Thrive Mat-Su: Local Coalition Receives Grant Awards


Thrive Mat-Su, the local substance abuse prevention coalition, has been working to address issues related to substance abuse in our community since its inception in 2007. Thrive has been the Mat-Su’s leader and champion in preventing and reducing youth substance use through community collaboration for nearly a decade. Thrive continues to leverage resources, engage the community, celebrate strengths and convene local organizations and groups to work together toward a drug-free community where youth and adults are healthy and able to thrive.  

Recently, Thrive was awarded two grants to help further their local mission: the Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program grant and the Strategic Prevention Framework Partnerships for Success (PFS) grant.  

The DFC Grant was awarded by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy in cooperation with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Through this grant Thrive hopes to enhance communication and interaction between youth and adults, advocate and collaborate for policy change, address local conditions that normalize youth alcohol use and other efforts related to strengthening our community in ways that will prevent youth substance misuse.  

Our PFS award grant, also through SAMHSA, works to prevent and reduce non-medical use of prescription opioids and heroin use. By utilizing the Strategic Prevention Framework, Thrive plans to develop and implement strategies to build Mat-Su’s prevention capacity that will impact opioid and heroin use in measurable and lasting ways at the community level.  

Those interested in learning more can contact Stephanie Allen, Executive Director of United Way of MatSu, at (907) 745-5821 or Thrive Mat-Su meetings take place on the third Tuesday of each month at the Mat-Su Regional Outpatient Center, Suite 220. The community is welcome to attend!