Site Summit Bus Tours Set for August 7th & 21st  

Contributed by Doris Thomas, Friends of Nike Site Summit

Friends of Nike Site Summit is hosting morning and afternoon bus tours of Site Summit on Saturday, August 7th and Saturday, August 21st. Hiking tours of the former missile site in July and September have already been filled by those who had been on an advance notification list.

COMMUNITY - Site Summit Bus Tours Set for August 7th & 21st.jpg

The online registration link for all four tours is Those without internet access can reserve by calling (907) 929-9870 and making payment and reservation arrangements.

The tour price includes round-trip bus transportation to Site Summit from the Arctic Valley Lodge parking lot. Tour prices range from $55 for students 12-17, veterans and senior citizens, to $60 for adults. All participants must be at least 12 years of age. No infants in carriers are permitted.

Reservations are required no less than three days in advance.

Site Summit is culturally significant as the only one of eight Cold War-era Nike-Hercules missile sites in Alaska still standing. Tour participants will talk to veterans who were stationed at Site Summit, find out how the missiles were launched and learn about Alaska’s role in the Cold War.

About Friends of Nike Site Summit:
Friends of Nike Site Summit was formed by local volunteers in 2007 to advocate for the preservation of Site Summit. In 2009, it partnered with the U.S. Army (now JBER), the National Park Service, and State Historic Preservation Officer to preserve the historic mountaintop fortress overlooking Arctic Valley. FONSS' mission is to preserve and interpret the site for the education of current and future generations about the Cold War, and, by doing this, memorialize the millions of veterans who served during the Cold War. FONSS is a committee of the Alaska Association for Historic Preservation, and works in cooperation with JBER.

Doris Thomas
Public Relations Chairman
(907) 694-3570