Representation for All

Contributed by Dan Mayfield

All too often, in politics, it is the loudest voice to whom political leaders listen and base policy decisions. The ideal of representing all Alaska’s citizens or at least all of the citizens of the district, seems to get lost in party politics. The idea of “doing the right thing” for the future of our State, gets lost in political maneuvering and the desire for power. I believe Alaskans are tired of their legislators going to Juneau and trading power for their vote.

Mat-Su needs a voice that is going to represent OUR interests, NOT special interests—and it’s for these reasons I oppose a “Binding Caucus.” Alaskans deserve a brighter future.

As a two term Assembly Member, I have a proven track record of success in working with people of all political persuasions.  I’ll bring that experience as a statesman to Juneau to represent all of us in a non-partisan way that will encourage an exchange of ideas to solve the many problems we now face as a state. Collectively, by listening and sharing ideas, we can solve our immediate problems and prepare our State for a future in which our kids and grandkids can prosper.

Obviously, we have several pressing problems.

Alaska needs a new fiscal plan that sustains us through the ups and downs of unpredictable oil revenues and keeps our communities vibrant. We can not cut our way to prosperity, certainly not with an anticipated $2.3 Billion deficit. Cuts are already ripping apart the fabric of our State. This reality has faced Governors and Legislators for the last several years. Yet, no leadership has come forward with solutions, just political football.

Alaska needs to take advantage of all of our natural resources and we need to have a robust discussion on how we can fund our constitutional mandates and promises while protecting the PFD for the future. This discussion will need to happen this legislative session.

Alaska needs diversified revenue streams and responsible fiscal management so we can still fund education, public safety, and infrastructure maintenance in both good and bad times. At the same time, we need to protect the full PFD and put it in the Constitution so that we can pass that legacy down to our kids.

We need to first begin to get the best value for our God given resources in Alaska before we do anything else. We have an obligation in our Constitution to do just that. While it is not the entire answer to our budget crisis, it would help to pay the bills and protect the PFD.

Additionally, our focus must be on locally owned and small business owners. It was they who truly suffered the most economic loss during this pandemic and had to close their doors. This caused a spike in unemployment and loss of benefits for many. I believe the State has been on the right course with grants, unemployment benefits and passing CARES ACT money down to local governments.

As an Assembly Member, we recognized the need to give a hand up to our small businesses. That’s why we appropriated $13 million in CARES ACT funding in the first round of our deliberations on addressing the needs of our citizens due to COVID-19.

We need to put people back to work and save lives by completing the KGB road project. Knik Goose Bay Road is one of the most unsafe roads in the State. Reconstruction of this road has been in planning for many years but simply has not gotten traction to the point of getting the work done. As a Senator, this project will be the number one project on my radar. Lives are being lost. The funding is there. I will have the fortitude and tenacity to follow up with ADOT to get boots on the ground working to complete KGB Road.

It is time for Alaskans to come together in search of a solution to our budget problems. I believe we must build Alaska to put people back to work and improve our economy. By investing in Alaska, we build a better future for ourselves and the next generation.

I hope you will join me in rejecting the failed policies of the past, the resulting deadlock and stagnation in Juneau. Please help me to give everyone a voice in our State government and meet our constitutionally mandated responsibilities by working together toward solutions.

I’m asking for your vote on or before November 3rd. Vote Dan Mayfield for State Senate – District D.