A Must-See Insight

The concert of the hardcore radical left continues on as they pursue housing protection

during this ongoing pandemic.  This, despite the fact, they invented these circumstances. It is their pattern to build & build & build on their falsehoods, exaggerations & twisted logic. Now everyone needs a third booster shot. (Anybody starting to think the vaccine may only give thirty (30) to ninety (90) days of actual protection. How many shots before it gives full protection and what is full protection-a year???)

                As they have done many times previously, they are redefining human rights as being something other than life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as outlined in our Constitution. They have recently declared housing is a human right. Not surprising, since they also call abortion a human right but clearly not the human right of the baby as that would be the ‘right to life’ as defined in our Constitution.  Housing is actually an ideological aspiration for all people, an absolute need, a necessity and is not a human right to be determined & distributed by the government.

                If housing is a right and our rights are recognized as bestowed upon us by God

-then housing as a human right makes the government and the radical hardcore leftist political class-God. And I know that’s not true. I also know what it is-Communism. It is a foreign ideology on American soil-Communism masquerading as humanitarianism. This is outrageous! The primary function of our federal government is to keep the people and the nation safe and secure from all enemies, domestic and foreign. Evidently that’s easier said than done. Maybe our federal govt can’t effectively protect our nation because of the radical hardcore left’s bait & switch altering of our collective reality. Perhaps the federal govt is overwhelmed with its newly defined role as ‘Nanny State’.

                Radical hardcore leftist (used as muscle by the elitist political class & puppet masters) redefine everything-they redefine rights, gender, humanitarianism, mathematics, cops, even Republican presidents. They redefine Americans and their society as their ‘mindless masses’ but the cowards would never say it to our faces as they prefer to hide and only come out in cities and states where their political elitists & puppet masters can protect them. Anybody notice that JFK was the last Democratic Law & Order President? Do the Dems know something we don’t? We are approaching sixty (60) years since that awful & tragic day which traumatized every American alive at the time. And then we had to watch it over & over, knowing every time it was shown, that there were those out there somewhere, feeling all euphoric with themselves and gloating. Are psychopaths really bold or just over-confident from the experience of nobody noticing them? ? ?

                Another coinky-dink, their insidious redefinition of everything, but in particular, human rights, is making our Constitution null & void and rendering it incapable of addressing their falsely invented & fake MODERN socialist-fascist/communist redefinition of this reality. This reality which they have altered, engineered & induced upon us all. They are promoting a helpless, dependent society who is not responsible for anything, in other words, a ‘Nanny State’. Since psychopaths assume no responsibility and/or blame for anything, even their own choices, deeds, & words, the psychopaths naturally assume that’s what we all want-and dangle that baited hook before us with their organized spin and orchestrated self-projection. Their self-projection is made all the more powerful by their organized group projection and constant repetition.

                It promotes a ‘Nanny State’, void of individualism, grit and determination. It promotes ‘safe places’ for our college grad leaders and the USA of tomorrow. It promotes & encourages no incentive, no personal ownership of land, housing, etc., except, of course, by the political elitist class and the puppet masters. It is a socialist-fascist/communist strategy and one aspect of the strategy is brainwashing the American people and psychologically conditioning us all (we are their inferior mindless masses!) into a dumb-down, non-thinking lockstep. Now we know the answer to the question that wouldn’t go away in the 60’s and 70’s. The question may well have been an attempt to ‘fish’ for information. Well, if it was, clearly the socialist fascist/communists found out the USA and the West knew nothing. The question was- How did Hitler get the entire nation of Germany, presumably comprised of many sane and moral people to go along with his evil atrocities. We didn’t forget the past. We never knew it. The question was never answered. And because of that, &  if for no other reason, the perpetrators have something to exploit-History is repeating.

                This is just another example of psychopathic humanitarianism. It is just another example of how these psychopaths, while pretending to help, are actually, although covertly, hurting us all. They have redefined themselves as humanitarians & the good guys. They have spun the cops and law enforcement as the bad guys and criminals. Every move in this ruthless, predatory game that the radical hardcore left makes has a similar hidden purpose-(we know it’s there and if we are diligent it can be found)-it always promotes (wait for it…) the socialist-fascist/communist agenda, instead of promoting American values unity. And it seeks to make null & void our precious heritage, our Constitution. It is a consistent, constant pattern and cannot occur to the degree which it has by chance. It is simply not possible. It happens excessively, an astronomically amount of times, & repeatedly. To mind control the masses they must use repetition. We see them every day as they busy themselves redefining and altering our collective external & personal internal environments and everything & everyone in it. That’s mind control. It is NOT progression, it is not forward thinking or moving forward or the natural evolution of culture. In the 80’s they said it was our country gaining more & more knowledge. That’s a difficult sell now in this dumbed down environment. It was an obvious “spin’. They have played this game way too long and they have provided us with a florescent trail. Recent history is filled to the brim with those kinds of ‘spins’. It is NOT the natural course of events. It is a staged course of events.  Someone is trying to put us all in chains- The Chains of Communism- while keeping us all busy with thinking it is the other side doing it.