Contributed by Larry Wood
The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, not an afterthought, not a resolution, the supreme law.
No local code, state statute, federal code or regulation supersedes the Constitution.
Government should serve, not dictate, and, yes, regulate; but always be subject to the limitations on government power in the Constitution. Government should never go beyond those limitations established in the Constitution.
Government should never violate the constitutional rights of the citizen under any circumstances.
Yet, the COVID-19 pandemic emergency response has done exactly that and gone far beyond the limitations upon government to the shock and dismay of most who understand that the Constitution limits government, not “We the People”.
Since the beginning of the pandemic response, the emergence of Marxist thought and goals have been open and blatant. The rise of Marxism is demonstrated by the cancel culture, the 1619 Project, critical race theory, open discrimination, the LGBTQ agenda and a two-tiered criminal justice system.
The rise of open Marxist ideology has come with a marked change in the Democrat Party. Where there was once negotiation, bipartisanship for common goals, and open discourse over the direction sought for the country, there is now absolutism and outrage against one’s sensibilities and values. Sit down and shut up, or else.
We now see this open intransigence in the attitudes, policies and conduct of school board members, city council members, and borough assembly members that mirror the attitude of Pelosi et al in Congress. It is almost as if they are reading from the same agenda.
The contempt for the opposition was no more apparent than in the Anchorage Assembly members outrageous comments and conduct since the imposition of the pandemic emergency by Governor Dunleavy in March 2020.
The rise and acceptance of the communist fronts of ANTIFA and BLM are troubling. This was demonstrated in the violent, destructive riots across 19 American cities in 2020 and the lack of response by government. Riots that had adequate funding, central planning, logistics, communications, and coordination - the piles of bricks, buses for transport, food, medical support and encrypted communications. There was nothing spontaneous about the riots then, or now.
Another communist shill has arisen in the Mothers for Social Justice, which is associated with BLM. Mat-Su Mothers for Social Justices is an Alaska iteration of this communist effort to overcome all opposition by whatever means is possible. Three out of six Palmer City Council members are purported to be members.
How does one tell a communist/Marxist? They lie. Truth is nowhere in the equation.
There is no respect for “We the People” on the part of many of our local elected officials. It is as if the Marxists holding elected office believe that they will not be replaced in 2022.
Worse, is the assault on our kids. Their opportunities are becoming more limited. They are being subjected to concepts that have nothing to do with education, but everything to do with the Marxist agenda to destroy the family and undermine the ideals that are this country.
Everyone forgets Marxism is a failed ideology and that communism requires a dictatorship of the proletariat--us. The globalist one world government is just another lie of many fostered over the years to enslave the weak and the gullible. There is no utopia at the end of the destruction, killing, and maiming that comes with every communist revolution. Under communism, there is no private ownership of property, and all are the subjects of the state, the state being supreme in all things.
God, morality, ethics, integrity are casualties of Marxist thought.
What did the Russian Revolution of 1917 bring? Tyranny, misery, and oppression. Russia starved, millions died as a result of the farmers’ lands being taken and turned into collectives. A bountiful nation went hungry. After WWII, that “success” was extended to Eastern Europe. Venezuela is the most recent example, and Zimbabwe before that.
Why are people listening to the lies?
Why do those voting for these ideologues want failure?
Where are we headed?
Not to a communist utopia, because that has never existed and will never exist. The end game there is the tyranny of the many by a few.
There is hope, the Arizona audit of the November 3d election in Maricopa County reached another milestone. At least eight states have sent delegations, including Alaska, to observe the audit. Several state legislatures are now pushing for audits, including Georgia.
As more states stand down their emergency proclamations, more people are standing up against the cancel culture, critical race theory, the misrepresentation of history that is the 1619 Project and the LGBTQ agenda.
The Republican Party needs to get with the program and fight the war for this nation’s soul in earnest. The Alaska Republican Party needs to back local candidates at every level.
MAGA supporters need to get involved in the Republican Party by volunteering as precinct chairs and to support MAGA candidates.
If the Republican Party does not contest every elected office from the bottom up, we may very well be headed towards a kinetic civil war.