Contributed by Edna DeVries
Questions I have heard:
You are running for Mat-Su Borough Mayor? We didn’t even know there was a Mat-Su Borough Mayor. What does the Borough Mayor do?
The Mat-Su Borough Mayor has lots of responsibilities, but the greatest one is representing you and informing you of the activities, challenges and opportunities which face our community every day.
After you are done reading this article, you will see (along with many others of your family and friends) I am the best choice for mayor on the November 2, 2021, ballot.
The Mat-Su Borough is governed by Borough Code, the laws which allow the borough to function. Code 2.08.010 office established – states – “There is established the office of mayor. Executive duties of the borough shall be vested in the mayor.” This portion is very similar to my current duties as the Mayor of the City of Palmer – a position I have held for the past five years.
2.08.020 Term of Office. The mayor’s term shall be three years. The qualified candidate succeeds to the candidate’s elected office the first Monday following the certification of the election and acceptance of the oath of office. No person shall serve as mayor for more than two consecutive full terms.
Let’s jump to duties – 2.08.040 – The Mayor shall: (1) preside at all assembly meetings. The Mayor may take part in the discussion of matters before the assembly, but may not vote, except that the mayor may vote in the case of a tie; (2) act as ceremonial head of the borough and (3) sign documents on behalf of the borough upon assembly authorization. (5) appoint members of the boards and commissions, except for members of the board of adjustment and assembly members serving on the board of equalization, shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the assembly.
In my opinion, the largest power that the Mayor’s possesses is the veto power – found in 2.08.040 Duties (b) – The mayor may veto any ordinance, resolution, motion or other action of the assembly and may by veto, strike or reduce items of appropriation ordinances. A veto shall be exercised before the next regular assembly meeting and shall be accompanied by written explanation of the reasons for the veto. A veto may be overridden by a two-thirds vote of the assembly within 21 calendar days following the veto or at the next regular meeting, whichever is later. The veto does not extend to: (1) the manager plan of borough government; (2) the actions of the board of equalization: (3) the actions of the board of adjustment; or (4) the appropriation items in a school budget ordinance.
The next Mayor of the Mat-Su Borough must be a strong, ethical leader, who has a history of taking strong stands when it comes to allowing our government to be a voice of We The People. I have proven I am that leader during this past year, whether it was a mask mandate or a citizens’ group with ties to Black Lives Matter lobbying for the creation of a committee to oversee the City of Palmer’s Police Department, as well as allowing real estate developers to develop their own property following the City of Palmer’s health and safety code.
Government doesn’t have all the answers, but working, listening, and responding to our citizens’ ideas, we will have a better community in which to live, work and play.
I am the BEST CHOICE for Mat-Su Borough Mayor. I ask you to vote for Edna DeVries on November 2, 2021. Thank you!