The Tin Woman


Comedy/Drama Directed by Karl Kopperud

The Tin Woman
9/8/2017 – 10/1/2017
Fridays & Saturdays @7PM, Sundays @2PM
Valley Performing Arts
251 W Swanson Ave. Wasilla
Tickets: $17 Students/Seniors, $19 General

Instead of relishing life after her heart transplant, Joy enters a downward spiral, unsure whether she truly deserves a second chance. Meanwhile, Alice and Hank mourn the loss of their son, Jack, whose heart was used to save Joy. At a friend's urging, Joy tracks down Jack's family to find closure. But are Alice, Hank and their daughter, Sammy, ready to accept Jack's death? Based on a true story. 

The Tin Woman opened September 8th and runs through October 1st. Ticket prices are $19 for regular admission, $17 for seniors/students. This heart-warming comedy/drama will be appearing at Valley Performing Arts, 251 W. Swanson Avenue, Wasilla. 

Call VPA at 373-0195, visit our website,, or come by the office, Monday through Friday 9am to 3pm to purchase your tickets. Be sure to follow us on Facebook at #valleyperformingartsAK