1:19 7/24/21

Fell asleep she was alive. Woke up to reality. I have to wonder again, why? Yes, I know, it bring a tear to your eye. I have to wonder why again. A no good dad still lives. While my broken to pieces mother’s dead. Our relationship wasn’t very positive. Still have negative thoughts about her. But at least she wasn’t as much a money vacuum. That’s my “ father ”. Too many tears recently I cry. Thinking how it’s my fault she died. What’s a young man to do? I should just face the truth. It’s not my fault. I’m not gonna lie, we had a fight. I’m not proud. Dumb ass kid acting a moment he should. I know I was wrong. I’m sorry. One of the pieces of guilt I carry. But I gotta let it go. To continue character growth. I hope my dad knows one thing though. If you find yourself in the pit. It’s because you were a true piece of shit. Maybe I’ll see you there. Or hopefully I’ll be redeemed by then. To be honest, I’ve no hope for you. Took advantage of both your kids for finances. Never payed all child support. Funny how you wanted me aborted. But sins of lust and greed are quite powerful.

A Must-See Insight

The concert of the hardcore radical left continues on as they pursue housing protection

during this ongoing pandemic.  This, despite the fact, they invented these circumstances. It is their pattern to build & build & build on their falsehoods, exaggerations & twisted logic. Now everyone needs a third booster shot. (Anybody starting to think the vaccine may only give thirty (30) to ninety (90) days of actual protection. How many shots before it gives full protection and what is full protection-a year???)

                As they have done many times previously, they are redefining human rights as being something other than life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as outlined in our Constitution. They have recently declared housing is a human right. Not surprising, since they also call abortion a human right but clearly not the human right of the baby as that would be the ‘right to life’ as defined in our Constitution.  Housing is actually an ideological aspiration for all people, an absolute need, a necessity and is not a human right to be determined & distributed by the government.

                If housing is a right and our rights are recognized as bestowed upon us by God

-then housing as a human right makes the government and the radical hardcore leftist political class-God. And I know that’s not true. I also know what it is-Communism. It is a foreign ideology on American soil-Communism masquerading as humanitarianism. This is outrageous! The primary function of our federal government is to keep the people and the nation safe and secure from all enemies, domestic and foreign. Evidently that’s easier said than done. Maybe our federal govt can’t effectively protect our nation because of the radical hardcore left’s bait & switch altering of our collective reality. Perhaps the federal govt is overwhelmed with its newly defined role as ‘Nanny State’.

                Radical hardcore leftist (used as muscle by the elitist political class & puppet masters) redefine everything-they redefine rights, gender, humanitarianism, mathematics, cops, even Republican presidents. They redefine Americans and their society as their ‘mindless masses’ but the cowards would never say it to our faces as they prefer to hide and only come out in cities and states where their political elitists & puppet masters can protect them. Anybody notice that JFK was the last Democratic Law & Order President? Do the Dems know something we don’t? We are approaching sixty (60) years since that awful & tragic day which traumatized every American alive at the time. And then we had to watch it over & over, knowing every time it was shown, that there were those out there somewhere, feeling all euphoric with themselves and gloating. Are psychopaths really bold or just over-confident from the experience of nobody noticing them? ? ?

                Another coinky-dink, their insidious redefinition of everything, but in particular, human rights, is making our Constitution null & void and rendering it incapable of addressing their falsely invented & fake MODERN socialist-fascist/communist redefinition of this reality. This reality which they have altered, engineered & induced upon us all. They are promoting a helpless, dependent society who is not responsible for anything, in other words, a ‘Nanny State’. Since psychopaths assume no responsibility and/or blame for anything, even their own choices, deeds, & words, the psychopaths naturally assume that’s what we all want-and dangle that baited hook before us with their organized spin and orchestrated self-projection. Their self-projection is made all the more powerful by their organized group projection and constant repetition.

                It promotes a ‘Nanny State’, void of individualism, grit and determination. It promotes ‘safe places’ for our college grad leaders and the USA of tomorrow. It promotes & encourages no incentive, no personal ownership of land, housing, etc., except, of course, by the political elitist class and the puppet masters. It is a socialist-fascist/communist strategy and one aspect of the strategy is brainwashing the American people and psychologically conditioning us all (we are their inferior mindless masses!) into a dumb-down, non-thinking lockstep. Now we know the answer to the question that wouldn’t go away in the 60’s and 70’s. The question may well have been an attempt to ‘fish’ for information. Well, if it was, clearly the socialist fascist/communists found out the USA and the West knew nothing. The question was- How did Hitler get the entire nation of Germany, presumably comprised of many sane and moral people to go along with his evil atrocities. We didn’t forget the past. We never knew it. The question was never answered. And because of that, &  if for no other reason, the perpetrators have something to exploit-History is repeating.

                This is just another example of psychopathic humanitarianism. It is just another example of how these psychopaths, while pretending to help, are actually, although covertly, hurting us all. They have redefined themselves as humanitarians & the good guys. They have spun the cops and law enforcement as the bad guys and criminals. Every move in this ruthless, predatory game that the radical hardcore left makes has a similar hidden purpose-(we know it’s there and if we are diligent it can be found)-it always promotes (wait for it…) the socialist-fascist/communist agenda, instead of promoting American values unity. And it seeks to make null & void our precious heritage, our Constitution. It is a consistent, constant pattern and cannot occur to the degree which it has by chance. It is simply not possible. It happens excessively, an astronomically amount of times, & repeatedly. To mind control the masses they must use repetition. We see them every day as they busy themselves redefining and altering our collective external & personal internal environments and everything & everyone in it. That’s mind control. It is NOT progression, it is not forward thinking or moving forward or the natural evolution of culture. In the 80’s they said it was our country gaining more & more knowledge. That’s a difficult sell now in this dumbed down environment. It was an obvious “spin’. They have played this game way too long and they have provided us with a florescent trail. Recent history is filled to the brim with those kinds of ‘spins’. It is NOT the natural course of events. It is a staged course of events.  Someone is trying to put us all in chains- The Chains of Communism- while keeping us all busy with thinking it is the other side doing it.

Another Must-See Insight

Everyone tells on their own self. Everyone. All we have to do is listen. Let’s do that. Let’s listen as they tell on themselves. Let’s listen to what they have been saying and try to apply it in the proper perspective-not by what we would mean by it but rather by what they mean by it. Everyone tells on their own self. Everyone. Follow the florescent trail… …

Mao Tse Tung, AKA Mao Zedong, AKA Chairman Mao-Founder of the Chinese Communist Party,  Father of the Chinese Revolution, led the Chinese Communist Party from 1935 until his death, Chairman of the People’s Republic of China 1949-1959.

“Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.”

(looks like the typical circular thinking we witness today comprised of ‘Spin’ and ‘blurring of the lines’)

Krospotkin-Russian Philosophical Anarchist

“Revolutions, we must remember, are always made by minorities.”

(Radical, hardcore Democrats desperately keep minority communities under their thumb and control for their own political elitists causes.)

Mao-We should support whatever the enemy opposes and oppose whatever the enemy supports.

(Sounds suspiciously like the political strategy of the radical Democrat Party when dealing with the Republicans).

Mao-“The enemy advances: we retreat.

          The enemy halts: we harass.

          The enemy tires: we attack.

          The enemy retreats: we pursue.”

(This looks like the daily political strategy of the Democrats against the Republicans).

