It’s A Shame

It’s A Shame

Fred Glover

We are Hamas!!!!!!
Shouted by children just barely
Out of their teens
Crowding the quad

They know nothing of life,real life
And they don’t care to know,
To explore, to see with open minds
What it’s really all about

We are Hamas!!!
Which would indicate they are able and willing
To go to Israel so they too can behead
A three-month-old baby,
While it’s mother is forced to watch the carnage while being raped
By an animal with a gun

We are Hamas!!!
Which is nothing but a reincarnation
Of the Nazi SS
Right down to the tactics and philosophy

We are Hamas!!!
Their souls bound for the inner core,
Where fires burn eternally and
The howls and screams of the damned can
Be heard continually.

It seems a shame that they will take
So many gullible young children with them