November 8, 2022: The 2022 Election

Contributed by Katherine Baker

This is a vitally important election for our country and for Alaska. Each state will be assessing the kind of leadership it requires and every voter will decide who best represents them. The voters of Alaska may very well give pause before giving their vote to Lisa Murkowski ever again. Can Alaskans be certain of what exactly Murkowski will do in Washington, DC? We can get a glimpse of what to expect based on her past ‘bouncing off the walls’ leadership style.

In January of 2021, Murkowski made what could be the worst political power play in recent memory. Murkowski threatened to change her political party and go Democrat. (Seriously, some Alaskans saw that as confirmation of what they already suspected). The Alaskan voters had been led to believe that they had elected a moderate Republican, as, for example, President Donald J. Trump is. Instead, after being elected as a senator from Alaskan by conservatives and expected to solidly and faithfully represent the state and its people, Murkowski wiped the bottom of her shoes all over their ballots. Murkowski had the rudeness (like her partner-in-crime, Liz Chaney) to side against her state and the people who elected her. Murkowski opted to side with (wait for it…) the radical, not a bit moderate or reasonable, hardcore, elitists extremist, the socialist fascists of the Democratic Party, the Biden-Harris-Pelosi-Schumer Show. What is that? No, really, what IS that? Would any true conservative, moderate or otherwise, pull such an erratic stunt? Reasonable minds all know the answer to that.

In the past, whenever Murkowski opposed the duly elected moderate Republican POTUS and/or her Republican colleagues in the Senate, she would loudly and proudly proclaim how she wasn’t up for re-election in 2020. She bragged about it, actually. That sounds suspiciously like the Democrat strategy of “the people have short memories”.

No politician can long stand without the support of the people UNLESS they can somehow control the outcome of the election and don’t have to represent the people or their state to get votes. Then the politician would have enormous power to do whatever they wanted.

The office of the President of the United States isn’t on the ballot in 2022. Plan on voting anyway. VOTE. Every voice matters. Every VOTE matters. Your VOTE matters. No matter who you decide to VOTE for, please VOTE. Participate in history-VOTE. The power of the people is in the ballot box. The politicians have forgotten how they represent the people, the voter, you! Remind them. VOTE.