Joseph Stalin-“The press is the only weapon with whose aid the Party everyday speaks to the working class in the language of the Party.”

(First-Communism ‘weaponizes’ the press!... into a media mob??  Second-Communism has its own coded language? A secret language of the Party?)   

George Orwell-“But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.” (Looks like the same circular thinking as Mao’s. ( Is the Party’s language used to mass mind control and mass mind condition the people? Can they Manchurian candidate people? The people want to know.)

Herbert Marcuse-“Many people are afraid of freedom. They are conditioned to be afraid of it.” (What? There IS such a thing as mind conditioning of the masses?)

Mao-“On the last analysis all the truths of Marxism can be summed up in one sentence: To rebel is justified.”  (Is this ‘why’ the radical hardcore leftist Democrats blame every city they set ablaze, every cop beaten &/or killed in the streets, every middle class business destroyed on (yes, wait for it) racism? Because Marxist ideology & philosophy says they MUST justify their atrocities?)

Raymond Aron-“The Christian opium makes the people passive, the Communist opium incites them to revolt.” (Spin, confusion, emotional button-pushing, and false hysterical narratives transforming the people into torch-bearing, pitchfork carrying robotic mobs.)

Leonid Ilyrich Brezhnev-“Communism is mankind’s tomorrow.” (A psychopathic paradise-worldwide communism-globalism-planned and played by communism for decades?)

Mao-“US  imperialism has not yet been overthrown and it has the atom bomb. I believe it will also be overthrown. It, too, is a paper tiger.” (Yah and Nietzsche said God was dead BUT it turns out that Nietzsche is).

Follow the florescent trail… …and nobody noticed any of this was happening on American soil? Who was protecting the People. Billions and billions (trillions?)of American tax dollars. What about now?- does anybody notice mass mind control and mass mind conditioning being perpetrated upon the American people now? It’s effective. And everyone has been affected by it. Everyone. It is the psychological warfare, the death game of Communism.



The young are known as truth is unrecognized.

The uneducated are known as truth is unheard.

The ignorant are known as truth is denied.

The lawless are known as truth is manipulated.

The scholarly are known as truth is questioned.

The wise are known as truth is understood.

And the nations are known as truth is either

Feared or revered.



Manipulative charm,

of causes which harm,

the twisting of truth,

in a rhetoric of ethics.


Judgment errors,

a camouflage of cares,

when  special interest decide,

a demise of the wise.


Freedom disguised,

rights compromised,

liberty abused, vividly bruised,

Seduction of Destruction.


Contact: Carolyn Gray                  

Phone: 818.863.1077

Email: cgray@driveshops.com

Gretchen Geist: “My shop is the place customers come to for a family practitioner – for their car!”

Monrovia, CA (July 20, 2021) – Gretchen Geist didn’t start out in life with the goal of owning a repair shop but she knew she wanted to be her own boss. The entrepreneurial spirit has always run deep in her and Gretchen now feels the shop is on the right path to be the Nordstrom of repair shops in Wasilla, Alaska. That’s the goal and Diamond Plated Automotive is well on its way. 

Diamond Plated Automotive is less than one hour from Anchorage and located in the Matanuska Susitna Valley. Surrounded by beautiful lakes with year-round outdoor activities, it’s a great place to live and have a business. 

Gretchen and Keith bought the business in 2018. The shop had been open for 26 years as Mr. Lube. Gretchen and Keith believed it to be a good business to own in their community, so they jumped in. But it became apparent pretty quickly the business wasn’t all they had believed it to be. And the business model in place wasn’t up to Gretchen’s standards. It was a year of stress trying to fix a shop that needed a lot of fixing on every level: from the shop culture to marketing to staffing to the quality of repairs. With all the stress and never-ending drama from social media to employees the marriage suffered and Gretchen and Keith ended up divorcing.

This story has a great ending though. Gretchen took over sole ownership in 2020 and changed the name to move away from the old business to an all new much shinier success story. And Keith has never been more supportive. Gretchen is never shy to make sure everyone knows “Keith is my rock, he calls me out and builds me up, he has always been there ready for the fight!” Keith is one of the employee’s Gretchen credits with the success and survival through COVID, he is her greatest friend. But Diamond Plated is Gretchen’s ship to steer…her business to manage and own. 

Diamond Plated has three profit centers: lube, tires and general repair. Safety and quality are what the shop stands for. It’s achieved through strategic initiatives centered on training/education and customer advocacy. Each employee is provided industry training and 3 certifications are required to pass probation.

There was a point where Gretchen knew she needed help. After some exhaustive days and tear-filled nights, she reached out to a local repair shop owner and acquaintance and asked for guidance. That’s when she received the advice to talk to DRIVE. The friend put it simply and straightforward: “When DRIVE calls, answer the phone, be honest and do what they tell you to do and follow through with what they teach you.”

Gretchen is committed now to DRIVE and has taken each workshop twice. She is currently in the midst of her first Apprenticeship, and she recently traveled to another DRIVE shop and observed them in action for 7 days. One of the best things about working with DRIVE is developing trusted friendships with other shop owners. The networking with people that are going through similar situations is invaluable and a big reason for the success of Diamond Plated. Celebrating each other’s successes and encouraging each other with advice is a key factor for the turn-around at Gretchen’s shop.

Before DRIVE, a typical day at the shop was a “nightmare. I spun my wheels, I was demonstrative because I was so unhappy, controlling and failing in every way. With DRIVE I have found out ‘how to’. How to: hire/fire, coach not yell, budget and prioritize and ask questions. Gretchen says “DRIVE has allowed me to step back and ultimately be the owner of my business…the CEO of Diamond Plated. I now know what the numbers mean and how to look at them in a way to motivate improvement.” And the Marketing by DRIVE has been a life saver. “I’ve got a Master’s in Marketing but just couldn’t find the time to pay attention to it like a successful owner should.”

Asked what makes her the proudest, Gretchen says: “There are two things that make me the most humble and proud of my shop. I have learned to be humble in the mistakes I made, admitting when I am wrong and fully committing to improving myself as an owner every day.” The second is how she has built a great team, the true foundation of her business is the team who has been with her from the darkest days to their rise from the ashes. Gretchen feels confident in stepping away and knows that customers will be treated fairly with respect and a safe reliable car repair. “My team knows that customer service isn’t just something we say but is a core principle at the shop.”

A policy Gretchen put in place is the managing of Diamond Plated bills. “Having created some serious vendor bills our first year, I am now a proponent of weekly budgeting and payment. I do this as I feel I have a great deal of control by ensuring we do not have any debts building. Only debts that are shrinking!”

Diamond Plated Automotive uses BOLT ON TECHNOLOGY for the shop’s DVI. Gretchen and her team love the features that allow communication between her techs and advisor team and the ability to text her customers throughout their repairs. Plus “the ability to design our own inspections with ease or pull from other users’ inspections is incredible. We are working towards using every feature in our BOLT ON system. Right now, we use the inspections, texting/email and we all love that you can print Lube stickers from the tablets in the bays!”

“I would 100% recommend BOLT ON to any shop. No matter the issue they have always been there to help anyone at my shop immediately,” says Gretchen.

In addition to BOLT ON, for Gretchen, DRIVE has guided her to not just fix the shop but her life. “DRIVE is the best advice I have ever received. It’s been a life changer for me!”

Well done, Gretchen…we can’t wait to see your shop grow in the coming years.     

