Our Doctors Should have the Latitude to Practice Medicine

Contributed by Larry Wood

All across this nation, states, cities and the federal governments are trying to force vaccination of their work forces against COVID-19.   These tyrannical policies are also being forced upon our public safety sectors—fire and police—and the United States military.  Incredible as this seems, even upon our medical healthcare sector.  This insanity will pay seriously diminishing returns in the coming months.

Singapore just reported that it had achieved 83% vaccination.  CNBC reported 28,000 infections over the month of September, of which 98.1% had no symptoms or mild symptoms, with .1% deaths.  Until the mass vaccinations, the average daily case rate was less than 30.

Looking at those numbers, what’s the problem?  The death rate is the same as the U.S.  Why is the Biden Administration imposing tyranny on the American public?

There is no science behind any of this, other than vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate.  Discrimination has been effected against those who refuse the vaccine with the private sector being as draconian and insane as the government sector.

Military readiness is affected by this insane drive to vaccinate everyone.  Troops are being given a choice, take the vaccination, or be unceremoniously dishonorably discharged, no matter the length of service.  The least impacted demographic by COVID-19 is the younger soldier.

Management of our healthcare sector is insane.  Healthcare professionals who served on the front lines in hospitals from the beginning of this pandemic without being vaccinated are now given a “vaccinate or else” choice.  The choice being you will be fired if you don’t vaccinate.  We are not talking a few here and there, we are seeing the forced layoff of hundreds at hospitals and thousands in larger healthcare systems.  This insanity will devastate the American medical industry and the ability of our healthcare system to meet the healthcare challenges of the U.S.  For a disease that has a 99.9% survival rate.

One fact is clear if you read on this subject, those vaccinated have rolled the dice.  The VAERS reporting system that is not mandatory, but which is widely quoted, shows about 1/10th of the actual adverse reactions.  The deaths from adverse reactions reported under VAERS are now reported at over 14,000, meaning the actual rate may be as high as 140,000.

MSM is not telling you that most of the new cases being hospitalized are those who have been vaccinated. 

Those who have been infected, recovered and now have natural immunity have a resistance that will last at least a year.  Israeli studies show that natural immunity is 13X as effective against COVID-19-D than the vaccines.

As a result of the rejection of cheap, treatment by Ivermectin and Hydroxychlorquine protocols that have been shown effective world-wide, but barred by edict of Dr. Anthony Fauci here to enrich the pharmaceutical companies, the richest Americans are now the majority shareholders in the pharmaceutical companies, with Pfizer leading the pack.

Fauci lied, people died.

Our governments only recognize vaccination as the answer to COVID.  Yet, the world, particularly the 3d world has proven otherwise.  In Uttar Pradesh province in India where they had a mass outbreak of COVID-19-D, there were not enough vaccines, so families were given kits containing Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, C, D, antibiotics, gloves and masks.  Uttar Pradesh has been declared virtually COVID free by the Indian Health Ministry.  Over 98.7% of those infected have recovered to date.  This is an area of 230 million people.  Is that enough proof for Fauci et al?  Of course not.

Our Congress has held hearings on the effectiveness of Ivermectin.  Do you think that there are those in Congress who have taken advantage of what they learned?

Merek has an Ivermectin clone that is 44% effective versus 88% for Ivermectin, will be sold for 40X cost of manufacture that our tax dollars paid for, and may cause cancer and miscarriages.  Medical science “advances,” but ignores the existing solution that is proven. 

Do you think maybe Fauci is getting a kick back?

Was the CDC aware of the success in Uttar Pradesh using Ivermectin and Hydroxychlorquine?  Yes.  The CDC helped fund the Indian Rapid Response Teams and the  treatment kits that were so successful against COVID-19-D.  Why then did the MSM not report this success?  Ask Dr. Fauci.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Peter Dzsack, and Francis Collins, former Director of the National Institute of Health, all were responsible for the development of this bio-weapon by openly cooperating and providing funding to the People’s Liberation Army to build the Wuhan #4 bio-weapons lab and funding the gain of function research that produced the COVID-19 weaponized virus that has killed over 4.8 million people world-wide and over 350,000 in the U.S.  Fauci and Dzsack bypassed   the Obama Administration’s prohibition against the gain of function research.  Fauci failed to inform President Trump of his “project”.  All three have lied to Congress and to the American people about their involvement in the gain of function research and the pandemic response.  They are criminals who have committed gross crimes against humanity and should be arrested, tried and, if found guilty, executed. 

Our doctors should have the latitude to practice medicine, not be coerced by threats from the CDC and Dr. Anthony Fauci.