Affordable Blood Draw & Wellness Health Fairs

Contributed by Jodie White

Alaska Health Fair is a nonprofit serving Alaskans for over 40 years. We currently have events in the Houston, Wasilla, and Talkeetna areas as well as Anchorage. AHF is considered an essential service by the State of Alaska with an approved COVID-19 mitigation plan to ensure the safety of clients, volunteers, and staff. We work with the largest clinical laboratory in the nation to bring you high-quality blood tests at nonprofit prices. Thousands of Alaskans take advantage of AHF services each year. 

We host both Community and Worksite events. Worksite health education has many benefits: reduced absenteeism, improved morale, increased productivity... AHF worksite health fairs are "turn-key" solutions customized to meet your needs. Unlike virtual and out-of-state fairs, AHF events are curated by hundreds of local medical and non-medical volunteers and health, wellness, and safety professionals. Your employees will deepen their relationship with the local community while connecting with locally available health and wellness resources.

Volunteers are an integral part of our health and wellness fairs. We need both non-medical, and medically trained people. With positions ranging from foot traffic, meet and greet, cashiers, blood pressure, check out, health educators, and most importantly those that can draw blood. We are an approved organization towards nursing hours. Head to our website, fill out an application, and select the events and duties you would like to volunteer for.

Exhibitors are very important too. We view our Health Fairs as a way for Alaskans to get in touch with their local healthcare and wellness providers, receive useful information on topics they care about, and access affordable preventative screenings and tests. You are welcome to distribute promotional information about your practice, business, non-profit service or a government program; host a free class or demonstration; distribute free product samples—as long as it helps Alaskans maintain a healthy lifestyle. Collecting information from participants is allowed, but only with explicit consent. If you work in health care or wellness, our events can help you grow your practice, connect with the local community, and raise awareness about your cause. Our Health Fairs are designed to benefit the entire community: people, businesses, non-profits, and agencies – all working together to ensure great health for all Alaskans.

Events are conducted by appointment, and you can make your appointment online. Just head to our website to schedule your appointment. Please call the office at (907) 278-0234 .We hope to see you soon!