Celebrating Our Constitution or Treason?

Contributed by Nan Potts   

Constitution Week is here! September 13th-19th. By the time this paper is issued, Constitution Day has past, September 17th. I hope you took the opportunity to read the basic ideologies and undertakings of our Founding Fathers and celebrate in that spirit. Whether you were born in the United States or naturalized, they are your Founding Fathers too!

            It saddens me how many citizens of this country do not understand how our form of government is supposed to function. By reading, understanding and applying the basics within our U.S. Constitution, I’m certain our troubles as a nation would decline.

            Recently I watched a newscast poll asking people in various states weather they prefer Socialism to Capitalism — Some preferred Socialism; they thought people take advantage of Capitalism and it is so easily corruptible. Others stated, they’d like a combination of Socialism and Capitalism (which supports small businesses). A few felt Socialism is the way to go because it puts everyone on equal ground (much different than equal opportunity). 

            When you compare our Constitution to Marx’ and similar 19th century ideologies, you will discover a very expansive dichotomy.

            “ . . . No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of Citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of

law . . .” — Amendment XIV, section 1, U.S. Constitution (ratified July 9, 1868)

            “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” — Slogan, popularized by Karl Marx, in Critique of the Gotha Program (1875)

            Socialism, has it proved better? Look at history. Then, go ask the people who have legally immigrated to this country from the U.S.S.R./Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela or other oppressive regimes. What do they say?

            The freedom to express one’s opinion is part of our Constitution — Freedom of Speech. Yet, our Constitution also addresses expressing an opinion and supporting it to the extent of revolution against the United States.

            Let’s talk treason (definition): Treason—noun

                        1. The offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign.

                        2. A violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state.

                        3. The betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.

            No matter which definition you choose to use, the act of betrayal always involves consequences. Currently, news outlets espouse all sorts of betrayal examples — no matter to which side of the political aisle you lean.

            The U.S. Constitution, defines treason in Article III, Section 3:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

            (IMPORTANT NOTE: Look up Attainder and Corruption of Blood in a good dictionary)

            Within the last twenty years (probably before), we have witnessed change in how our Federal and State levels of government operate; changing laws to increase authority — The Executive Branch has issued a multitude of mandates to its citizens, the Judicial Branch is being altered, and in some places disassembled due to a few unethical individuals. The Legislative Branch is mostly dysfunctional, since many Congressmen and Senators are focused on staying in power instead of working for their constituents who voted them into office.

            Let’s look at current events:

Governmental Abetting?

1. Assisting Big Tech to censor individuals

2. Assisting Big Tech to spy on individuals

3. Doing nothing: • Illegal immigration • Crime • Economic prosperity • Upholding Constitution Laws

4. False data

5. Overreach — multiple Executive mandates

6. Assisting a known enemy (Taliban) of the US, into power — who wish to levy war against us

Governmental Conflicting Ideology and Incompetence?

U.S. Southern border: • Unsecured border (Open Border policy) • Reinstated “Catch and Release” policy • Thousands of unvetted migrants (approx. 10% tested positive for COVID)

Conflicting COVID information — causing confusion, distrust and division

Afghan War withdrawal: • Americans evacuated after troop withdrawal, abandoning some • Handing over U.S. property and equipment to a known enemy (Taliban) • Increasing the potential for increased terrorism, Worldwide (Taliban, ISIS-K, Al-Qaeda).

            Restorations of these debacles can be simple but complicated to execute. They require effort, determination and the ability to think outside of cultural trends.


Educate the population and citizenry of the US on the proper workings of our U.S. Constitution; their privileges and rights.

Purposes and Execution of: A. Executive Branch, B. Judicial Branch, C. Legislative Branch

Vote into Office those who merit the leadership to hold and conduct The People’s business (not

       popularity contests)

4.    Understand that freedom and peace always come with a price — appeasement does’t work!

            When you have an educated population seeking true betterment of its society, more than likely the society prospers. This is not an opinion but fact — look at the past, including the US.

            There’s the rub! Over the years it appears more people are less knowledgable of our government’s working and more technically savvy, which has a tendency to distract and misinform.

            Another fact, some candidates are elected into office or appointed to positions who only desire the power it provides, rather than the opportunity of perusing desired goals they were entrusted to achieve.

            “Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” — John Adams, Letter to the Massachusetts Militia, 1798

            What caused the failure of the world’s past societies? Answer: Politically uneducated citizenry and the treasonous politicians who promised to serve them.

            With this in mind, people should be asking:

 1. Are the current “Woke” and Socialistic ideologies advancing or retarding our American Experiment?

 2. How does Socialism, which has led to the destruction of millions of people and numerous countries, integrate with the US Constitution?

 3. Why is Socialism gaining momentum?

 4. Are “We The People” being deceived, resulting in crumbling confidence in our governmental leaders?

 5. Is the “Woke” culture luring us into debasing our Laws, our Constitution, and our successful way of life?

 6. Is that same “Woke” culture really acting to overthrow our government and destroy the world’s last bastion of liberty?

            You are capable of doing the research. Why not celebrate Our Constitution in an educated manner? Allow The American Experiment to continue to prosper and then, if necessary, let us really talk Treason.