Summer Care Tips for Your Dog  

Contributed by Angie Lewis, Alaska Animal Advocates President

Summer should be a time of enjoyment for you and your dog, but all too often, this is a time of year when situations arise that can endanger your dog. There are only a few safety practices that need to be followed to ensure you and your dog have a wonderful time this summer.

Don’t leave your dog in a vehicle, not even with the windows opened: Dogs can’t perspire the way humans do and have a very hard time cooling off in a hot car. The temperature in a car can rise to 120 degrees in just a few minutes. This can lead to the death of your dog.

Don’t drive with your dog in the back of a pickup: Your dog is a member of the family and should be treated as such. If you had to suddenly hit the brakes, your dog might literally fly out of your truck bed. Let her sit in the cab with you, or if nothing else, put her in a secured crate in the back of your truck.

Recognize lawn and garden dangers: Plant food, fertilizer and insecticides can be lethal for your dog. Keep them under lock and key. Try to use organics.

Dehydration: Make sure your dog has plenty of water and shade to help her remain cool and hydrated.

Exercise: Hiking with your dog is a wonderful experience, for both you and your dog. Be sure to limit exercise on a really hot day, particularly for older dogs or dogs with thick coats. Provide enough rest time and ample water. Remember, asphalt can be very hot and actually burn your dog’s paws.

Lakes: Not all dogs are natural born swimmers and can easily drown. Monitor your dog to make certain of her skill level as a swimmer. Be cautious about beavers, who can be very dangerous to dogs.

Fleas and Ticks: This is not as big a problem in Alaska as it is in other parts of the country. If you use products for fleas and ticks, check with your veterinarian. Some over-the-counter treatments can be toxic, even when used as directed.

Summer Events: Be mindful of taking your dog to summer events such as concerts, fairs, or other crowded places. These can be stressful for some dogs, and they may run the risk of getting lost. Know your dog and what might be uncomfortable for her.

Other Revelry: Some dogs are very frightened of the loud sounds of fireworks and firearms. Dogs are best kept in the house for these celebrations and activities. These dogs may become so stressed that they may need medications to help them cope.

Lost dogs: Make sure your dog is micro-chipped and that the contact information is current. In addition, your dog should wear a collar with an identification tag.

Now go out and enjoy your summer, along with your dog friend, but do it safely.

The Art of Liberal Deception  

Contributed by Nan Potts

Let’s face it, deceit has gone on this planet since it began.

It can be observed in both the plant and animal kingdoms. For example, you recall your high school freshman biology classes where you learned how plants and animals disguise themselves to look like dangerous organisms, so predators won’t eat them? Or, how predators deceive their prey by giving off an enticing odor or mimic a call to lure their dinners to them?

Well, it seems the human race excels in perfecting deceit. And, applies it quite liberally!

So, let’s clarify some definitions so we’re clear in their meanings for this discussion:

  • Deceit - noun, the act or practice of deceiving; concealment or distortion of the truth for the purpose of misleading; duplicity; fraud; cheating.

  • Deception - noun, something that deceives or is intended to deceive; fraud; artifice.

  • Liberal - adjective, (often initial capital letter) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.

  • Liberal - noun, a person of liberal principles or views, especially in politics or religion.

  • Liberal - adjective, given freely or abundantly; generous. - (

Deceit can be observed to serve to protect and assist a species to survive or to avoid harming an individual, physically or emotionally. Societies allow certain types of deceit in order to perpetuate a myth or fantasy to excite, motivate and entertain children, i.e. Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and others. But many of these characters and traditions turn out to have a historical origin or intent - to tell a story and achieve a goal.

Other types of deceit are designed to diminish some in order to empower others.

Have you ever had someone relate an incident where they, either intentionally or unintentionally, left out some important information? It probably led to an egregious misunderstanding or fight.

Have you ever experienced hearing or reading a news headline, only to discover the headline had nothing to do with the story? Yet because the headline hooked people’s attention, it continued to be promoted as truth?

Ever heard or read an OPED (Opinion/Editorial) piece where several days later the writer did a complete reversal without fully substantiating his/her reasoning?

Frustrating, isn’t it?

Of course, we all make mistakes. Hopefully, we decide to take responsibility for them and “‘fess-up”, making amends when necessary. 

