Contributed by Jennifer Walther
I’m Jennifer Walther and I am running for the District 4 seat of the Mat-Su Borough School Board. District 4 includes the city of Wasilla and the greater Wasilla area, with Seward Meridian, Knik-Goosebay Road, Vine, and Spruce as boundaries.
I am a lifelong Alaskan and have raised 5 children in this school district. Over the past 20 years I have watched our district grow and change positively, and am proud of what this district has grown into and where it is going. However, the strained relationships that have developed over the past few years puts this progress in jeopardy and will ultimately halt our ability to grow and improve.
The students of this district deserve to have visionary leaders. There will always be diversity of opinion on hot topics, but we can find common ground as a board by focusing on our ultimate goal of providing quality education for all students. Excellence in education requires a team effort and begins with the leaders of our school district.
My highest priority is preparing students for success in their future. Strength in the core subjects of reading, math, and writing will benefit every student -whether attending college or directly entering the job force. After 2 years of disrupted education, our students need to have learning opportunities to compensate for any learning loss that may have occurred. It is my goal to keep schools open, safe, and in-person!
To learn more about me please visit