are simply followers of Christ who answer these questions correctly according to Scripture, and attempt to take God honoring actions in the right righteous direction and with the right righteous intensity.