Lately in the world, we have been exposed to many, if not all, of these types of deceits:

•    Omitted information - misleading

•    False information (unintentional) - mistakes

•    False information, altered truth (intentional) - lies

•    Using false information repeatedly to forward an agenda - altered truth

•    Redirecting information in order to confuse - flip-flopping

•    Blaming others - a distraction from themselves

•    Excuses - distraction

If you step back and look to understand history, you’ll see every time there was a major conflict there was deception. Especially, in the beginning. I’ll not conduct a history lesson here, that’s up to you. But consider these Historical events:

The Event                                                      The Deception(s)                                         The Political Goal(s)      

The American Revolution     The colonists were British subjects under British law.         Take away their rights

American Civil War               The South had the right to self-govern/economics/etc.        Abolishment of slavery

The Russian Revolution         Bolsheviks promised protection of people from rulers.        Seize State power

World War I                           The War to End All Wars (Mutual Defense Alliance)         Slovaks, part of Serbia

Nazi Germany                        Germany was victim of Allied and Jewish aggression.        Hitler’s rise to power

World War II (Europe)          Invasion of Poland, propagated lies of Allies and Jews       World domination

World War II (Pacific)           Surprise attack on Pearl Harbor                                            Control of Asian oil

Chinese Revolution                CCP and Nationalists join to fight against Japan, WWII     CCP to control China

Venezuela                              Spent oil money for major social programs, help the poor. State control

I won’t deceive you… There was much more occurring than these deceptions for event to unfold. These are just a few examples of how deceit was used to achieve a goal. Usually, the power to control, due to fear of those not controlled.

When information is narrowly focused, people can be duped into erroneous trains of thought (from omitted information or false information) resulting in inaccurate conclusions. People have a tendency to latch on to false ideas so deeply, when the truth is revealed they either deny it and take it to their grave or will attempt to hide from it because it’s too overwhelming. Eventually, it catches up to them and they succumb (i.e. The fall of Nazi Germany).

Currently many of our media outlets are vomiting false and omitted information. It makes one wonder, what is the truth? What are sources of reliable information? When you do research, using reliable sources other than popular media outlets, you may be surprised how common this is and how hard it is to get the actual story. This is art of deceit - to verification impossible, so you give up trying.

Take our current political environment with its turmoil:

·      ANTIFA                               

·      Black Lives Matter   

·      Socialism       

·      Defund the Police

·      Critical Race Theory 

·      WOKE-ism               

·      Racism

Is there any deceit within these ideologies? What do you think are their goals?                                       

Closer to home for me, a friend duped me into getting vaccinated for COVID. My friend kindly put together a group adventure trip and requested a private tour at a local company. This was a special opportunity. The coordination emails repeated, “You must be vaccinated to ride the bus [for the tour].” Later, I discovered it was NOT mandatory for the tour. My friend felt compelled to have everyone one on our tour vaccinated, “to protect our guide”, although our guide was already vaccinated. The Deception: liberals and liberal thinkers appear to have the best interests of others in mind. The Goal: to control or manipulate others in order to feel safe.

I’m not opposed to vaccines, but I do like to do due-diligence on health care issues. There has been very little data on all three vaccines. If you read your post-vaccination paperwork, it will say, “The Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine has not undergone the same type of review as an FDA-approved or cleared product.” It also states, “The Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine is an unapproved vaccine… In an ongoing clinical trial, it [J, COVID-19] has been shown to prevent COVID-19 following a single dose.” The duration of protection is unknown. Plus, there are risks. Note, these are for all COVID vaccines. Even the CDC admits all the vaccinations are currently in the largest clinical trial — the World.

While deceit and deception will continue to plague this planet, it is up to us to be able to differentiate between truth and falsehoods. Being willing to spend time investigating and educating ourselves regarding issues, whether past or present, and logically evaluating the information. Conclusions may differ. Yet, the truth should lay within the commonality of each. Logic eventually wins over irrational fear, even though along the way may lie the bodies from collateral damage. Logic — noun, the science that investigates the principles governing correct or reliable inference (

We humans are fallible. History has proven it. Fallible — adjective, (of persons) liable to err, especially in being deceived or mistaken (

Deceit and deception are recognized…

“The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.” -  Ronald Regan

Intellectuals may like to think of themselves as people who "speak truth to power" but too often they are people who speak lies to gain power. - Thomas Sowell

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” - Carl Sagan

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” - Adolf Hitler

“Liars are the cause of all the sins and crimes in the world.” - Epictetus

“The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate... Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

…But it continues, liberally. You may disagree with me - but then, you may actually be deceived!

Qiviut, Anyone?

Contributed by Kerry Nelson, The Musk Ox Farm

We just wrapped up the combing season here on the Musk Ox Farm, and our herd is feeling great with their new summer hairdos! We’re feeling pretty great too, with another amazing qiviut harvest of nearly 350 pounds! Why all the fuss over qiviut? One of the world’s rarest fibers, qiviut is finer than cashmere, eight times warmer than sheep’s wool and hypoallergenic. Such a lightweight, smooth fiber feels like a cloud against your skin.

The Musk Ox Farm is a non-profit organization dedicated to gentle musk ox husbandry for the promotion of qiviut production and public education. We are currently the only facility in the entire world working to domesticate musk oxen for their fiber. Musk oxen naturally begin shedding their qiviut underwool in the spring as a response to the lengthening daylight. In the wild, it will slowly fall off of them in sheets, fluttering away in the arctic breeze or catching on the shrubs and sedges. Some who live near wild herds will go out and collect qiviut from the tundra or may comb a musk ox hide out after a successful hunt. 