            # # #

If you would like more information about this topic, please call Carolyn Gray at 818.863.1077 or email cgray@driveshops.com


Governor Michael J. Dunleavy has all but abandoned his fiscal agenda that was marked by his 2019 firing of Donna Arduin by an e-mail from his then Chief of Staff (COS) Ben Stevens. Arduin’s sin seems to be that she was doing her job, serving as both the Administration face for difficult budget cuts and serving as the lightning rod for the governor in dealing with the backlash from the opposition to those cuts. 

Gov. Dunleavy has decided to compromise on the PFD issue, meaning no statutory PFD or repayment of what Walker took from Alaskans to grow government.

Gov. Dunleavy’s cuts since have been neither deep nor designed to promote dialogue with the Legislature.  The Legislature has his measure and largely ignores the governor.

Gov. Dunleavy’s leadership failures are his greatest weakness.  Dunleavy has adopted former Gov. Parnell’s retiring, lackluster presence by remaining in the background, and hiding rather than confronting the opposition or the problem.  It was the failure in leadership that cost Parnell his office.

We still have a failed education system in the Bush and elsewhere in Alaska where money continues to be poured into a bottomless pit that produces only failure.  

It should be noted that the state Senate failed to pass a measure to prevent Critical Race Theory in Alaska’s education curriculum.  Gov. Dunleavy is losing a chance to show leadership, by barring the Marxist agenda in our schools through an executive order.

Gov. Dunleavy managed to lose legislative support in 2019 when he turned his back on those legislators who supported his budget cuts and his attempt to hold a special session in Wasilla.  Those legislators who supported him paid egregiously for their support of this governor.  Dunleavy just walked away and let them swing in the wind.  They lost committee appointments and were sanctioned by former Sen. Cathy Giessel and Rep. Bryce Edgmon, the Senate and House leadership at the time.

Gov. Dunleavy’s support of mining seemed to be invested in dinners with Pebble’s Australian company pogues rather than working to restore 50 million acres of ANILCA lands to multiple use status for development in compliance with the Statehood Compact. Further, the state needs to enforce access across state and federal lands.

Gov. Dunleavy’s Bush law enforcement initiative ground to a halt with his firing of Amanda Price earlier this summer, the former commissioner of the Dept. of Public Safety (DPS).  Price was fired by an e-mail from Dunleavy’s latest COS, Randy Rualo.  It is my understanding that Price’s sin was a conflict with one of Dunleavy’s supporters within DPS. 

As part of the law enforcement initiative and to mitigate the collapse of the Army National Guard in the Bush, Dunlevy ordered MG Torrence Saxe to restore the Alaska State Defense Force as a state military police constabulary.  Dunleavy’s Dept. of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) refuses to accomplish his will.  He has what can only be termed open insubordination in his organized militia where his or, rather, Walker’s Alaska State Defense Force is concerned.  Even with an operations model, a training syllabus, 8 years of successful operational history (2001-2009), a mandate for the mission as a state military police constabulary under AS 26.05.070, and no cost to the state, the ASDF leadership has refused the order of the governor.  The law did not change in the intervening time that would bar the change in mission, but the ASDF and DMVA leadership became ‘woke’.  Part of that woke is a belief that the militia should not act in an armed capacity.  

This is an egregious failure, as Alaska is made less secure and Alaskans less safe.  In this, Gov. Dunleavy emulates former governors Parnell and Walker.   

Gov. Dunleavy’s conduct is reminiscent of Parnell’s failure regarding the collapse of the Army National Guard in the Bush and the illegalities that came to surface in 2014.  The Parnell Administration ignored drug running, misappropriation of government property, coercion of witnesses and whistleblowers, several rapes and the rape and murder of SSG Michele M. Clark.  The murder of SSG Clark was never solved.  However, according to the Duneavy Administration, everything is hunky dory at the DMVA.  Nothing to see here.  Given the insubordination of the leadership of the ASDF and the Commissioner/TAG, nothing could be further from the truth. 

An unelected doctor yarded this governor around during the COVID-19 response, thereby increasing the cost, damages, and harm to Alaskans and Alaska’s economy.  This governor let fear and conjecture do great harm that continues to this day. 

Every restaurant is closed in Seward, because of a labor shortage due to COVID-19 unemployment funds that pay people to stay home.

If Gov. Dunleavy chooses to run for reelection, he will stand or fall in the upcoming reelection based upon his defense of his record.  Given his failures, that defense should be interesting. 


Never have I felt such sorrow,

none of which I sought to borrow,

all my joys melt of tomorrow,

lately, lifeless, hopeless hollow.


Never have I knelt to anguish,

never just the must to vanquish,

in the dust I barely languished,

gone the sight of all the world.  


Shocked and worn and barely able,

this terror was no labeled fable,

now the nightmare must stop before,

all of life is gone, obscured.


Weary, dreadfully, leery of the dark,

Noticed I, myself, was marked,

on their phrases all life embarked,

until thwarted by my departed heart.

Hey Pavlov, What About the Cat?

The cat will not be hunted.

A cat stalked, salivates.

The confused dog, is spun, chasing its tail.

The cat chases YOU.


Every sound, every movement in the shadows,

slashed, shredded, snapped.

You think you hunt the cat,

but the cat hunts YOU.


The cat will not be hunted.

Perpetual cat and mouse game.

Any survival, highly improbable.

When the cat isn’t YOU.



Numbers explain,

everything plain,

logic attains,

calculated gains,

even the humane.

Let's Give'em Inflation to Talk About 850

Greetings, Fellow Alaskans-

This is Huhnkie Lee, running for 2022 US Senate as an independent Alaskan.  The nation is experiencing inflations.  Let’s analyze the causes of the inflation problems and come up with solutions, shall we?

First, gas price has risen.  President Biden is a loyal Democrat and he obeys liberalistic agenda of anti-fossil-fuel-ism, an outshoot of anti-climate-change-ism.  So he and his people halted new oil and gas exploration, including ANWR Oil in Alaska.  Shortage of supply of oil/gas drives up the price, as the demand for oil/gas has not decreased.  It’s plain vanilla demand-supply law in economics.  Don’t they have economists in the White House?

Democrats fantasize about a day when oil/gas is replaced by solar/wind power, and all that electric vehicle concepts.  That day might come, though this author is skeptical about it, who knows, but even if that day does come, it won’t come soon enough.  At least for a long while, the world will continue to depend on fossil fuel.  Biden administration’s blockage of oil/gas smells like ideological activism to me. 

Since Covid of 2020, Trump/Biden administrations have been locking down businesses, shutting down economies, decreasing production level, decreasing the nation’s economic activities.  Then they printed out and handed out more and more Covid money to Americans.  One way to understand what inflation is the following equation:

                                Price = (Amount of Money) / (Amount of Products)

Let’s say, one Mr. Adam is stranded in a lonely island.  There is only one apple in the island and Adam has only one dollar bill.  Then the apple’s price would be one dollar.  Say, the apple tree applies its diligence and increase its production level to produce two apples instead of one.  Because there is only one dollar circulating in the lonely island, the apple price now would be 0.5 dollar, or 50 cents.  This is a deflation situation. 

Next, say, the apple tree produces only one apple, maintaining the same production level as the original scenario.  But Adam got greedy and he prints out one more dollar bill and now he has two dollars.  Then the apple price will be now 2 dollars.  Why?  It’s because the printing of more money dilutes the currency value and because there is no increase in apple production.  Adam is getting only one apple as before, but now it’s costing him two dollars to pay to the apple tree.  As we can see, printing out more money creates economic inefficiency, as Adam has to carry two dollar bills instead of one dollar bill, in order to by the same one apple.  This is an inflation situation.

