Contributed by Patti Fisher
We all seem to be a lot crankier since the pandemic started. We’re seeing It has been shown that there is more violence, more hateful talk and less patience. So, I am putting in a plea to not bring that ugly mode into our localthe election campaigning which is currently underway.
I believe we should show respect for our residentsce who are trying very hard to serve our Borough, State and Federal governments. Let’s not take the low road and succumb to exaggerations, trash talk and outright lies. The truth will come out in the end, and no one needs to sink to the level of throwing dirt on an opponent. Unfortunately, that is happening right now. Making false statements such asSaying such things as “the Borough wants to take away your guns” or my opponent wants a “strong mayoral form of government” are intended to inflametrash talk. MAnd most important they are just NOT true.
So, let’s stop it now. The current Assembly person for District 7 Tam Boeve is a dedicated public servant who has the largest district in the Borough (from Meadow Lakes almost to Cantwell), which includes 7 Community Councils, 8 Road Service Areas, 6 Fire Service Areas and 3 Special Service Areas. She is a member of the Joint Assembly/School Board Committee on School Issues and the MSB Fish and Wildlife Commission, and regularly attends 12 meetings a week to meet the need of the district. Her list of accomplishments for residents is long and impressive.
TamShe listens to residents and workstries very hard to meet theirre needs. I urge you to vote to reelect Tam Boeve to the Borough Assembly for District 7.