If At First You Don’t Succeed…

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Contributed by Lee Henrikson, Candidate for Palmer City Council

Try, try again. Two years ago, a friend wrote an article about me for this paper, titled, “Newcomer throws her hat in the ring” about my candidacy for a seat on the Palmer City Council. I lost that election, licked my wounds, and am back to try again. You might ask, “Why? Why put yourself through that again?”

I am trying again because Palmer matters to me: its residents, its businesses, its parks, its sidewalks and roads, its trees, its trails… And I asked the question, “If not me, then who?” So here I am and here are some of my thoughts about our sweet city.

We have a compact city of just over 5 square miles with a population of 5,888 according to the 2020 US Census. This is slightly smaller than the 2010 population. So, while the population in the borough grew by 20%, the population in Palmer was flat. The borough is crowding in around us. We feel it in increased traffic on our roads, more folks in stores, more folks in parks. How do we adjust to this changing environment and keep our quality of life? How do we make sure our town is welcoming and serves the needs of the 28% of the population under 18 years old, the 11% over 65, and the 61% that are 18-65 years old? (https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/palmercityalaska)

I am interested in answering that question. We need to make sure there are varied options for housing as well as safe streets for walking and biking for all ages and abilities in all seasons.

We depend on our businesses for services for our residents and for the sales taxes that pay about 60% of the City’s general fund budget. It is important to expand commercial and retail business within the City to keep it financially strong. Parking is an issue for downtown that could be better addressed and help with business income.

Parks, Trails and Trees:
Ideally, there would be a park in every neighborhood. Ideally, one could easily and safely walk or bike anywhere in town. Trail connectivity is an issue. I will be looking to improve our safe access to outdoors in parks, on trails and on the city streets.

We have several plans out there including the Stantec Area-wide Plan, the City’s Strategic Plan, the Bikeability Plan, the Board of Economic Development 2021 Recommendations for Economic Development Goals. Let’s continue to make progress on them.

About Me:
I moved to Palmer in 2000 after a whirlwind courtship with Mike Chmielewski. We met at Aikido Camp in California in June (he fell for me… over and over and over again). In December, I moved to Palmer to live with my new husband in the little log house he and his kids built. Soon after, we moved to Raleigh Hills up by Hatcher Pass so that Mike’s dad could live with us (the log house was too small for three). After Mike’s dad passed in 2005, we moved back to Palmer. My work history is varied: I’ve managed a food co-op, traded commodities, ran the computers and networks for the SETI Institute, and worked as an instructional designer at UAA. I like learning new things.

The decision to run again was not an easy one to make. Running a campaign is a lot of work. Once I decided to run, I was all in. My favorite part of campaigning is walking the various neighborhoods in Palmer and meeting residents.

I look forward to sitting on the City Council. It is a responsibility I take seriously. For any action that I would have to vote on, the bottom line is, it must benefit city residents for me to vote yes. I hope you will vote for me for the same reason, that you think I am good for the city and its residents. You can find more information about me at www.LeeForPalmer.com. Thank you.