Here He Comes!

Contributed by Brett Ahern

Since the Spring Holy Days start with Christ's coming (Passover), and the summer one is the Spirit in our lives (Pentecost); then the Fall Holy Days (a series of four observances) show Christ's return to set up His worldwide kingdom. A celebration with trumpets is followed by a Day of Atonement, then Tabernacles, with the Last Great Day as the grand finale (Leviticus 23:23-44).

The biblical calendar starts in spring (Exodus 12:2). The seventh month, when the Fall Holy Days occur, are typically in September and October, since the biblical month starts with the New Moon.

On the first day (a New Moon) of the seventh month is a memorial: the blowing of trumpets. When did Israel have a special event that included the blowing of trumpets? At the battle of Jericho (Joshua 6), it was the last step to the walls collapsing so Israel could enter and take the city; the first battle of possessing the Promised Land.

In Numbers 10, God instructs Israel to blow two silver trumpets for battles and each month's New Moon observance. So in the seventh month on the first day, it was the seventh time trumpets were blown in the year; the seventh time also being when the walls of Jericho collapsed.

How does this relate to Christ's return? In the book of Revelation, we have three sets of seven events, the second being the blowing of seven trumpets. As the sixth trumpet ends, two witnesses are raised up to proclaim God's glory with miracles, calling for repentance. They are killed, resurrected and a great earthquake destroys walls in a great city. A heavenly host proclaims that now the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of Christ. 

This is the great “Victory is ours!” cry of the commander as he leads his troops into battle. Scripture tells us (Mark 13:24-27 and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) that as Christ returns, we are resurrected to join Him at that last trumpet blast, to be by His side as He wages war at the Battle of Armageddon. 

What we call Armageddon, Scripture calls the “Day of the Lord”. Many Old Testament prophecies describe this the last days period. When we read in Revelation 1 that John was “in the spirit on the Lord's Day”, the early church understood that he had a prophetic experience regarding that time period. The next holy day, the Day of Atonement, is specifically about the Day of the Lord.

Please take time to read Leviticus chapter 16, a detailed account of the Day of Atonement sacrifices. If you list every step, you will find similarities to Revelation. I suggest the most accurate way to understand Revelation, especially after the sixth trumpet blast, is to read it in light of the Day of Atonement. 

Atonement is in the seventh month, on the 10th day. The beast power of the world, which is destroying the world and taking all of us down with it, is shown to be destroyed through this Holy Day. It is described as a beast with seven heads, wearing 10 crowns, showing this day is about that event. 

It is a solemn fast day: extreme grief shuts down all hungers. While God's heart can't stand the massive death and destruction on this day; it's necessary to preserve human life on our planet (Matthew 24:22), and save Israel from destruction. As our Father's children, we also grieve. 

The end of the Day of the Lord launches a new way of life on earth. The old systems of power are broken; Satan is locked away (Revelation 20). Christ rules in Jerusalem, Israel believes, and healing flows out to all nations. People come to Jerusalem on God's Sabbaths, New Moons and Holy Days to be taught (Isaiah 66 and Zechariah 14) the way of Christ's life. His people are rewarded with eternal life (John 3:16) and sent to cities and nations as kings and priests (Matthew 25:14-30), bringing them into the Way. God's utopian kingdom spreads, systematically eradicating everything against humanity. This is pictured by the Holy Day week of Tabernacles, the great harvest feast, of perpetually increasing joy, with diminishing self-centeredness. 

Now the Last Great Day of Utopia, the grand finale, is approaching. With all things restored to their original creation order, purpose and function, a final test is set in motion. Satan's briefly released for a season, influencing those whose hearts even now want to rebel, assisting them to form a final resistance movement. After God removes this new cancer, a final resurrection of all the dead occurs; separating those out whose life showed no care for higher values, with no matching works to show. They are put to death forever (Revelation 20). All issues addressed, all questions answered, all history resolved.

Then God transforms heaven and earth, the New Jerusalem descends to earth and God Himself comes down to live here with us. This transformation of heaven and earth includes us, healing our remaining pain:

"And God will wipe every tear from their eyes; their will be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There will be no more pain, for the former things have passed away." Revelation 21:4

Due to lack of space, there is a footnote to this article, explaining Jesus' answer to the question, “When will these things be?” You can email me for this information at

Also, here's a beautiful song in tribute to His 2nd Coming: