PIST: Politically Incorrect Straight Talk

Contributed by Katherine Baker

China, the quiet, defiant, giant is no longer that quiet! China, after many, many years of effort, has obtained substantial muscle and influence in the USA. Influence in the USA means influence over Americans. (The federal government’s primary purpose in the USA is the nation’s security and the people’s safety). China’s influence, as well as China’s forceful aggression, has exponentially increased during this brief but perpetual agony of the people at the downward spiral of the USA orchestrated by the Biden-Harris Administration. It feels at times, as though the country is being led to slaughter. The radicals have done what they said they were going to do in the late 1960s and early 1970s - get inside the system. They’ve made it all the way to the tippy top of our system. It took them less than 30 years, until the day Bill Clinton became POTUS. Remember Bill Clinton’s questionable receipt of huge infusion s of cash from China donors? That alone, should ring alarm bells. Alinsky’s radicals are persistent AND serious. (See Saul D. Alinsky’s book, Rules For Radicals. It is a psychological warfare manual. His “jujitsu” is what we know today as “spin”. Alinsky, by the way, is one of Hillary’s heroes.

Back to China… It has not gone unnoticed that Swalwell, a representative from California is still in his swampy DC office despite having an unidentified, confirmed Chinese spy as his arm candy (or his handler?). Another California Congress person, Dianne Feinstein, a senator, is still in office despite having a Chinese spy as her chauffer for over twenty (20) years. Twenty (20) years and Feinstein never suspected a thing which is not representative of and does not currently describe the sentiment of the American people. Something is definitely amiss. The people have questions and want answers. Feinstein’s judgment is obviously questionable, and even more so for a United States Senator. I wonder if Feinstein even did a background check, especially since the average American struggles with constant background checks. Have they ‘spun’ racism to such a ridiculous extreme that it is now racist to conduct a background check on immigrants? (What if some enemy of the USA thinks of sneaking in some spies and/or terrorists? I’m thinking they would and that they have thought of doing just that and that they have done that repeatedly!!!) Yet Americans endure background checks for just about anything and everything, including purchases, licenses, rentals, jobs, education, etc. After all of that, there’s probably no resources remaining in the system to conduct background checks on immigrants-whether legal or illegal entry. (Again, the primary purpose of our federal government is the security of the nation and the safety of the people.

Voltaire said, “Common sense is not so common.” These are basic, yet wise words. (Some colleges have “safe places” for their adult students (18 and older) because of harsh reality words such as these. They are teaching their students how NOT to be equipped to face the harsh realities of life. They are being mind-controlled and behaviorally conditioned to be able to function ONLY in environments of continuous and constant praise. The exact opposite-a spin-of what most parents were expecting their children to be learning for all that money. (Once again, the primary function of the federal government is the security of the nation and the safety of the people.)

Without much of a stretch or one could argue, without any stretch at all, the actions and policies of the Biden-Harris-Pelosi-Schumer Show are helpful to the two primary communist countries-China and Russia. And so are, by extension, helpful also to China and Russia’s partners in crime, particularly North Korea and Iran as well as other communist countries and radical enemies of the USA, who are attempting to get spies and terrorists inside our country. I can think of a list of reasons “why”, but I suppose it depends on whether or not they, like communists everywhere, strongly believe communism is inevitable as the worldwide future form of governance and whether or not they have a will to power. For all these reasons, whatever is happening in California doesn’t look good.

The Pelosi political family dynasty has a firm, tight grip on California’s power regardless of Gavin Newsom’s shortcomings and his insatiable will to power, and will to more power and will to even more power. And then there’s his scorched earth policy for everyone else’s environment when he doesn’t get that power which he thinks he is entitled to have. No wonder Joe Biden is referred to as their Uncle Joe. The dynamics make it seem like one big, organized political crime family, just like communism does, just like communism IS. And per pattern they provide protection to their friends. They certainly seem to have sanctioned the hardcore left’s enthusiasm for burned cities, anarchy and violence in the streets. And so far, the Democrats are in lockstep with protecting criminals over and above law abiding citizens which, in effect, punishes the law abiding and rewards the criminal, another spin. (Dem policies such as open the prison doors and set them all free and also no cash bail required).