Here on our farm all the way down in Palmer, things are done much differently. Our herd will also begin to shed in the spring, typically beginning in April and lasting well into May or early June. When we spot the first few tufts of qiviut beginning to peek out from the guard hairs on our animals, we give them a little test comb during their routine weekly weigh-ins. This gives us a good idea of how far along in the shedding phase each animal is, as we want to be sure their qiviut is fully releasing from the skin. We don’t want to be pulling out that beautiful underwool until it’s ready for us!

Once an animal is ready for combing, we’ll begin the process of bringing them into the barn for their salon sessions. This involves our herd manager, summer interns, combing tools, and (most importantly) treats! Gentle, stress-free handling is a key part of our mission, so we respond to each musk oxen’s individual needs. Some animals will let us comb them for an hour, happily munching away on treats. Others are more skeptical and annoyed at the whole process, and might grace us with a whole five minutes of their presence to be combed.

Rather than force our animals to be combed any longer than they want to, we respect their comfort level and allow them to return to their pasture. This just means that they’ll have shorter, more frequent hair appointments in the barn! With around 80 musk oxen to comb, spring is a busy time for farm staff. They sleep, dream, eat qiviut. (Yes, quite literally eat it at times - that fiber gets everywhere!) All of the work that we do with our herd the rest of the year comes down to this one brief moment of fantastic fiber harvesting.

So, what happens to all of that beautiful fluff? Some of it is offered as raw for our brave spinning friends out there. The rest is processed into pure or blended qiviut yarn or made into a variety of wonderfully soft, warm garments for all of you to enjoy. You can find our qiviut offerings in our gift shop or online! Stop on by to see us, or better yet, schedule a tour while you’re at it! That way, you can personally thank our musk oxen for giving us the gift of their luxurious underwool.

IN STORE: 10AM - 5PM, 7 Days/Week
TOURS: By reservation on the hour, 10AM - 5PM. Book ahead online at or call 907-745-4151.

Report Finds Alaska Has Most Progressive School Funding: But is it Successful?  

Contributed by Sarah Montalbano, Alaska Policy Forum

Advocates of higher school spending often frame the problem as a no-brainer solution to assist struggling students. However, the school funding issue in Alaska is far more complicated… A recent report by the Education Law Center, titled “Making the Grade 2020”, reveals that Alaska already has the most progressive school funding in the nation. Progressivity in school funding means that high-poverty students and districts receive more money, per student, than students in low-poverty districts; this contrasts with regressive funding, in which low-poverty students would receive more per student. Instead of pouring even more money into high-poverty districts without any notable improvements in outcomes, funding students instead of systems would improve educational opportunities for students of all ages and income levels.   

The “Making the Grade 2020” report reveals that Alaska provides 73 percent more in per-pupil funding to high-poverty districts than to low-poverty districts. In other words, each student in a high-poverty district receives almost 1.75 times the amount that a student in a low-poverty district receives. According to the report, Alaska’s poverty rate of school-age children is 13 percent, which is lower than 30 other states. The second-most-progressive funding system exists in Utah, which provides 53 percent more in per-pupil funding to high-poverty districts than to low-poverty districts. 

The report also classifies Alaska as a “high effort” state, which means that Alaska spends a larger-than-average share of overall GDP to support PK-12 education. While Alaska’s average per-capita education spending is the sixth highest in the nation, standing at $16,689 per student in FY18, students in low-poverty districts do not receive this amount toward their education, and students in high-poverty districts receive more. 

Alaskan students face unique challenges, and per-capita education expenses may necessitate higher spending than in other states. However, Alaska’s education outcomes are dismal in comparison to other states that spend less overall and have less progressive spending to high-poverty districts. The map from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) shows that Alaska’s test scores in 2019 8th Grade Reading were significantly lower than 47 other states, with similar results for other grades and subjects. Shouldn’t students in high-poverty and low-poverty districts alike be seeing improved outcomes with increased funding?  

Though enhancing the education of students in high-poverty districts is a noble goal, and one worth pursuing, it would be better served by funding students directly. For being the most progressive ‘funder’ of education, student outcomes do not reflect that. It would be better to fund the students more directly because families rather than school boards know best what will work for them. If the tax dollars that would otherwise be funneled into bloated public schools and their administration were funding students rather than systems, every Alaskan student would have the opportunity to engage in education the way that works best for them. If the pandemic has had any positive aspects, it has shown that private schools, tutoring, online learning, micro-schools, homeschooling, or any combination are all valid options for students to gain an education that works best for them. 

Where Are We Headed?  

Contributed by Larry Wood

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, not an afterthought, not a resolution, the supreme law.

No local code, state statute, federal code or regulation supersedes the Constitution.

Government should serve, not dictate, and, yes, regulate; but always be subject to the limitations on government power in the Constitution. Government should never go beyond those limitations established in the Constitution.

