Contributed by Bill Brokaw
2020 is a year we’ll never forget. The arrival of the world-wide virus has changed our lives completely and forever.
Only God knows what the future holds. We have to rely on him to supply us with the wisdom to handle the huge changes necessary to survive. We are all very social beings. Physically, we have to distance ourselves from so many of our good friends and relatives.
This distancing is so difficult, since tradition has always allowed us to physically enjoy relationships with these folks we love. Since we are in the age of technology, communication via phone and computer
are possible and enjoyed, but not in the same way as is face to face.
Stay-at-home is now necessary! Our immediate home-bound families are the recipients of our stay-at-home actions and conversations. As the virus continues to grow, we have to grow in our adjustment to the actions and communication that are necessary for a healthy, stay-at-home existence.
May the arrival of the vaccine bring a change-back to our lives before the virus.
Written by Bill Brokaw who is located in room C37 of the Palmer Vets and Pioneers Home. 907-707-0927