What if the apple tree decides to decrease its production level and produces only half an apple, and Adam prints out another dollar bill out of ever avarice?  

                                Price = 3 / 0.5 = 6

Now the apple price is whooping 6 dollars.  That’s what’s going on in America right now.  During 2020 Covid, production level decreased, but Trump/Biden administrations handed out Covid money like cheap bubble gums. 

Not only that, Trump/Biden administrations further decreased production level by blocking Latin American contract workers who would have legally worked in American farms.  Trump/Biden administrations antagonized China and imposed tariffs or blocked imports, decreasing the amount of affordable consumer goods, driving up the prices.  Trump/Biden administrations also brought back car manufacturing jobs from Mexico where labor cost is low, back to America where labor cost is high, driving up the car prices.

Then what’s the solution?  The solution is to increase production level, increase the supply of goods and services.  We need to break the lock and chain of hindering ideologies, in order to unlock the door to progress and prosperity.  I apologize if I’m being boring and repetitive, but yes, I’m talking about Pebble Mine and ANWR Oil.  To keep a nation’s economy healthy, we need to produce products that sell, products that are useful. 

Some DC politicians, like Trump/Biden, are not very creative people.  They talk about 1-trillion-dollar infrastructure plan.  What are they gonna do with all that money?  Demolish a fully functional building and erect a new building, for the benefit of a greener planet?  Such activity does not create any values and would be a waste of money and time and labor.

Another reason why inflation is bad is that inflation hurts the poor.  Democrats want to help the poor but they’re not quite helping.  Biden administration blocks ANWR Oil and gas price goes up.  Then how can minimum wage workers drive to work when they can’t afford the gasoline for their cars?  What, will Biden administration hand out free electric vehicles to all minimum wage workers in America?  See, it just doesn’t work.

How about Pebble Mine?  Some worry about water pollution and salmon death.  Do you know how bathroom flush water gets filtered?  They use centrifugal filter to separate human waste and water and cleaned water goes back to stream.  Mining waste water can be cleaned the same way.  And mining solid waste can be used to build roads.  More on that issue, please see our Pro-Pebble Paper Volume 2:



PIST-Politically Incorrect Straight Talk

Pausing and Pondering

                Remember when the radical hardcore left propaganda was –‘military intelligence is an oxymoron’? They were talking about the United States Military. Everybody in this country was exposed to this noise narrative and it was long after Vietnam.

                As usual, everyone was like-What now? What are they talking about? What was even stranger in all of this was that the narrative was coming out of the mouths of Americans with no proof or explanation.  It was radical hardcore leftist propaganda. But why? What was its purpose?

                If you really listen to the statement, it is not something you would expect to hear from the people. It is not something patriotic Americans would declare. (ironically-it is not uncommon, in fact, it is pattern, for the hardcore radical leftists to spin themselves as patriots and the rest of the country as the real insurrectionists and the stealers of Democracy. I am not condoning violence & I hope Americans support those injured on Jan. 6th. It is the right thing to do. Americans should also expect a fair justice system and humane treatment for all those arrested on Jan. 6th. Someday I hope the truth of the causes of that mob violence will be revealed). The statement is clearly a taunt, a brag, & a gloat that one would expect to hear, not from our own people, but from foreign adversaries. Who are these radical hardcore leftists performing for on-the-world-stage like monkeys?

                It was an obvious information gathering tactic, & a ‘test’ of the ‘inside knowledge’ contained by the US Military. Before proceeding further & risking exposing themselves, the communists were being cautious. (The USA is, after all, a superpower)  Per established pattern, the taunt was intended to get a ‘pounding on the chest’ reaction out of the USA Military, if, that is, the USA Military was actually awake and aware and perhaps ‘onto’ them. Which evidently the USA Military was not and it seems the communists deemed it safe for the takedown of the USA to proceed. (no one saw it in clear focus). Something must have happened which gave the communists pause for them to conduct a ‘test’. Psychopaths are hyper to any threats whether real or imagined. And it can never be the faulting of a psychopath because they are more highly evolved than the rest of us.

                The extreme radical leftists have said lots of things over the decades. They have been controlling the masses through sophisticated strategic psychological warfare games, allowing them to dominate our nation’s communications. (indicating a foreign military presence & expertise). But, those games leave a florescent trail, of the words and patterns of the gamers. The USA underestimated their adversary and overestimated itself. That has to be faced. The hardcore radical leftists are counting on the US government sweeping this under the carpet until it is too late for anyone to stop them and they have usurped total control of our nation. That can no longer be the ‘norm’. The stakes are too high. The USA was so busy, so hard working that we didn’t have time to stop and listen to what the idle class hands of our society were devising and putting into play in order to sabotage the USA’s hard work. The communists hate our middle class. The middle class is the backbone of this nation. This nation stands because of the middle class. Yes, we need the capitalists but they need us just as much. It is the middle class who keep this country strong. While the USA may not recognize that-our foreign adversaries sure do.

                In order to take the USA down, our foreign adversaries MUST first find a way to destroy the middle class & bankrupt our nation. Then, our foreign adversaries deduce, the middle class will unknowingly, in their disgruntlement, side with the radical hardcore leftist and help to destroy our free society and system of government.

                And, in a mockery of manna from Heaven-moldy bread crusts from hell, in the form of COVID-19, presented the radical hardcore leftists with the opportunity to control and destroy the middle class AND to simultaneously bankrupt the nation. And, true to pattern, the radical hardcore leftists are exploiting the China Wuhan Coronavirus to do just that. Amazing how that ‘played right into their hands’ and amazing how that works 100% in the radical hardcore Leftists’ favor. It is amazing how it ‘plays right into the hands’ of China and Russia and every communist country and every foreign adversary of the USA. It is amazing how it works 100% in all of our adversaries’ favor. That isn’t possible. It is more likely to find a talking spider, who is able to speak multiple different languages. It’s a statistical impossibility. The most probable explanation is that it isn’t a random act but is organized and orchestrated.

                I’m always amazed at how so-called random events in the USA, and on-the-world-stage are so very organized and orchestrated and how in a mockery of common sense, and American Military Intelligence, these events work 100% in the favor of our foreign adversaries, in a constantly repeating pattern. It’s jaw-dropping.

                Globalism, AKA communism rebranded, is a little something the communist nations, especially Russia and China learned from Western capitalism (psychopathic hilarity is that we tell them how to destroy us). They, of course, set about immediately exploiting the knowledge they gained, applying it to their own nefarious objectives in the West. Rather than change their ways-the communists changed their name to ‘globalists’, totally rebranding communism as non-threatening and non-existent. (pattern-terrorists organizations in the Middle East, over the decades have been constantly changing their names. Even big terrorist groups who kept their names, often function under a different name to be under-estimated and avoid harsh consequences. Very interesting pattern.)  The capitalistic West, believing what they wanted to believe that some way, somehow, finally, the communists see the light-and/or possibly the capitalists bought into the fluttering eyelashes & flatteries of Russia and other communist nations, and with swelled egos, totally bought into the deception! The Seduction of Destruction dynamic. Communists don’t accept other systems, not ever. That’s why they think communism is inevitably fated to rule the entire globe. (Communism 101). Well established pattern. Communism doesn’t accept other systems, BUT, they do dismantle other systems, and take out bits and pieces that work nicely with their games and add it to their ever growing stronger and larger system of political warfare, psychological warfare, etc.

                “Politics is war without bloodshed, while war is politics with bloodshed.”-‘Quotations from Chairman Mao Tsu-Tung (1966)’, ‘The International Thesaurus of Quotations’.

                What does this circular statement of Mao thinking truly mean? It means communists make everything political (sound familiar?). It means by making everything political, communists corrupt everything and everyone. (they’ve intentionally made sports, an American recreational activity-political, and they’ve made patriotism and even the national anthem-political.) Anyone who resists is shutdown. When communists finally have power they are shot down. For the nation whose people resists in large numbers, the people are divided and pitted against one another, set like dogs upon one another, so that when the dust clears only the communist puppet masters are standing. An apt description of a communist induced civil war. The only solution they ever arrive at is ultimately one of death and/or destruction. That’s the same pattern seen in Nazi Germany’s Final Solution (where Hitler was known to have communists in his immediate circle).

                They have established deep roots in this country. For those who think they are cool and know what a square is, think again. Communists laugh at us, not with us. Psychopaths think in circles, they are always spinning which makes it easy for them to recognize each other and to identify anyone around them who is not a circle. Psychopaths identify non-psychopaths by their thinking. To them, there are two kinds of people in the world, circles and squares. Squares, in their circular vernacular code, are those who can’t and don’t think in circles. (that is why their psycho-warfare games, their spin and confusion so adversely affect us). Or, in other words, squares are the lesser evolved, they are the prey. And, of course, it’s not the psychopath’s fault that we are their prey. It is the natural way of the world, nature and evolution. We are inferior, not as evolved as the psychopaths, who consider themselves the top of the food chain. We are naturally their prey, due to being  further down on the food chain than them. It is not ever the faulting of the psychopaths, due to our being inferior to the psychopaths. It’s our own fault-according to the psychopaths. (Psychopathy 101).

PIST-Politically Incorrect Straight Talk

Communistic political policing strategies are active in the United States of America! Since the fall of the ‘Iron Curtain’, communists prefer to be referred to as globalists. Evidently it has a more appealing ring on the world stage and makes a sweeter sound than communist. It makes communism seem less horrifying. It almost sounds humanitarian- but it’s a psychopathic  humanitarianism. This answers the question of – how dumb do they think we are? Clearly they believe the USA is so dumb that all their self-proclaimed superior selves need to do to get us to embrace communism is call it something else-globalism.

As part of this ‘new reality’ whenever the spotlight is on them (they love acting and conning and controlling when the world is their stage but they hate it when someone shines a spotlight on what they are doing and starts taking a closer look) they simply use SPIN to redefine, relabel and repackage events, recorded history, values, truth, people, etc. It is a communist political policing strategy and it is active, extraordinarily active on American soil. And it is a strategy employed by the Biden Administration. The Biden FBI is now encouraging friends & family to report individuals with radical beliefs. This, when some preachers on recorded televised broadcasts, preserved for referencing, are calling Christianity (especially evangelicals) a white supremacists’ religion and a plantation religion. That’s a hideous SPIN and a rewriting of history.) We are in a politically angry, divided nation, seething with distrust where demonizing political opponents as having radical political viewpoints is now commonplace with no substantiation required. Think for a moment about what someone trying to incite a riot sounds like-then listen-that’s what they all sound like! Gee, what could possibly go wrong with an FBI report your friends & family hotline. It’s ludicrous.

The FBI, as we are all aware, have a special status-it’s a crime to lie to the FBI. However, the FBI isn’t always truthful with the American people. That sounds like a system imbalance in our Republic. (cough, cough, bulls…, cough, cough). It will now be interesting to see if the Biden-Harris-Pelosi-Schumer Show wants to change that law, in order to more vehemently falsely report their political enemies. We all know, if that law was equally enforced upon this Republic much of Washington, DC., in particular the wet, swampy quarters, would be behind bars. The Russian Hoax confirmed that to an entire nation. The fact they are not behind bars, confirms there is a swamp and that swamp has staying power. Only the powerless, the poor and the working middle class face consequences for breaking the law. That’s another imbalance in our Republic. (cough, cough, bulls…, cough, cough) The political class elitists are above the law but the middle class & the poor are not.  

We have a fascinating florescent trail, let’s follow it.  …

Biden’s FBI is telling Americans to report any suspicions they may have of their friends and family to the FBI. This is a communist political policing strategy from behind the Iron Curtain. This, after the Biden Administration has divided the country into racial groups by telling America that white supremacists are the greatest  national security threat America faces. (I halfway expect that next week, Biden will call white supremacy the single greatest national security threat America has EVER faced. Meanwhile, most Americans have never met a white supremacist and suspect Biden may be politically posturing. Ya think?) Well, let’s see. Biden is saying white supremacy is- More of a threat than Middle Eastern terrorists, with their persistent, unrelenting chants of ‘Death to America’ that they have been  shouting since (wait for it…) the 1970’s!! That’s before ever mentioning all their shocking, traumatizing terrorists acts of horror. More of a threat than China which released COVID-19 from a military bio-lab in Wuhan, China and killed millions around the world and in the USA? More of a threat than violent street gangs and drug dealers and drug smuggling which kills thousands upon thousands every year? More of a threat than an unsecured border? More of a threat than Iran who threatens the stability of the Middle East and Europe and is used as a proxy by Russia to bully the USA.  More of a threat than North Korea who under the strong arm protection of China, blatantly bullies the USA and sadistically tortured a young promising college student to death as all of America helplessly and with broken hearts watched the psychopathic drama unfold!  And according to our questionably elected POTUS Biden, who is obviously, beyond all doubt, deceiving the people, white supremacy is more of a security threat to Americans and their friends & families than bio-weapons, chemical weapons, psychological warfare, and nuclear weapons.  And GASP! More of a threat than the Dems’ ‘new reality’ version of Climate Change??

And the Biden Administration’s political theatre of dividing the country into racial groups by telling Americans white supremacy is the greatest security threat to our nation (again, how dumb do they think we are?) simultaneously sanctions discrimination against whites, and deliberately treats them different, such as his disgusting act of discrimination against white farmers. Any and all discrimination subverts our Republic and oppresses the American people. I strongly suspect the radical Dems are using black Americans and poor black communities as their shields to hide behind while they systematically destroy the country. There is no systemic racism. It is systemic destruction. It is a communist strategy for destroying  non-communistic systems, used to divide and conquer and topple free societies. The communist strategy is to make everything political because communist nations know everything they make political, they have just made corrupt. If this continues, if all Americans, regardless of race don’t become aware, everyone in this nation will be divided, angry and frustrated as these communistic policing policies are continuously employed by the Biden Administration to stir up envy and vengeance and division and hate in people. STOP IT you deranged sicko psychopaths!

The dynamics in this country have changed. Think with me on this scenario-you meet up with friends and/or family at a social place, let’s say a restaurant every week. What if someone who was close enough in that restaurant to overhear the conversation had an enemy at the table. Or what if someone overhearing wanted to discredit someone at the table, perhaps because that person didn’t follow the radical Dems’ lockstep narrative and wanted to shut-down that voice? We all know the radical left shuts down free speech. Anyone placing a call to the Biden FBI’s report your friends and family hotline is granted instant credibility, and that includes the unnamed, unscrupulous callers and their one-sided narratives. (did you ever try to UNhear a psychopaths’ crude, rude and misconstrued verbal narrative attacks, especially when they paint a picture in your mind? You never forget it. It changes the way the targeted person is perceived. The strategy redefines the person in people’s eyes.)  For the organized and orchestrated who want to set up their political enemies with the least amount of effort and from a distance, Biden just pushed that door wide open for them. Plus it gives them the excuse-I heard it from somebody else. The FBI cant prosecute that lie. It’s a hotline for vicious gossip, and character assassination. It is their strategic dream come true. It gives the faceless caller validity power to smear and slander and sling mud without any consequences. It’s an one-way street, whether they have an one-sided narrative, a grudge, a game, a target, or are revenge driven or just have a desire to discredit and invalidate and shut someone up.

But the damage doesn’t end there. Communist strategies are dark, very dark. Communist psycho-warfare strategies always have an adverse impact on the mind. It is all about mind control and communist political policing strategies aren’t judging the content of the person’s character. Instead communist political policing strategies redefine the person, relabel the person, and repackage the person in a mind boggling SPIN. These strategic games are the same whether applied to things, events or people. It is psychopathic. It makes them feel euphoric when they have people under their thumb, when they have power over people. They are addicted to that power euphoria. Communist strategies are designed to encourage everyone to see people, things and events the exact same way, in lockstep. No individual thought, contemplation, discussion, or opinion is allowed. No comments, no questions and no challenges. Everyone MUST see everything the exact same way. Everyone MUST be of one controlled robotic mind in lockstep.

So, if someone in the restaurant reported someone in our scenario to the Biden  FBI’s report your friends and family hotline, then everyone who was present at the table would wonder ‘who’ did such a thing and have thoughts of suspicion, distrust and disbelief towards one another. This strategy divides and destroys friends and family. It’s designed to do just that. It encourages dark thoughts to surface in people and attempts to condition them to hate one another. And it makes our free environment ‘appear’ to be unsafe. It divides and conquers. Communist strategies pit individuals against individuals, groups against groups, and in America is pitting race against race, dividing and conquering, isolating and shutting down communication. Without open, honest communication we are all just their Pavlov dog-a confused dog chasing its’ tail. They fill our heads with confusion and SPIN while only they know what is really going on.

Also common sense says that if the Biden FBI’s report your friends and family hotline gets numerous reports regarding one particular person then there must be some validity to it. (human nature is such that if we hear something enough, then we begin to think it must be true). In the normal course of events, this would be reasonable and quite probable. But in the course of staged events, where an organized and orchestrated group can formulate a false one-sided narrative and have numerous people call into the Biden FBI’s report your friends and family hotline, the dynamic changes. AN organized group working together with ill-intent completely changes all the dynamics.

What other types of communist psycho-warfare strategies are being used against the citizens of the United States of America?  We have only barely caught a slight glimpse of a dark, spiraling deep abyss.

Politically Incorrect Straight Talk

Is it 1984 Yet?

                George Orwell’s ‘1984’ is a warning to all who are able to think rationally, objectively & independently. To others, such as those wanting to usher in a global communist psychopathic paradise, it is a blueprint where they can all play ‘on the same page. ’ Make no mistake. Those who can still think for themselves, who aren’t ‘dumbed down’ & who have the strength of their own convictions-they stand out. It allows for their easy detection & identification by the hardcore radical leftist extremists & their elitist & political puppet masters. It’s a book well worth reading as it describes the same strategies and tactics still being used today.

                The problem with a global communist psychopathic paradise-and actually there are many, but there is one in particular deserving of our attention. Everything is ‘SPUN’ & twisted. Their lies are labeled truth, despite NOT being based on substantiated fact. Instead they rely on their constant repetition & their overwhelming noise making. Greed is called charity. Everyone who is anyone in this country has a charity, but oddly many of those causes never see a dime. The charity’s money, in some cases, go to big salaries and even bigger slush funds. Cruelty is redefined as humanitarianism. It’s identified by its psychopathic ‘SPIN’ dynamic of ‘hurting others by helping them’ or ‘helping others in order to hurt them’.  Criminals are ‘SPUN’ as the oppressed & laws & law enforcement are ‘SPUN’ as the real  criminals. The indication being that no laws are needed because all laws & law enforcement are bad which implies anarchy as the solution. If your head is spinning & you are confused from all the repeating patterned communist propaganda noise, you are not alone. They want us all dazed & confused. In reality who wants to de-arm and de-fund the police? Obviously the list is long; criminals, overly ambitious power craving politicians, global puppet masters, radicals, socialist fascist, communist, & our global enemies have that goal in common. The important question is- did that goal, in common, unite them? Only one viewpoint is permitted-their viewpoint & everyone MUST see it their way, only their way & completely their way. The speech of any opposing views is immediately swarmed against, & the speaker is intimidated, condemned, punished  and shutdown.   

                When the peoples’ speech is shutdown & the people can’t speak or write then the people can’t think & process reality. If you can’t say it or write it-your brain stops processing it & stops thinking about it. It’s an immediate psychological ‘dumb down’. That’s ’why’ when the hardcore radical leftist extremists in the USA shutdown all opposing points of view, & the peoples’ speech-it ‘dumbed down’ an entire nation. It ‘dumbed down’ the United States of America. And the hardcore radical leftist extremist want us to stay ‘dumbed down’ because it’s easier for them to keep power & control. We didn’t get here overnight. This has been going on for a long, long, very long time. The difference today is that we are at the point where either it’s going to happen or it’s NOT.

                There are many examples of this patterned organized & orchestrated control. Let’s look at a real life documented in time example of this by following the florescent thread of  media broadcast. Following the florescent trail…

Remember when they said-men don’t communicate? They said it over & over & over again. They said it morning, noon, & night. They said it for weeks, months, years. They said it until everyone in this country was repeating it & believing it. (Gee, that sounds organized & orchestrated. That sounds like the hardcore radical leftist extremist and their elitist & political puppet masters are dominating communication). They said it until it emerged as our ‘new reality’ invented by radicals playing a psycho-warfare game. And the last thing the hardcore radical leftist extremist & their elitist and political puppet masters want is any opposing viewpoint. They don’t want  anyone talking logic, reason, or objectivity & they certainly don’t want anyone communicating facts & truth.

                Every man wants to be seen & accepted as a man so when the narrative emerged-men stopped communicating & started ‘dumbing down’.  That is mind control. It is also their patterned psychopathic  game play. But what is that you say-hardcore radical leftist extremist & their elitist & political puppet masters are all about rights? We think  that only because they keep telling us that. Meanwhile they beat people in the streets & burn down buildings. It’s invents a stressful  internal conflict. What we see with our eyes is NOT what we hear with our ears.  Our eyes & ears are in conflict in our brains. Often we are willing to accept any narrative they offer up to us, even false ones,  just to end the internal conflict & the emotional states they are inducing in all of us. Not only does it pattern to us as being orchestrated & organized, it’s also incredibly devious, & unbelievably vicious to their fellow human beings & jaw-droppingly done with a total lack of empathy or remorse. So if anyone thinks it’s humanitarianism then it must be twisted like a pretzel, psychopathic humanitarianism. If you really examine it closely, it’s not human rights for others that they are working towards but privilege for themselves. They are stepping on the rights of others & that is privilege. They have no right, not a Constitutional right and no God-given right to violate and make null & void the rights of others in order to make themselves privileged above everyone else. That is the exact opposite of their stated goals. Another conflict between what we are seeing & what we are being told or programmed to believe is reality.

