Contributed by Aletha Harrington
NeighborWorks® Alaska is pleased to announce that Jim Nordlund has been named executive director. From journeyman carpenter, commercial fisherman, state legislator, Director of Public Assistance for the State of Alaska to Alaska State Director of Rural Development for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Nordlund is a long-time Alaskan with seasoned statewide experience. Jim was also a housing rehabilitation specialist for Anchorage Neighborhood Housing Services, NeighborWorks® Alaska’s original name, in the early eighties.
NeighborWorks® Alaska’s staff and board are delighted to have found such a qualified and experienced leader, intimately familiar with Alaska’s rural and urban communities, and are confident that Nordlund is the perfect fit to lead and effectively implement our new statewide strategic direction and business plan.
Tony Piper, NeighborWorks® Alaska board chair said, “After a long and rigorous search, the board is excited and honored to welcome Jim Nordlund as our next executive director and the new face of NeighborWorks® Alaska. His unique set of skills, experience and leadership correspond wonderfully with our mission and vision for the future of Alaska.”
Nordlund formally began his duties on April 10th. Prior to that, he attended the NeighborWorks® Executive Director Symposium on March 22rd-23rd in Washington DC.
NeighborWorks® Alaska is dedicated to improving the quality of life for families and individuals by preserving homes, creating new housing opportunities and strengthening neighborhoods.
For 35 years, we have walked thousands of Alaskans from vulnerability to security. Our vision is an Alaska where everyone has a place to call home. We provide access to success by offering affordable housing options, maintaining top quality properties, equipping aspiring homeowners with loans and financial management tools and collaborating on neighborhood revitalization projects. We’re committed to building vibrant communities statewide.
“I am very pleased to be joining the NeighborWorks® family once again. From my first professional job in Alaska until today, NeighborWorks® Alaska has grown to become a significant source of affordable housing and neighborhood development in Anchorage and Alaska,” Nordlund said. “I look forward to continuing this important mission.” As a member of NeighborWorks® America’s almost 250 member network of community development organizations, NeighborWorks® Alaska is committed to creating opportunities for people to live in affordable homes, improve their lives and strengthen their communities.
NeighborWorks® Alaska believes in stable housing, thriving families and strong communities. For more information about NeighborWorks® Alaska visit our website at