Another Must-See Insight

Everyone tells on their own self. Everyone. All we have to do is listen. Let’s do that. Let’s listen as they tell on themselves. Let’s listen to what they have been saying and try to apply it in the proper perspective-not by what we would mean by it but rather by what they mean by it. Everyone tells on their own self. Everyone. Follow the florescent trail… …

Mao Tse Tung, AKA Mao Zedong, AKA Chairman Mao-Founder of the Chinese Communist Party,  Father of the Chinese Revolution, led the Chinese Communist Party from 1935 until his death, Chairman of the People’s Republic of China 1949-1959.

“Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.”

(looks like the typical circular thinking we witness today comprised of ‘Spin’ and ‘blurring of the lines’)

Krospotkin-Russian Philosophical Anarchist

“Revolutions, we must remember, are always made by minorities.”

(Radical, hardcore Democrats desperately keep minority communities under their thumb and control for their own political elitists causes.)

Mao-We should support whatever the enemy opposes and oppose whatever the enemy supports.

(Sounds suspiciously like the political strategy of the radical Democrat Party when dealing with the Republicans).

Mao-“The enemy advances: we retreat.

          The enemy halts: we harass.

          The enemy tires: we attack.

          The enemy retreats: we pursue.”

(This looks like the daily political strategy of the Democrats against the Republicans).

Joseph Stalin-“The press is the only weapon with whose aid the Party everyday speaks to the working class in the language of the Party.”

(First-Communism ‘weaponizes’ the press!... into a media mob??  Second-Communism has its own coded language? A secret language of the Party?)   

George Orwell-“But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.” (Looks like the same circular thinking as Mao’s. ( Is the Party’s language used to mass mind control and mass mind condition the people? Can they Manchurian candidate people? The people want to know.)

Herbert Marcuse-“Many people are afraid of freedom. They are conditioned to be afraid of it.” (What? There IS such a thing as mind conditioning of the masses?)

Mao-“On the last analysis all the truths of Marxism can be summed up in one sentence: To rebel is justified.”  (Is this ‘why’ the radical hardcore leftist Democrats blame every city they set ablaze, every cop beaten &/or killed in the streets, every middle class business destroyed on (yes, wait for it) racism? Because Marxist ideology & philosophy says they MUST justify their atrocities?)

Raymond Aron-“The Christian opium makes the people passive, the Communist opium incites them to revolt.” (Spin, confusion, emotional button-pushing, and false hysterical narratives transforming the people into torch-bearing, pitchfork carrying robotic mobs.)

Leonid Ilyrich Brezhnev-“Communism is mankind’s tomorrow.” (A psychopathic paradise-worldwide communism-globalism-planned and played by communism for decades?)

Mao-“US  imperialism has not yet been overthrown and it has the atom bomb. I believe it will also be overthrown. It, too, is a paper tiger.” (Yah and Nietzsche said God was dead BUT it turns out that Nietzsche is).

Follow the florescent trail… …and nobody noticed any of this was happening on American soil? Who was protecting the People. Billions and billions (trillions?)of American tax dollars. What about now?- does anybody notice mass mind control and mass mind conditioning being perpetrated upon the American people now? It’s effective. And everyone has been affected by it. Everyone. It is the psychological warfare, the death game of Communism.