

Contributed by Jim Lieb

Congress has been asked to remove a president’s power to pardon offenses in Wash DC…. because Donald Trump “promises vengeance”.

Seems to be never ending, another Trump hater coming up with a distorted story of Trump’s actions and/or words. Is ‘vengeance’ the appropriate word when someone indicates that he is interested in having someone’s actions investigated.

Like with so many Trump haters, you have to ask how did they find out about these actions and/or words [of Trump] they claim occurred. Were they actually there with Trump when he spoke or did something? Did the media tell them in a newspaper, or televise a Trump recording?  Did a friend or an associate tell them? 

And then the really important follow up question:  do you believe everything that the media, your friends, your associates tell you?

There are many people who have carefully followed up on reports of Trump’s supposedly bad behavior, and in many cases what they’ve found is substantial evidence that Trump’s words or actions have been distorted and revised with wording to make Trump look bad.

And yes, some readers will respond to my words with PROVE IT…. just like Trump supporters respond to  the words from Trump haters, PROVE IT.  When so called data is then provided, is the result something that most folks accept….seldom

So where does that leave us…. divided.