Affordable Housing at What Cost

Affordable Housing at What Cost: Are Negligent Out-of-State Stake Holders Fueling Crime in Eagle River

Contributed by Cliff Cook

The issue of affordable housing is a pressing concern that affects communities across the country. While the goal of providing affordable housing is noble and necessary, the methods by which some out-of-state property owners are managing their properties in Eagle River are raising serious questions about the cost of this pursuit.

A troubling trend has emerged in Eagle River, where big out-of-state property owners have failed to fulfill their property management duties adequately. Perceived Negligence on the part of these owners has resulted in trash accumulation, squatting, and drug use on their properties, turning these locations into hotbeds for crime and endangering the safety and well-being of the neighborhood.  It has also been reported that some utilities aren’t working properly as well nor is there action when reported.
The consequences of this neglect are far-reaching. Trash piling up on these properties not only poses a health and bear hazard but also contributes to a deteriorating quality of life for residents in the area. Squatting and drug use not only attract criminal elements but also create an environment of fear and uncertainty for law-abiding citizens.

The impact of these issues extends beyond the immediate vicinity of the neglected properties, affecting the broader community of Eagle River. By allowing these properties to deteriorate and become magnets for criminal activity, local and out-of-state owners are undermining the efforts of local residents and authorities to maintain a safe and vibrant neighborhood.
It is essential that ALL property owners be held accountable for their properties and fulfill their obligations as responsible members of the community. Local authorities must work to enforce property maintenance standards and regulations to prevent these properties from becoming havens for crime.

Moreover, community members must also play a role in addressing this issue. By reporting suspicious activities, working with local organizations to clean up neglected properties, and advocating for stricter regulations on out-of-state property owners, residents can help safeguard their neighborhood and promote a culture of accountability.
Affordable housing is a crucial need, but it cannot come at the expense of community safety and well-being. Out-of-state property owners must recognize their responsibility to maintain their properties and uphold the standards of the neighborhood. By addressing the issue of negligent property management, we can ensure that Eagle River remains a safe and thriving community for all its residents.