SOA Becomes A Transgender Factory

Contributed by Larry Wood

As reported in the Alaska Watchman, the State of Alaska, by order of Governor Michael J. Dunleavy, has now signed up the state as a factory to finance the manufacture of faux females and males. These are individuals who suffer gender dysphoria, which may be a transitory and readily treatable condition that is not that uncommon in adolescence. (“Sexuality and Gender”, Lawrence S. Mayer, M.B., M.S., Ph.D. and Paul R. McHugh, M.D. The New Atlantis, (No. 50, Fall 2016))

The World Health Organization defines adolescence as the growth phase of puberty from 10 to 19 years of age.

Approximately 1.8% of adolescents in the U.S. identify as transgenders.

Puberty blockers are being given now to children as young as age 8, even though the “official” age limitation is 12 years of age. Girls have been given mastectomies at age 13 and testosterone as young as 8. The side effects of the puberty blockers are calcium leaching from the bones and infertility. Weakening of the skeletal structure can lead to osteoporosis and increase the potential for injury. Infertility will lead to further mental and physical duress.

The biological sex still does not change, males still have the X chromosome after surgery. Females do not gain an X chromosome as a result of surgery.

However, as disturbing as the idea of surgical mutilation of the individual in pursuit of an impossible goal is the unstated issue of “non-heterosexuals are 2-3 times more likely to have experienced childhood sexual abuse”. (“Sexuality and Gender”, Lawrence S. Mayer, M.B., M.S., Ph.D. and Paul R. McHugh, M.D. The New Atlantis, (No. 50, Fall 2016) p7)

A disturbing factor of transgenderism is the prevalence of suicide attempts in adults. 46% of trans men and 42% of trans women who responded to a study survey have attempted suicide. Cross-dressers who did not undergo sexual reassignment surgery and hormonal treatments had the lowest suicide attempt rate at 21%. 69% have experienced homelessness, over 50% have experienced violence, harassment or other discrimination. (“Suicide Attempts among Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Adults”, Ann P. Haas, Ph.D, Phillip L. Rogers, Ph.D, Jody L. Herman, Ph.D, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the Williams Institute, (Jan, 2014))

The point is, transgenderism does not appear to be a happy state of being.

Given the potential mental and physical harm to the individual, minors should be adults before making the decision to make an irrevocable decision to permanently change their sexual identity.

Further, the state has a fiscal imperative in ending state funding for this elective surgery. The surgery and hormonal treatments will increase the potential for self-harm and increase the likelihood of further injury. This will mean a continuing commitment by the state to ongoing medical care after surgery and hormone treatments for an individual who may not have had a voice in the decision as a child to effect an irrevocable change of sexual identity.

Recently, there was a study showing that pubertal suppression may be associated with lower suicidal rates in later life. The recommendation was for gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRHas) to be made available for transgender adolescents who want it. Which then begs the question of how young, and to what degree such a decision should be left to someone under the age of majority? There is apparently some degree of benefit in the treatment of certain illnesses that have nothing to do with gender dysphoria. (“Pubertal Suppressions for Transgender Youth and Risk of Suicidal Ideation”, Jack L. Turban, MD, MHS, ALM; Jeremi M. Carswell, MD, Alex S Keuroghlian, MD, MPH; Pediatrics (Feb., 2020))

One aspect of these studies that is never revealed, is the sexual orientation of the authors in many of these studies. If they are LGBTQ, they have a “self-interest” in an outcome that is beneficial to them. After all, LGBTQ is a biological dead end, new “meat” must be continually found or created through conditioning for acceptance of the acts and then sexual abuse. Sexual abuse may play a strong factor in motivating an individual’s acceptance of a sexual lifestyle that would otherwise be rejected. (“Sexuality and Gender”, Lawrence S. Mayer, M.B., M.S., Ph.D. and Paul R. McHugh, M.D. The New Atlantis, (No. 50, Fall 2016) p7)

Given the physical and mental issues associated with transgender “conversion”, a legislative bar to such irreversible treatment of adolescents prior to age 18 should be passed this coming special session. Further, state money should be barred any individual seeking such “conversion”, given the lack of resources available for those who are suffering from debilitating disease, the high rate of veteran suicides, and families suffering mental decline of a loved one.

The Legislature should be protecting minors from irreversible harm. If at age 18, they wish to follow through, fine. Let them. At their own expense. Public funds should never be used to support self-delusion. How is it that these people think that We the People are their piggy bank for them to use to do self-harm? This surgery does not erase the birth DNA, their sex is determined by biology and not by doctors playing God, or by wishful thinking.

This is my opinion, nothing more.