Government should never violate the constitutional rights of the citizen under any circumstances.

Yet, the COVID-19 pandemic emergency response has done exactly that and gone far beyond the limitations upon government to the shock and dismay of most who understand that the Constitution limits government, not “We the People”.

Since the beginning of the pandemic response, the emergence of Marxist thought and goals have been open and blatant. The rise of Marxism is demonstrated by the cancel culture, the 1619 Project, critical race theory, open discrimination, the LGBTQ agenda and a two-tiered criminal justice system.

The rise of open Marxist ideology has come with a marked change in the Democrat Party. Where there was once negotiation, bipartisanship for common goals, and open discourse over the direction sought for the country, there is now absolutism and outrage against one’s sensibilities and values. Sit down and shut up, or else.

We now see this open intransigence in the attitudes, policies and conduct of school board members, city council members, and borough assembly members that mirror the attitude of Pelosi et al in Congress. It is almost as if they are reading from the same agenda.

The contempt for the opposition was no more apparent than in the Anchorage Assembly members outrageous comments and conduct since the imposition of the pandemic emergency by Governor Dunleavy in March 2020.

The rise and acceptance of the communist fronts of ANTIFA and BLM are troubling. This was demonstrated in the violent, destructive riots across 19 American cities in 2020 and the lack of response by government. Riots that had adequate funding, central planning, logistics, communications, and coordination - the piles of bricks, buses for transport, food, medical support and encrypted communications. There was nothing spontaneous about the riots then, or now.

Another communist shill has arisen in the Mothers for Social Justice, which is associated with BLM. Mat-Su Mothers for Social Justices is an Alaska iteration of this communist effort to overcome all opposition by whatever means is possible. Three out of six Palmer City Council members are purported to be members.

How does one tell a communist/Marxist? They lie. Truth is nowhere in the equation.

There is no respect for “We the People” on the part of many of our local elected officials. It is as if the Marxists holding elected office believe that they will not be replaced in 2022.

Worse, is the assault on our kids. Their opportunities are becoming more limited. They are being subjected to concepts that have nothing to do with education, but everything to do with the Marxist agenda to destroy the family and undermine the ideals that are this country.

Everyone forgets Marxism is a failed ideology and that communism requires a dictatorship of the proletariat--us. The globalist one world government is just another lie of many fostered over the years to enslave the weak and the gullible. There is no utopia at the end of the destruction, killing, and maiming that comes with every communist revolution. Under communism, there is no private ownership of property, and all are the subjects of the state, the state being supreme in all things.

God, morality, ethics, integrity are casualties of Marxist thought.

What did the Russian Revolution of 1917 bring? Tyranny, misery, and oppression. Russia starved, millions died as a result of the farmers’ lands being taken and turned into collectives. A bountiful nation went hungry. After WWII, that “success” was extended to Eastern Europe. Venezuela is the most recent example, and Zimbabwe before that.

Why are people listening to the lies?

Why do those voting for these ideologues want failure?

Where are we headed? 

Not to a communist utopia, because that has never existed and will never exist. The end game there is the tyranny of the many by a few.

There is hope, the Arizona audit of the November 3d election in Maricopa County reached another milestone. At least eight states have sent delegations, including Alaska, to observe the audit. Several state legislatures are now pushing for audits, including Georgia.

As more states stand down their emergency proclamations, more people are standing up against the cancel culture, critical race theory, the misrepresentation of history that is the 1619 Project and the LGBTQ agenda.

The Republican Party needs to get with the program and fight the war for this nation’s soul in earnest. The Alaska Republican Party needs to back local candidates at every level.

MAGA supporters need to get involved in the Republican Party by volunteering as precinct chairs and to support MAGA candidates.

If the Republican Party does not contest every elected office from the bottom up, we may very well be headed towards a kinetic civil war.

Kites of Many Colors  

Contributed by Wendy Brooker

We’re kites of many colors
rising, dancing in the sky
countless sizes, different shapes
swooping low and soaring high

Great bows of love and kindness
balance us when strong winds tug
sharing ties when those who care
hold our heart strings in a hug

Join Knik Museum As We Induct Photographer, Jeff Schultz, to the Mushers Hall of Fame!

Contributed by Robb Robbert, Wasilla-Knik Historical Society

Knik Museum Annual Picnic & Musher Induction
7/18/2021 – 1PM
Knik Museum
Mile 13.9 KGB, Wasilla
FREE Admission

The Knik Museum, Mile 13.9 KGB, is open. Wednesday – Sunday, 1:00pm - 6:00pm, from Memorial Day through the Sunday of Labor Day weekend.

Please join us for our annual picnic, musher induction and free admission day on Sunday, July 18th, from 1:00pm - 4:00pm. We will be inducting photographer, Jeff Schultz, into the Mushers Hall of Fame.

