My Heart Compelled

My Heart Compelled

Contributed by Charles Dean Walker 


Anyone can identify themselves as a follower of Christ. It doesn’t make it true. That’s what I say about Christian Nationalists.

They are wicked, they pervert my religion. I will not be silent.

We as believers can not be silent.

Christian Nationalism is Fascism.

Fascism has no place in God’s kingdom.

Christian Nationalists are false Christians. They let evil guide their hearts. Hearts that they let be turned to stone.

Evil has no place in God’s Holy kingdom.

Their bigotry is sin. Their forceful nature on others is sinful. They are a mockery of the Christian faith. May God have mercy on them. “Forgive them father for they know not what they do” Just as Christ said on the crucifix. 

Lord guide the poor souls away from Nationalism. Make them see the error of those ways. Save them lord from the evils of Nationalism.
