Pets And Fireworks

Pets And Fireworks

Contributed by Angie Lewis

Many animals are very stressed by fireworks, particularly dogs and horses. The lights, sounds and smells that coincide with fireworks can cause your pets to run away, often resulting in loss or injuries. There are various strategies for helping your pet cope with fireworks.

Provide a safe space for your pet – away from the chaos of fireworks. This could be a closet or a crate that is covered by a blanket. Provide alternative sounds – such as music or a movie. Comfort your pet with your presence, touch and words. Be sure not to over comfort your pet – this could make matters worse. Be patient - Thankfully, fireworks only happen a few times a year and you can certainly offer comfort for your pet. Also, be sure to have updated contact info for your pet. In case he gets lost you need to have current information to help identify him.

There are a variety of medicines that can help your pet to calm down during fireworks. Speak with your vet to review some of these meds. These include melatonin, CBD treats, and other sedative types of drugs. You can provide your pet with ear coverings such as a hat, shawl, or earmuffs to help to muffle the sounds of fireworks. There are items such as Thunder Shirts, which offer a snug straddle for your pet.

Angie Lewis, President of Alaska Animal Advocates