Valley Republican Women of Alaska June 17th Membership Meeting  

Contributed by Cathy Mosher, Janet Johnson & Julie Endle

Valley Republican Women of Alaska Membership Meeting
6/17/2021 – 7PM
Valley Republican Women of Alaska
Sunrise Grill
918 S Colony Way, Palmer
FREE Admission

Nicholas J Begich III will be our speaker this month. We will be meeting at the Sunrise Grill June 17th. It is good to get there around 6pm to order dinner and socialize, the meeting will begin at 7pm. He is a lifelong conservative and a Republican. Nick has held a variety of professional roles with the intent of growing opportunity through entrepreneurship.

We would like to thank all who attended our May 14th event, “Spring Forward to Freedom”, with our guest speaker Kelly Tshibaka, who is running against Senator Lisa Murkowski.

Our July 15th membership meeting will be on honoring our military veterans. It will be at Sunrise Grill, Palmer Alaska starting at 7pm. We hope you can make it. 

Our August 19th meeting will be at Sunrise Grill, Palmer Alaska, starting at 7pm.

We are having our Chili Cook-off on Saturday, September 18th at Palmer Depot. We are looking for chili cooks. The winner of the cook-off will receive a trophy with their name on it. The winner is picked by popular vote of the public. Do not forget to put it on your calendar! Hope to see you there.  

See us on our Facebook page: Valley Republican Women of Alaska and visit our webpage: 

Cathy Mosher
Paid for by VRWAK P. O. Box 876739 Wasilla AK. 99687

Caesar Sleeps

Contributed by Gene Kelly, 2017

Fame and fortune are sought by some with diligence and determination. Others are born to bear it and wonder why. They envy the enjoyment of privacy and anonymity that common folk take for granted. What would make me so content with commonality? Well, sleeping in the same bedroom as a giant in time did it.

First, it was walking through the same doorway as an emperor a century after he did, that set me to wondering. What made him so eccentric? He died some 60 years before I crossed his path, and I just unwittingly did so at the time. But little or nothing was unwitting, about where he went and what he did. It took a desk clerk in what I thought was a simple, antiquated, old dive hotel to wake me up to destiny.

I strolled nonchalantly into the lobby from the informal square, just inside Jaffa Gate, within the walls of Old Jerusalem. I had finished a contractual labor obligation in Saudi Arabia that had disconcerting details. For obvious reasons, my employer was not forthcoming in the recruitment process, about international criminal endeavors.

I had gradually become aware that I was an enabler, for gun running and bootlegging. Proffered wealth for becoming an insider motivated my exit. Being a wealthy insomniac would have put all my motives, from both altruism and self-interest into the tilt mode. I remembered my youthful days, shaking pinball machines into dysfunction. I wanted out and made an orderly exit by way of Egypt, a land of ancient fascinations. Going still and loitering in Cheops tomb, in the heart of his pyramid had rewards.

The whole journey was seat of the pants, my walking into a crossroad with destiny. There are no direct links between most Arab countries and Israel, so I traversed the Sinai Peninsula and entered Israel via Elat. The family feud between Abraham’s descendants endures as predicted, thousands of years ago. The two sides of the Semite coin, Jew and Arab were daily impacting my first foray in the Middle East; an excellent preparation for later time in Mesopotamia. They were giving me, an objective outside outlander, education that introduced me to the haunt of an emperor. Yes, it was a haunt by more than one definition.

When I asked the desk clerk for a room, it was all just a routine transaction until, after presenting my passport and money, she opened up about the setting we were in. She got a firm grip on my attention when she said, “Kaiser Wilhelm slept here. So did General Allenby.”

I was all ears and responded, “Do say on, please. I am fascinated.”

My brevity was rewarded when she continued, “This hotel was named “The New Imperial” when it was built in the mid 1890s. Kaiser Wilhelm stayed here during his diplomatic tour of the Turkish Empire, when it was only two years old.”

I urged her, “Do tell me more. So, I am on the heels of an emperor?”

To my delight she continued, “That big gap in the wall beside Jaffa Gate was made, so he could enter the city on horseback as he had requested.”

I wondered aloud, “So, why didn’t he just come through the gate? It would have saved the effort of tearing down part of the wall.”

And then I got a taste of the bizarre finer points of diplomacy, “Oh no, the Turks wanted to continue good relations with the emperor, so they took steps to grant his request to enter the city on horseback. But in diplomatic protocol of the time, entering through a gate astride a horse was a conqueror’s entrance, and they denied him that. But they did honor his request to the letter.”

I was amused. So the Kaiser, German for Caesar, was thwarted from the appearance of conquest that would have been troubling for other potentates like the Russian Czar, another bearer of the distinguished title, Caesar. How Julius would have been amazed that his name would come down in time two thousand years, and still cause semantic competition and contention. He didn’t end like the English bard scripted, “Et tu, Brute?”

