Feeding Alaska Today: Suicide Healing for Alaska Communities

Contributed by V.P. Pingayak, Outreach Coordinator

It is no secret the issue of suicide plagues our Alaskan communities every day.  The mission of Lifeline Outreach is through a program called Feeding Alaska Today, which directly impacts our rural communities state-wide.  It is a boot on the ground, proactive, program that travels into rural communities and not only empowers people with the tools necessary to overcome suicide, but it understands that our mental health is affected by the foods that we eat.  This program supports local Alaska farmers to bring in healthy, fresh produce to the communities as part of their healing outreach for the entire village.   

The founder of Lifeline Outreach says,

“As an overcomer of suicide (not a survivor), God has given me a gift to help others step into the same freedom.”  ~Dr. Maria Krinock

Feeding Alaska Today is all about our Alaskan communities being empowered for permanent change and healing.  Dr. Maria Krinock has authored the book: “Your Unseen Enemy Revealed” that shares her personal life-story of overcoming suicide and is circulating in over forty Alaskan communities today.

This important and critical resource is also made available to everyone who attends our gatherings, and there are opportunities to sponsor entire Alaska communities.

Our efforts have reached over 20 communities throughout every region of the State from places like Utqiagvik, Chevak, Cordova, and even in villages as remote as Savoonga, and we also serve the Anchorage and Fairbanks area as well.

Right now, we are preparing for the Kotlik Blessing scheduled for November 19 and 20, 2022. There are cargo planes ready to deliver over 2200 pounds of fresh produce for the community of Kotlik, for the upcoming suicide healing outreach.  With a population of over 600 people, there will be at least 400 in attendance where the entire community will have an opportunity to receive these powerful and empowering tools to overcome suicide.

Another upcoming event is scheduled for December 10-11, 2022, which is our New Winter Coat Giveaway for children and adults. The event will feature live music from Gary Simple at The Egan Center in Anchorage. All are welcome to attend.

To learn more information on these life changing events, or to help sponsor an event, please visit: www.FeedingAlaska.Today