Contributed by Andrew Brewer
The crisis facing the American Republic is not going to end with “a” political decision. Trump, at this hour, has not yet regained the Presidency, which is to be hoped; but even if he does, what can he do that he has not done already? Has he proved to be effective against the mandates and restrictions associated with a virus which the medical establishment refuses to treat? Instead we are told to implement measures, like masks and social distancing, which cannot work, except for their universal ability to shut down our way of life !
We are being killed by the policies of the CDC, the NIH, the AMA and the FDA, which are being mandated by our elected bodies, governors and mayors. How can they be doing this? The first answer is that the mainstream media is backing the overthrow of the American Republic. How we got to this point is another matter, but it is sufficient to note that it is so. This provides the cover and the narrative to proceed with the dismantling of America, as it occurs before our very eyes. This is what enables our politicians to act with impunity against our rights, our liberties, and our prosperity! The goal is to bring America to its knees…
If sufficient resistance can be mustered at the political level, the consolidated media could be busted up. In fact, it must be, or eventually the Global-Left takeover can only be forestalled. The relentless message of the networks, the Press, the magazines, and the News is writing the story we hear. That it is creating a false reality, a corruption of the Truth, somehow does not matter to them. Their goal dictates what they write, print, and say to a public that depends on them for information. This Goal is not the goal of America, but the transition into a New World, which will be dictated by the Big Money interests whom they serve.
If the people we elect to public office are beholden to these interests, and it’s apparent that they are, and not the good of America, its freedom, ideals and prosperity, then the scope of the problem is magnified, and the way forward more tenuous. The day when Teddy Roosevelt was able to bust up the Trusts was over a hundred years ago. That success needs to be duplicated on several levels, if we are to regain what is quickly fading away, our American Independence.
How long is it necessary to argue with the lies and foolishness that masquerades as good science? The hoax has gone on for way too long. We know what we are dealing with and how to cure it. How to deal with the onslaught of the New World Order is the greater problem, because the enemy operates within our own Country. Yes, the People will back the President. But does He have enough support within the Government itself to eradicate the Enemy within? That is the deadly game that is being played out before our eyes, while the mainstream media supports the downfall of our Nation.
The times are being called “unprecedented”. And indeed they are. With the perversion of the Truth, and the designs of the Global-Left being manifested throughout our Culture, the situation is tenuous at best. The Left vows not to allow a return to “normal”. The oppression of America is slated to persist until we are rendered into obedient servants of the New World Order. Mind and body-altering vaccinations are next! We are at the beginning of the reign of a worldwide terror! Let the word get out! American Patriots know what is happening and what is at stake. We will take action to preserve our Nation!