I thanked the clerk for her service, and made it clear I was grateful for her educating me. Over the course of the week I resided there, I bothered the staff, until I was rotated into the suite that the German Caesar had occupied. There I slept where the eldest grandson of Queen Victoria, ruler of the British Empire and Empress of India had slept. There I a common enough globe trotter, true to the wanderlust of my Viking ancestors, resided within the same walls as an emperor for the same purpose, a place to sleep.

Since Wilhelm was born a royal and married a royal, he certainly never knew the relaxed commonality I know. And should I pity him for the constant public expectations he was all his life subjected to? He was noted for being difficult, and came off as eccentric on occasion and why not? He wasn’t asked if he wanted to run an empire. His relatives were rulers of multiple empires competing with his. The entire world had an interest, in what could never be just his domestic concerns. How unbearable it must have been on occasion.

Other complexities were imposed on Wilhelm. During his complicated delivery, the doctor damaged his left arm, leaving it stunted and virtually dysfunctional. The leader of the Second German Reich was handicapped, during the nineteenth century naturalist debate over eugenics. That discussion would in time wreak a nightmare of industrialized murder, during the National Socialist Third Reich. The acronym “Nazi” would aid the Soviet propaganda assignment as a right wing identifier, exactly the opposite of its origin. Orwell was right. After his abdication at the close of WWI, Wilhelm went into exile in the Netherlands. He died in 1941.

On two separate mornings, as I came out of sleep in the modern Caesar’s bedchamber, I heard unearthly hellish howling, on the border of sleep and wakefulness. There in Jerusalem, the capitol of Judaism, across the square from what is guessed to be the remains of Herod’s Palace, a window in time and place contradicting naturalism opened for me, a common fellow but also an uncommon Mr. Mystic. Yes, Julius and Wilhelm both sleep now, and I am left to wonder, how they reckoned themselves when awake, in the world around them.

Palmer Museum of History & Art’s Photo of the Month: Attempts To Tame A River  

Contributed by Richard Estelle, Palmer Museum of History & Art

Many of Alaska’s glacier-fed rivers meander widely across broad floodplains from year to year, their channels shaping the landscape. When those channels flow in the middle of the floodplain, we often give them little notice. But when the fast-moving water flows next to the riverbank, it often causes effects that catch our attention. Sometimes large areas of land are eroded and carried away, along with whatever forest, crops or buildings existed on the land.

The Matanuska River is a fairly typical, geologically young, glacial-fed Alaska river. Where not constrained by adjacent mountains, its waters spread out in many braided channels and from time to time, erode the floodplain banks.

As people have settled in the Matanuska River valley, some of the lands near the river have become highly valuable for growing crops, locating roads and other infrastructure, and for building desirable homes. When the river threatens these valuable lands, we often make attempts to intervene and cause the water to flow elsewhere. 

This month’s photo comes from the Museum’s Soil Conservation Service collection showing old car bodies and drift logs cabled together on the Matanuska Riverbed in an attempt to deflect the river’s flow away from land near Bodenberg Butte. Significant bank erosion had been occurring for several years and threatening several homes and farm fields, so the structure shown was hoped to be a solution. Such attempts have often had limited success in thwarting the dynamic hydrological power of rivers in such situations. This effort would appear to be no more successful than most as fields and homes that were once near the riverbank in that location at the time are now gone. Little evidence of this 1957 attempt remains today some 64 years later.

Wasilla Noon Rotary Gives Out $22,000 in Scholarships!

Nicole Bell, $2000 Service Above Self Scholarship Winner

Nicole Bell, $2000 Service Above Self Scholarship Winner

Contributed by Michelle Overstreet, Wasilla Noon Rotary Club

The Wasilla Noon Rotary would like to invite the community to join in congratulating eight high school senior scholarship winners in both “Leadership” and “Service Above Self” categories to assist students in pursuing their higher education goals. A total of $22,000 was distributed to the winners from across the Valley.

Funds to support the scholarships were raised at the 2020 Rotary Uncorked event. The event grossed over $100,000 and allowed the Wasilla Noon Rotary to provide the largest scholarship distribution ever to high school graduates. Funds also support MY House programs for homeless youth. Thank you to everyone who donates, attends and participated in Uncorked - your support is life changing for the youth in our community!

North Brubaker, $2,000 Service Above Self Scholarship Winner

North Brubaker, $2,000 Service Above Self Scholarship Winner

Special shout-out to The People’s Paper, an annual supporter of Uncorked and MY House homeless youth programs, and to the rotarians who so generously give of their time and talent to make the scholarships and the event happen.

This year, eight scholarships were awarded to the following winners:

In the Leadership category:
Margaret Ludwig, $4,000
Leigha Peace, $3,000
Jillian Holland, $2,000
Elena Jones, $2,000

In the Service Above Self category:
Hailey Olson, $4,000
Kayla Kyrisch, $3,000
North Brubaker, $2,000
Nicole Bell, $2,000

WASI 2021 Miles for Meals on Wheels 5K  

Contributed by Carol Rice, Wasilla Area Seniors, Inc.

