My Testimony of Deliverance

My Testimony of Deliverance

Contributed by Miquela Sampson


My name is Miquela Sampson, and this is a short testimony of the wonderful work Godhas done in my life! I had always known about God, but never expressed or wasgenuinely concerned about knowing Him personally. I was baptized as a baby, andagain as a young adult, but never committed my life to Him. I lived my life ignorant ofthe details of what God’s plan of salvation was or truly meant. The Bible says inMatthew 11:28, “Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give yourest.”. Additionally, in the original Hebrew Genesis 1:1 says, “בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥תהַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ׃'' which translated to English says, “In the beginning God created theheavens and the earth.”. By examining the meanings of the six letters in bereshit (beyt-resh-aleph-shin-yud-tav), they form a sentence: “The Son of God is destroyed by hisown hand on the cross.” Little did I know God was going to move mightily in my ownlife in such a way that I can understand and never want to go back to that old life Herescued me from!

I grew up in the Russian Orthodox church, unfortunately never understanding anything being said or done. Furthermore, I never understood the purpose of occasionally walking to the altars and kissing the icons. By the time I became a teenager, I heard about people “giving their life to Jesus”, never knowing the full meaning or purpose. With a limited understanding, I concluded it was necessary that I “be a good girl”, the type that a person would be teased for in school.

As I got older, I grew a sense of pride and ignorance, making poor decisions while hanging around bad people. I specifically remember this train of thought I had, “If I were to start drinking, my parents would still love me, my grandparents would still love me. I see other people doing it so it can't be that bad.” This was only the beginning of the consequences of living in sin. A few years go by, my sister has a sleepover with her friends at our house, and they decide to play with a Ouija board. Knowing this was a bad idea, I pleaded with her not to do it when I was in the room. My request was not honored and after I had fallen asleep, they began. I woke up in sleep paralysis, hearing my sister ask that demon to whom it was next to. It responded with ‘D’ and ‘M.’ I felt petrified hearing my sister say ‘M’. My attempts to wake up failed, I wanted to scream but it was as if my mouth was glued shut! That demon stayed with me for more years to come.

As an adult, I was still drinking, I also began smoking marijuana. I had no idea that doing those things opened the door for unclean spirits to take residence in my body. In 2020, After a major earthquake in the village I grew up in, I experienced unusual, recurring panic attacks every 2-5 minutes throughout the night. I did not sleep for 6 days after that. On the 7th day, I blacked out and came into an embarrassing situation at my workplace. The demons inside of me undressed me and I walked through the office I worked in, in front of all of my coworkers. At the time I had no control over my body, I was not myself and only understood something in me was taking over my body.

Long story short I ended up in the Emergency Room where I was administered a shot to calm down. This was the first mental hospital visit out of 5. Although I couldn’t understand why this was happening to me, I knew someone who could fix it, Jesus Christ. I began to pray, and knew I would find an answer in The Bible. It was at this time I understood why a person who believes in Jesus reads the Bible. My life was completely upside down and, as quickly as I wanted it to, wasn’t improving right away. I end up in jail due to an open warrant for missing a court hearing. I continued to experience these dark things in my sleep. I remained on the fact that Jesus was the answer.

Upon coming out of jail, I searched “demon possessed person" on YouTube. I scrolled through the list of results and watched a video from The Supernatural Life. Daniel Adams was in a park where a large crowd gathered to meet him to be prayed for. I watched a woman describe the afflictions she wanted to be set free from and knew I needed to be delivered. As many times as I went to church , I never knew about people being delivered from demons, let alone that it was even real. I had watched plenty of exorcism movies and horror movies only to know Hollywood’s depiction. I reached out to people on the deliverance map from The Supernatural Life website and was soon set free. I prayed for and finally found freedom.

I began to read The Bible the 3rd day of being in jail and continued to read every day after. I know Jesus has set me free because I no longer have blackouts and end up in embarrassing situations. I have zero desire to smoke marijuana or have another sip of alcohol ever again. I want what Jesus has for me. I help others be set free; I participate in my church as a children’s Sunday School teacher. Praise God that He never changes, that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever because He still sets people free, He still breaks the chains of bondage, lust, and fear. Signs and miracles are still occurring. Glory to God!