WASI 2021 Miles for Meals on Wheels 5K  

Contributed by Carol Rice, Wasilla Area Seniors, Inc.

Mary Sears

Mary Sears

WASI 2021 Miles for Meals on Wheels 5K
Wasilla Ares Seniors, Inc.
1301 S. Century Cir. Wasilla
FREE Admission, Fundraiser

As we all are struggling to figure out how to return to a sense of normalcy post pandemic, the Wasilla Ares Seniors, Inc. (affectionately known as WASI) is taking the proverbial “bull by the horns” stance and reaching out to the community for support as the burgeoning Mat-Su Valley Senior population continues to grow more than anywhere else in the State of Alaska,

So-o-o, on Saturday, June 26th, WASI once again is donning comfortable footwear to run, walk or roll in their biggest annual fundraising event of the year, at the Wasilla Senior Center Campus: The 2021 Miles for Meals on Wheels Event!

The Century Circle starting line is in front of WASI's gazebo and goes to the Minnetonka Road up KGB Road's bike path and back (a distance of 3.10 miles total). It can be run, or walked at your preferred pace, or wheeled in either your wheelchair, or bicycle, (yes, including 3-wheelers) in whichever category you are qualified. Water stations are along the route and safety measures will be in place in case of any mishaps. A welcome change from the past year of inactivity and isolation. Time to get those neglected vital muscles back in shape and/or socialize for a worthy cause. The goal is to raise $75,000 for our Meals on Wheels program, “Together we can deliver.”

I have watched over the past five years as all this bustling and enthusiasm has annually taken place and have been amazed at how this whole event evolved, up to my retirement from volunteering last spring. However, as a lifetime member of WASI and advocate of all the wonderful things that the leadership and staff provide for the Senior community in the Valley; (including the new building on WASI's campus soon to open offering new much in demand senior housing *see WASI's Website for more details) it is enough to give a person hope for the future in such precarious times!

There will be the usual 100 to 120 participants of all ages and categories at the Miles 4 Meals event, all determined to compete, have fun and embrace being supportive of the senior generation of Alaskan past contributors.



One of these participants, 53-year-old Mathew Hoffman, not yet a senior, “Matt” as he likes to be called, has “no ankle” due to a devastating fall he took 14 years ago where having his whole foot structure demolished, had three spinal surgeries and six reconstructive surgeries on his left leg and foot. A rod connecting his knee to his foot apparatus was installed, allowing Matt to appear whole, with severely limited walking capabilities. In Matt's words, he is determined, “Coming from a family of veterans of World War II and the Korean War to continue to give back to veterans, homebound seniors and the disabled, receiving daily hot meals delivered to their homes.” He exercises daily preparing for the upcoming event and has a smile on his face in anticipation. Matt has collected over $400+ from sponsors supporting his efforts. “This will be my last time participating, I think; but I'm so proud I can help.” he says.

Another individual crucial in the development of WASI from the beginning, beloved Mary Sears, finally recovered after grueling surgeries that she has only just recently come back from “the brink” and is again, not unlike Matt, dedicated to investing in the Mission of WASI. There are many people like Matt and Mary who make a commitment every year to be part of this event and help fundraise to help end senior hunger in the Mat-Su Valley.

Remember that you can do the race virtually in your space between now and the 26th, or you can join us here at WASI on Saturday the 26th. So, put on your tennis shoes, register and join us for our 2021 Miles for Meals on Wheels 5K. Register online at www.wasillaseniors.com or stop by our office at 1301 S. Century Circle, Wasilla. If you have any questions call Marlene at 376-3104.