Mary Sears

Mary Sears

WASI 2021 Miles for Meals on Wheels 5K
Wasilla Ares Seniors, Inc.
1301 S. Century Cir. Wasilla
FREE Admission, Fundraiser

As we all are struggling to figure out how to return to a sense of normalcy post pandemic, the Wasilla Ares Seniors, Inc. (affectionately known as WASI) is taking the proverbial “bull by the horns” stance and reaching out to the community for support as the burgeoning Mat-Su Valley Senior population continues to grow more than anywhere else in the State of Alaska,

So-o-o, on Saturday, June 26th, WASI once again is donning comfortable footwear to run, walk or roll in their biggest annual fundraising event of the year, at the Wasilla Senior Center Campus: The 2021 Miles for Meals on Wheels Event!

The Century Circle starting line is in front of WASI's gazebo and goes to the Minnetonka Road up KGB Road's bike path and back (a distance of 3.10 miles total). It can be run, or walked at your preferred pace, or wheeled in either your wheelchair, or bicycle, (yes, including 3-wheelers) in whichever category you are qualified. Water stations are along the route and safety measures will be in place in case of any mishaps. A welcome change from the past year of inactivity and isolation. Time to get those neglected vital muscles back in shape and/or socialize for a worthy cause. The goal is to raise $75,000 for our Meals on Wheels program, “Together we can deliver.”

I have watched over the past five years as all this bustling and enthusiasm has annually taken place and have been amazed at how this whole event evolved, up to my retirement from volunteering last spring. However, as a lifetime member of WASI and advocate of all the wonderful things that the leadership and staff provide for the Senior community in the Valley; (including the new building on WASI's campus soon to open offering new much in demand senior housing *see WASI's Website for more details) it is enough to give a person hope for the future in such precarious times!

There will be the usual 100 to 120 participants of all ages and categories at the Miles 4 Meals event, all determined to compete, have fun and embrace being supportive of the senior generation of Alaskan past contributors.



One of these participants, 53-year-old Mathew Hoffman, not yet a senior, “Matt” as he likes to be called, has “no ankle” due to a devastating fall he took 14 years ago where having his whole foot structure demolished, had three spinal surgeries and six reconstructive surgeries on his left leg and foot. A rod connecting his knee to his foot apparatus was installed, allowing Matt to appear whole, with severely limited walking capabilities. In Matt's words, he is determined, “Coming from a family of veterans of World War II and the Korean War to continue to give back to veterans, homebound seniors and the disabled, receiving daily hot meals delivered to their homes.” He exercises daily preparing for the upcoming event and has a smile on his face in anticipation. Matt has collected over $400+ from sponsors supporting his efforts. “This will be my last time participating, I think; but I'm so proud I can help.” he says.

Another individual crucial in the development of WASI from the beginning, beloved Mary Sears, finally recovered after grueling surgeries that she has only just recently come back from “the brink” and is again, not unlike Matt, dedicated to investing in the Mission of WASI. There are many people like Matt and Mary who make a commitment every year to be part of this event and help fundraise to help end senior hunger in the Mat-Su Valley.

Remember that you can do the race virtually in your space between now and the 26th, or you can join us here at WASI on Saturday the 26th. So, put on your tennis shoes, register and join us for our 2021 Miles for Meals on Wheels 5K. Register online at or stop by our office at 1301 S. Century Circle, Wasilla. If you have any questions call Marlene at 376-3104.

Mat-Su Health Foundation & Connect Mat-Su Now Open to the Public  

Contributed by Robin Minard, Mat-Su Health Foundation Chief Communications Officer

The Mat-Su Health Foundation (MSHF) and its community resource network, Connect Mat-Su, are once again open to the public. The physical location at 777 N. Crusey St. in Wasilla closed in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but services were still provided via telephone and online. Lower coronavirus case rates in Mat-Su coupled with the availability and effectiveness of vaccines allowed reopening as an important step in making it easier for Mat-Su residents to access the assistance and resources they need to live healthy lives. 

The Mat-Su Health Foundation building is open Monday – Friday, from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Some tenants in the building have reopened as well, while others are offering services in alternative ways or requiring appointments. Consumers are advised to check with individual service providers to learn their status.

About Mat-Su Health Foundation: Mat-Su Health Foundation (MSHF) is the official business name of Valley Hospital Association, Inc., which shares ownership in Mat-Su Regional Medical Center. In this capacity, MSHF board members and representatives actively participate in the governance of Mat-Su’s community hospital to protect the community’s interest in this important healthcare institution. The MSHF mission is to improve the health and wellness of Alaskans living in the Mat-Su and the tools it uses include grantmaking, convening of local partners, and policy change. The foundation’s work has resulted in significant improvements in systems that support the health of Mat-Su residents in areas such as behavioral health, child welfare, crisis response, community connections, workforce development, transportation, housing, and senior services. More information is available at

Robin Minard, Chief Communications Officer
(907) 250-6445

MatSu Food Bank’s FOOD4KIDS Program is Back!  

