Contributed by Teresa de Lima
There are several notary publics in the Valley! The state has a wonderful website in which one can locate a notary. The list of notaries is in excel format and easy to use provided you don't put in a bunch of filters.
Notaries perform a vital service. We act as unbiased witnesses in the signing of important documents. I had to become a notary for my work. The process was easy but it took some time and some money. I did it through My Alaska. You have to be a legal resident of a certain age and have no criminal history.
Being a notary means that I can perform civil ceremonies. So if anyone is in need of a marriage commissioner, I'd be delighted to help!
The state implemented a new statute in which commissioned notaries can perform notarial duties for remotely located individuals. This was put into place on January 1st of this year, HB124. Of course it entails a little extra hoops and jumps and advance planning, but this is vitally helpful for anyone who lives in rural Alaska.
While my notarial experience is pretty limited in scope (mostly jail affidavits), I am happy to answer any questions. Teresa de Lima at 907 450 9041