Anchorage Audubon Society Monthly Meetings Resume

Contributed by Susan Westervelt

Anchorage Audubon Society will resume our monthly in-person meetings on September 28, 2023.  The meeting will be held at the BP Energy Center at 900 Benson Boulevard from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.  There will be various speakers each month relating to birds, birding and conservation efforts throughout the state of Alaska.  Our first meeting will be a photo-sharing meeting. There will be door prizes available, and cookies are always served.

The meeting in September will be a chance to show your favorite bird photos from the past year and explain something about your experiences in getting that photo.  Beforehand, please submit your photos in order to expedite the presentation on meeting night.  You may submit between 5-10 photos and be sure to include your name.  Submit your photos to For more information go to our website: and click on the “photo-sharing meeting” button.

Come and see what others have seen and experienced during this past year.  Join friends and neighbors who are also interested in birds, birding, and conservation.  And did I mention there will be cookies available?