                Their elitist & political puppet masters,  have convinced them they deserve ‘privilege’ by allowing them to break the law in places such as Portland & Seattle without any consequences for their unlawful actions. Privilege. Not rights. You can’t do that. I can’t do that. Privilege. Psychopathic humanitarianism. This psychopathic humanitarianism is completely different from  the West’s Christian humanitarianism.

                They told us, divisively, that the men we love-our sons, fathers, grandfathers,  husbands-don’t communicate. Amazingly, just like that, they didn’t. How did they do that? Suddenly when women would talk to men (not all men but a high percentage) the man would simply stare back in response and say…nothing. It wasn’t that eye glossed over look when some men stop listening as soon as the woman starts talking. It wasn’t that trying to be sexy ‘come hither’ look either. This was a look of confidence, self-assuredness, the  ‘I’m a man’ look of-‘don’t you know I’m a man so I don’t communicate, well now you know’. It looked like the guys were being brainwashed. It was mass mind control. I decided it was so nefarious that I needed confirmation of this atrocity. After all, if they are mass mind controlling the population, that’s no small concern. 

                Let’s follow the florescent trail deeper still…

                I knew from personal experience that everything they say & do is for a reason. They literally are playing their game 24/7/365. Why would they so vindictively be ‘dumbing down’ America? I needed confirmation. I didn’t have to search very far before arriving at the ‘aha’ moment.

                President Ronald Reagan was known as the “Great Communicator”. The hardcore radical leftist extremist bragged & boasted to all of America at the time-‘there will never be another Reagan’. They said it over & over & over again. It traveled the entire nation, & this was before the internet. They made a lot of loud, repetitive in our faces noise. The people were like ‘What are they talking about?’ And ‘What does that even mean?’ The people were already being managed through management by confusion games. (The USA population had a similar reaction to Middle Eastern chants of ‘Death to America’ & ‘America is the great satan’ in the 1970’s). It made no sense & seemed like a foolish goal, & a bit juvenile & of no concern. It was, in fact, a significant overlooked detail. The extremist &  their elitist handlers, were prematurely gloating, in order to get their power & superiority euphoric fix that their game provides to them. They are addicted & controlled by their own games. Everything they say &/or do is for a reason. They mean what they say.  If it hits a wrong note in our ears, it is because we don’t understand their hidden communication.

                Shortly thereafter, the men don’t communicate narrative began, slowly building momentum. That’s no coincidence. They deliberately set out to adversely affect minds, lives & families, so that no anti-communist  GOP male was ever elected POTUS again. They were punishing us. That was America’s punishment for electing Reagan who was responsible for having ended the Cold War, bringing down the Berlin Wall & bankrupting a defeated, but still deceptive Russia. (Anyone notice that the elitists & political puppet masters seem determined to bankrupt America?) And that isn’t all-this is barely a scratch on the surface-they have been putting this nation & its people through psycho-war hell for a very long time.

                The question is ‘why’ didn’t anyone make the connection ? I think it’s because the trail had been peppered with other psycho-warfare national narratives to cover their tracks. It seems the hardcore radical leftist extremists & their elitist & political puppet masters have a lot of time on their hands. Remember these national narratives---stop taking us backward, look forward, be forward thinkers, the past is in the rearview mirror, nothing to see back there, just keep moving forward, stop nitpicking, stop dwelling on things, stop being anal, (anyone who questioned or tried to examine anything they didn’t want revealed was…) anal, anal, anal, stop over-analyzing, you have analysis paralysis, & on & on & on it went. It didn’t matter if it was true or not. It only mattered if they could make the people THINK it was true. That’s all they had to do. So quite naturally, they don’t explain, they just keep repeating nonsense. Anyone who tried to look at something in detail, which had caught their attention as not being quite right, was demonized & ostracized. They ‘dumbed down’ America & it was done with intent & malice.

                Get the impression the hardcore radical leftist extremist & their elitist & political puppet masters don’t want us to notice something? Get the impression they are trying to cover-up something? Perhaps significant details? You know-those small little details that most people overlook but that change everything?

                The extremists & their politicians & their puppet masters want absolute control of all communication.  That is the tell-tale sign of a COUP. A coup requires control of a nation’s mass communications. These globalists, communists, organized criminals, psychopaths, extremists, radical Dems, whatever you want to call them, are organized, & functioning in an orchestrated manner, and  are using psycho-warfare games to not only control communications but also minds.

                Those playing these psycho-warfare games know the subconscious mind does exactly what it is told to do & they want to control every mind. They know how to instruct the subconscious without a person’s conscious awareness through the use of double, even multiple meaning, and double, even multiple word associations, and double, even multiple trauma, etc. The word ‘doublespeak’ aptly describes it. They also know that by controlling the subconscious, it pushes the subconscious & conscious mind into a horrific conflict.  Strangely, it is optimally effective when the subconscious doesn’t realize the culprit is in the external environment (psycho-warfare) and simultaneously the subconscious mind believes the internal environment (conscious mind) is the culprit. I have the detriment &/or advantage, depending on the perspective, of having extensive insight due to viciously & repetitively having been targeted. Somebody should take another look at the Manchurian Candidate theory. Really. Psycho-Warfare can grab hold of the mind and cause short fuses.

                Interestingly, it was posted how the subconscious mind does exactly as it is told in an online (wait for it…) U.N. article. Must have been the winter of 2012-2013. And that was made even more interesting by a previous experience of mine. I had learned about  management by confusion from a speech given by an U.N. Representative when I attended a ‘Mgmt Strategies For Women’ lecture at an Oregon State University seminar, decades ago. I was working for the Municipality of Anchorage. I got a nice certificate. I didn’t think much of their strategy then and I don’t think much of it now. So imagine my surprise when I observed the hardcore radical leftist extremists using management by confusion to frustrate, anger, confuse & control an entire nation!! Our nation. The United States of America.

                Management by Confusion isn’t a management strategy. It’s just covertly titled as one. My mind naturally notices strategy. And It’s definitely not a mgmt. strategy as it is simply too dark & too vicious. It is designed to consume & assume all opposition power. It’s a coup strategy. It’s designed to usurp minds, individuals, groups, communities and nations. It works exactly the same whether it is done in small detail or big picture perspectives.

                It is extremely possible they have been trying actively to coup our nation since 11/22/1963. And there is a repeated  patterned florescent trail… …

Sung In Poe

Calm my heart,

beating only,

drums slowly,

sounding lonely,

in this vague

and begging rest,

lurks a most,

intrusive guest,

sleep, far fleeting,

fast retreating,

dimly are

my thoughts discreet-ing,

denied of

un-distressful rest,

my heart no longer

in my breast,

peaceful slumber,

Is encumbered,

heard like thunder.

Is the beating,

and repeating,

shocking silence

upon meeting…

cease, increasing,

flowing tenseness,

virile madness

of the senses,

mingled in a

spiral denseness,

even then,

is the beating,

although been,

still repeating,

and the beating,

still repeating,

hearing a familiar greeting.

