Respect for Tam Boeve

Contributed by Christian M. Hartley

I have the utmost respect for Tam Boeve in her role as the Borough Assembly representative for District 7, and hope that she will be re-elected to that seat.

District 7 is blessed with many qualified people who can run for the seat and serve the community. Like any organization that has an opening, we want the most qualified and most dedicated candidate to fill that role. When you vote for weak candidates, you end up with boondoggles and we all know how many of those we’ve had in the last decade. But did you notice that we haven’t had many since Tam Boeve was elected? Can you name one since 2018 when she was elected? Tam Boeve has been a voice of reason and a stalwart presence demanding equal treatment of all Borough residents for the same quality of services received by those in the core area.

Before she was elected, Tam Boeve was serving. During the Sockeye Wildfire, Tam Boeve was there. Rebuilding homes after the Sockeye Wildfire? Tam Boeve was there buying and donating supplies for the effort. Southcentral Floods, Tam Boeve was there. Montana Creek and Malaspina Fires, Tam Boeve was there. 

Since she was elected, she is still there every time. When public safety needed support to effect changes that many legacy representatives had rejected, Tam Boeve was there. Christmas floods in Willow, Tam Boeve was there. Southcentral Earthquake, Tam Boeve was there. McKinley Fire, Tam Boeve was there.  

And most importantly, she has been to every single meeting regarding the budget and listened to every minute of public testimony. 

A life of service to the people was the reason she was elected, and the fact that she continues to serve the community on top of her role on the Borough Assembly is the reason to re-elect her. She has kept her promises and not hidden from any of the hard questions thAt anybody has asked her. 

As taxpayers to the Borough coffers, we need someone who respects the costs of doing business along with the needs of planned growth. Tam Boeve understands both.

Christian M. Hartley