And Pelosi is forming a committee to investigate January 6th? Isn’t that like Communist China investigating COVID? If the Biden-Harris-Pelosi-Schumer Show have been representing China, instead of the people, that would certainly explain a lot regarding their outrageous out-of-touch with the American people policies. Okay, Okay, I don’t have confirmed confessional evidence. BUT I have something even more reliable. Confirmed repetitive patterns of their psychological warfare games; their spins, fake narratives and mass confusions, their coded language and their messaging through the media: on videotape, books, mags, TV shows, movies going all the way back to the 1930s. It is their coup tactics and strategies happening right before our eyes. Anybody with a little knowledge and awareness can see and hear it. It’s extremely repetitive which establishes patterns. They use what works and they use it over and over again. They want a guaranteed outcome-a sure thing result. All of this works well for them when no one is aware because they are invisible. (They hoped to stay invisible by making truth politically incorrect and by making their lies everyone’s lockstep ‘new reality’.) However, since they are not invisible but absolutely naked on the world stage, they have revealed their psycho-warfare game playing secrets and have revealed themselves for all to see. (If you missed it, some aspects and details can still be seen in news clips, newspapers, mags, books, and more, all going back decades). But nature in this world does not long tolerate perfection. They had polished their covert strategies and tactics. They had power because they were invisible, and no one saw their strategies and psycho-warfare game plays. They lost all that power simply by thinking they were still invisible, when in reality, they were completely naked. A con first cons their own self before they ever con anyone else. And that strategy is called “turning the tables”.

Here’s an example: No justice, no peace. We have heard it over and over again for decades. It works so they keep using it. It’s more of a communist strategy to usurp or a coup strategy than anything else. It’s an ultimatum-a strong arm tactic. It’s also a gloat and a message. Either they get their way or no one in this country will ever experience peace. But when they get their way, it’s never enough power, so there’s still no peace.

Here’s how their strategy works; First, justice is redefined as mob rule. That’s a constitutional violation.

Second, either the mob rules or no one gets any peace from their unreasonable noise, violence and demands. This involves additional constitutional violations. (Their point is to make the Constitution null and void. And if it can’t be enforced then it is basically null and void.)

Third, when they get their way, they’ve gained GROUND. They have a proverbial foot wedged in the door and that means they now have a little more power and access and control than before, over each and every American life. And with their foot wedged in the door, they keep pushing and pushing. And because they keep pushing and pushing, conflict is inevitable. It is conflict which is inevitable NOT worldwide communism. Worldwide communism is the psychopathic paradise longed for by criminals, thugs, socialist fascists, communists, etc. And they are the cause of that conflict, and they won’t stop. They now have incentive and momentum. Given enough time, an accumulative effect can be seen. They bring no peace. They have no peace to bring. Only more of the same sick strategies and games, frustrating and confusing the people and shaking the very foundation of our nation until it can no longer stand. These patterns have been evident for decades. These same patterns were and still are evident during and now, almost sixty (60) years after the JFK Assassination. How is this country, the United States of America still standing? These are working Communist propaganda strategies designed to usurp individuals, groups, workplaces, communities, states and eventually the targeted nation. These strategies confound and confuse, and these strategies assume and consume the people’s power. These strategies make it impossible to identify and determine who is who. It is management by confusion. It is absolutely psychological warfare. And it has accumulative adverse, even severe psychological effects on targeted individuals. Ask me how I know that. Clearly somebody developed these strategies and tactics.

No justice, no peace is essentially, at its core, the Communists telling us that until our nation falls, until we lose our freedom and independent thinking, until we get in lockstep, they will give us no peace.

Message received. The line is drawn. The sword is plunged.

The other giant, the reliant giant, the USA will stand. We will stand for our freedom. We will stand for our nation. The people will not be sold out by sleazy politicians. The people will determine the course of the United States of America. The people will not abandon this nation and our nation will not abandon the people. The nation and the people are one. There is no USA without the people. Our government functions with the consent of the governed-our government functions of, by and for the people. The people will decide the destiny of the USA. Message sent.