The Fall of the Houses of Ushers

Contributed by Robert Lyons

Madness I say, the day’s change rattling the fabric of time

The tactic to individualise the experience

Technify the abode and make loads of dough

Stream their message immediately

Segregation through self selection

Neglecting the “soul” purpose, solely for profit

The end is here, the credits roll

But as the rows of seats lay empty

Missing is the conglomerate enjoyment of others

The smells and sounds, a frightful scream

A jolly laugh

Sadness we pay, as memories spiral away never made

We lay in isolation, staring at screens in our own defecation

Forgetting the elation of social interaction

The satisfaction when the lights go down


As an 85-year-old veteran with an 83-year-old wife, living in the Veterans & Pioneers Home located in Palmer, I'm fearful of what's happening with virus protection for the Home's 79 residents. Upon investigation, I've found out that there are 40% of our care workers who have not been vaccinated. My wife, due to her Alzheimer's/dementia disease, is totally dependent on care workers for her survival. As the aggressive delta variant comes into the state of Alaska, and possibly into the Palmer Pioneer Home, I wonder about the protection of our residents. My personal feeling on this sad situation is that vaccinations should have been mandatory for all residents, care workers, nurses, and doctors entering our home. Our lives are extremely important, and to have them virus-threatened by a few who feel the vaccination is unsafe and unnecessary borders on the edge of insanity. Let's all vaccinate and live!!

Need Better Sleep and Focus?

Contributed by Christiane Joy Allison, Rejuvenation Station

There’s no doubt about it. Alaskans love our summer sun and all the fun that comes along with it—fishing at 5:00 AM, gardening at midnight, and camping over long weekends. All that sun and fun can bring their own problems, too. Trouble sleeping? Feeling worn out? Having trouble focusing at work?

A brand-new business has opened in Wasilla offering cutting edge hybrid subtle energy revitalization platform (SERP) technology proven to restore strength, stamina, coordination and mental clarity. The non-invasive technology is provided by the BioCharger NG (Next Generation), and Rejuvenation Station is the first business to bring the benefits of the BioCharger to Alaskans. Those benefits include improved sleep, energy, focus, recovery, performance, and flexibility. Join us to learn more at our upcoming open house events on Saturday, August 21, 2021, at 12:00 PM and Saturday, September 11, 2021, at 12:00 PM.

Jim Girard, the inventor of the BioCharger, has joined with Advanced Biotechnologies LLC to use SERP technology to improve people’s lives and health. The BioCharger design is based on a combination of research from scientists and inventors like Nikola Tesla, Georges Lakhovsky, Royal Raymond Rife, and Alexander Gurwitsch.

The BioCharger NG utilizes four different types of energy—Frequencies & Harmonics, Light, Voltage, and Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields (PEMFs). Each of these individual energies has their own fair share of supported research, and the BioCharger NG is the first energy platform of its kind to incorporate all four of these beneficial energies into one platform.

Frequencies and harmonics emitted by the machine—produced by a powerful Tesla coil—mimic the constant electrical discharges in the Earth’s atmosphere. Tesla himself was interested in the therapeutic applications of the wireless transmission of energy and even wrote a paper on the subject back in 1898. Known benefits of frequencies and harmonics include restoration of balance within cells and improvements in pain and inflammation disorders.

Light emitted by the device includes both visible and invisible wavelengths from charged noble gas particles (plasma) including argon, helium, krypton, neon, and xenon. As Alaskans, we see the natural demonstration of this form of light more than most when we watch the northern lights dance in the sky. The known benefits of light include improved sleep quality, increased healing in chronic wounds, and improvement in behavioral disorders.  

Voltage emitted by the machine mimics the discharge from something Alaskans rarely experience—lightning storms. Known benefits of voltage include improved cellular nutrient uptake, cellular detoxification, and increased generation of new cells.

PEMFs emitted from the machine modulate the electrical potential of your body—producing the effect you would receive from the practice of ‘Earthing’ or ‘Grounding.’ The known benefits of PEMFs include improvements in pain, inflammation, and many diseases.

All these forms of energy are delivered to the body using individual frequency recipes that are completely non-invasive. Like sitting around a campfire without all the smoke, you simply sit around the BioCharger NG as the recipe runs and soak in the energy for 10-20 minutes. Then go on with your day recharged and ready.

Rejuvenation Station offers sessions with the BioCharger at an affordable rate so that everyone can experience the benefits of this new technology. You can book your session today at https://rejuvenationstation.simplybook.me. We look forward to serving you!

Also, join us for our upcoming open house events on Saturday, August 21, 2021, at 12:00 PM and Saturday, September 11, 2021, at 12:00 PM. We are livestreaming an exclusive session with the inventor, Jim Gerard—including a Q&A for your questions—ask Jim whatever you’d like! Participants are invited to enjoy a free session with the BioCharger. We can accommodate 6 people during one session.

Rejuvenation Station is located at 201 E. Swanson Ave, Suite 15 in Wasilla, across from Nunley Park.
Note: The BioCharger is not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, in man or other animals.

Palmer Alaska, Best Place Ever!

Of all the places I've ever lived, Palmer is the best!=C2 Mostly, I've lived in Alaska, but also the Dutch West Indies and=Florida.  Palmer is the one that speaks to my soul.  Born in Fai=banks, I spent many years there but actually grew up in the village of Manley Hot Springs.  Went through a hurricane or two living in the tropic=l climes of Florida and the Dutch West Indies.  I love Fairbanks.½A0 I love Manley Hot Springs.  I  absolutely loved living on a boat in the Dutch and French Island of St. Maarten.  I had a great=time in the Gulf of Mexico's Florida.  But... I adore Palmer!½A0 I live in Palmer proper and it is so amazing. At the ready- within footsteps, I've delicious dining, entertainment, convenient shopping and daily business dealings along with amazing views of the natural world and an incredible climate.  The mountain range is marvelous, the early morning cacophony of birds energizing, the sounds of a busy little suburb in the middle of Alaska, so interesting!  From the lady at the intersection of Main Street Palmer proclaiming "Heaven or Hell" to the b=colic neighborhood farms and amazing local artisans of microbrew= and eclectic enterprises to Friday Fling, Palmer is the best. I'm so heartened by the wonders that I encounter here.  I fell upon a beautiful sanctuary the other day while looking for an address which is for sale.=C2 Immediately upon my arrival to this property I felt such a calm. Such a feeling of welcome and meaning.  It happens to be a sober living property.  I feel we need more.  I feel that if anyone asks for C2help, that I would be able to let it begin with me.  To that end= I am hoping to connect with others who are interested in partnering on a housing situation for addicts and homeless.  The means we have available at our fingertips are enormous.  There are diamonds in our own=backyards and we need to be mining those diamonds and tending those garden=.  Please if you are interested, reach out to me at 825alaska@gmail.com.   

New Hope, Born (for Kylian)  

Contributed by Nan Potts

A baby born,

Yet not forlorn,

A happy, hardy soul.


His innocence,

Proves reticence,

Mere smiles he does cajole.


But future makes,

Abounding aches,

For some it takes its toll.


Though circumstance,

Spoils many chance,

His heart shepherds his role.


For those who strive,

Truly survive,

May earn their lifelong goal.


Then hope anew,

And carried through,

Born to once more extoll.


Contributed by Zoe Cole

Dead mosquitos in my bed

I hear them fly around my head

With little brains and speedy wings

I toss their carcass with a fling

The other dat I went to hike

When I encountered a 'skeeter tyke

He must have called his friends to us

'Cause soon the trip turned murderous

We wack, slap, flick and squish

The Alaskan 'skeet are devilish