Contributed by Lauralynn Robison, MatSu Food Bank Board member

Summer in the Mat-Su Valley is in full swing… This means a lot of families and children are out enjoying much needed play time in our local parks. The MatSu Food Bank provides a wonderful program for the children in our Valley, FOOD4KIDS. So far this summer, we have been providing nutritional lunches for hundreds of children every week. Good nutrition is a building block for proper development that strengthens the immune system, enhances cognitive and physical development, and increases concentration in school. Children who do not get the foods and nutrients necessary to maintain proper nutrition are denied all these benefits. At FOOD4KIDS, we believe in the power of food to change a child's life! FOOD4KIDS was designed to provide nutritional meals for the children in our Valley, during the summer months, while they are engaging outside with exercise and activities and it’s FREE!

FOOD4KIDS began this summer on May 24th and will continue to run through August 12th, is available Monday through Friday at (2) parks, Newcomb Park (11:30am-1pm), Wonderland Park (12pm-1:30pm) and at the MatSu Food Pantry (10am-1pm). If you are out with your children, getting some recreation time, stop by and collect a nutritional lunch. Our wonderful volunteers are available at all three (3) locations to help you get lunches for your children.

Our motto is “No One Should God Hungry”. We look forward to seeing you. Have a fabulous summer and be safe.


Contributed by Wes Keller

Alaska’s healthcare system is amazing. I can vouch for almost ‘magical’ healthcare innovations, which likely expanded my life. Most recently, I found myself at the door of the Alaska Heart and Vascular Institute asking for help. I cannot over-state the 5-star review. Nobody could make surgery fun; but within one editorial cycle, I am on my feet with good reason to believe I will be catching salmon when they get here in July - far better than anticipated! This was not my first rodeo with a critical, expensive, health crisis. Twenty plus years ago, I learned first-hand about Alaska’s oncology care when they applied the then-latest cures to change a traditionally incurable, 5-year prognosis into an unexpected remission. I give a shout-out to the army of health care providers who give of themselves to serve other people, to alleviate pain and suffering. Thank you!

I wish I felt as optimistic about the health of Alaska’s healthcare system as I do my own health, I admit I do not! I happen to have a long history of being deeply engaged in Alaska healthcare politics, serving numerous years in legislative health committees and the Alaska Health Commission. I’ve had the privilege of working with “giants” of virtue and intellect and watched their recommendations ignored and over-ruled. I have seen the gross underbelly of human nature (greed and self-interest) evident within our healthcare system, just as it is evident in every human institution in a republic! It may not be worse (or better) than other human institutions, but the solution/prevention is always the same - grass roots sincerity.

Clearly, our society is a much nicer place to be when people choose to serve others. Our “happiness” depends a lot on the efforts of health care providers, policeman, preachers, teachers, soldiers, Dads, Moms, and every individual who has decided to make the world a better place by devoting to these and other occupations/roles. Government is intentionally sidelined here! Choosing to serve others, to love sacrificially, to forgive, or extend mercy are all religious decisions, which our government was forever banned from - authoritative establishment of religion, in other words, government enslavement! Our founders were phenomenal! They did a very good job of putting us all “at the mercy” of what they called “Divine Providence”. We now go to extremes to ensure each person’s religious freedom. In the big picture, I am convinced the People in America have historically demonstrated selfless compassion and commitment to serve others — the evidence being our world-wide model institutions. The “golden rule” has been venerated in America unlike any other nation. The “golden rule” is arguably globally accepted as the universal apex of human morality.

Review and adjust your world view as you see fit. Our society depends on it. As goes the consensus of “We the People”, so goes the nation and our great institutions. Unexpected sickness can make us tougher - or it can destroy us when we deliberately avoid obvious conclusions. American Constitutionalism bet everything the majority would make the right choices. Neither this editorial, nor any public-school teacher or professor, has any right to judge you or coerce you on your religious decisions! My best advice to you: Seek out whoever has demonstrated care for you and listen carefully before you make up your own mind on any sectarian or denominational question.

There is no formula to ensure a ‘godly’ human institution! The best blueprint was laid out in our American Constitution with its complex and inefficient systems of checks and balances. The primary goal of our government was to ensure freedom, life, liberty, and expression of truthful data. Perhaps our modern erosion of checks and balances denies the darker side of human reality and risks far more than we thought! Even this erosion could be insignificant in the face of a truly “righteous” voting majority - “righteous” being what the founders based called “Nature’s Law”. The health care system that has just served me so very well, is admittedly the product of a confusing mixture of capitalism, government, corporate and individual greed and religious values (love, forgiveness, mercy, joy, peace, kindness, self-control, etc.). These ingredients have been mixed over time.