Energy Touch & Salt Therapy

Energy Touch & Salt Therapy

Contributed by Daniel N. Russell

An advantage of energy touch therapy is that it enhances both faith and health. It moves, balances, and centers a flow of life-force energy (qi) throughout the body. People seek energy therapy, as an adjunct to physical therapy and massage therapy, because it provides both spiritual and physical health benefits.

Direct contact with a person's skin is not required. So, it is not necessary to remove clothing for energy touch therapy. Some religions do not allow removal of clothing and direct touch, so this type of therapy is an alternative that people of such religions can enjoy. If people can tolerate direct touch, then it is possible, as an option, to topically apply super-saturated salt solution to the skin. As the water evaporates from this solution, salt crystals form in the pores, which pull out toxins from the body. The salt solution is applied all over the body over and over again to produce a mild irritation, which cancels deep pain by the principle of counter-irritation. This process of application also produces lymphatic drainage to further rid the body of toxins. Oils and lotions may be applied, afterward, to minimize irritation of the skin by the salts.

In moving and centering one's qi, one pulls excess energy toward areas of the body where there is not enough energy. This accelerates a flow of life energy (qi) throughout the body, which increases both healing rate and energy level in patients. Sensitive heat sensors are located in the palms of our hands, and just below each lower eye lid. So, by placing one's palms over a patient's body, closing the eyes, and concentrating the mind, one can detect where there is too much energy or not enough energy. In this way it may be determined from where to pull excess energy to center and balance it. The qi should be centered at the sixth tsubo (acupressure point) on the Conception Vessel (CV-6), also known as the hara or tanden in Shiatsu and Acupuncture therapy. So, I center the qi or life-force energy there. This tsubo is 2 finger-widths below the belly button. When a large cold stone is placed on the tanden, or CV-6 tsubo, excess energy dissipates from areas of excess energy, and heat builds up, quickly, under this cold stone. The stone acts as a tool and a road to help concentrate the mind to move the energy to the correct place. I encourage my patients to use their mind together with my mind to move and center their energy. I also, ask God for Holy Spirit to help a patient to heal both body and spirit. So, this is a non-verbal, touch ministry. I use a single, large, smooth, black basalt stone, because these stones are good black-body radiators, which means they absorb a lot of heat and then radiate it. You can find such stones all over Alaska's beaches and riverbanks, where they have been deposited and ground smooth and round naturally by glaciers over tens of thousands of years. Most types of stones work fine, though, as long as they not porous. Room temperature of about 600 F is fine for the temperature of cold stones placed upon the body. One may think that it would be uncomfortable to have a cold stone placed on their belly, but it pulls and gathers heat quickly, and one can actually feel heat building up under and around the stone. Energy is moved by conscious intent, so use of a stone and direct touch is not actually necessary. It just helps.

All of these alternative therapies are possible, without pills, and without the annoying side-effects caused by pharmaceuticals --- not to mention their cost. You may contact the author for further information at 907-444-5647 or by email:

Daniel N. Russell, MS is a physics consultant, ordained spiritual energy touch therapist in Anchorage, Alaska.