End The COVID Emergency

Contributed by Larry Wood

The language used in the COVID-19 briefings by Dr. Anne Zink is always conjectural - “maybe, might, could be, possibly” - and never definitive. The briefings are always couched with, “We have to do this.” Or what? We will all die? Yes, we will. All of us.

We hear weekly from the governor and others about the number of those in the hospital and those who’ve allegedly died of COVID-19. The numbers of positives seem to increase, but there is no scale of correlation to the numbers in the hospitals and the deaths with the increasing number of alleged new positives.

We are being told that masking and social distancing is making a difference, when there is not one iota of evidence to support this misconception.

What are we doing to ourselves?

My doctor told me the reason why the emergency has not been ended is the power of the CDC over the medical industry. He said the CDC’s attorneys insure compliance, the liability is too great if one bucks the mandates. Even though there is no longer an “emergency”, that we could be released tomorrow, it won’t happen until the politicians make the decision to do so.

Doctors who speak out are censured. Open debate has been silenced by the media.

More and more doctors and healthcare professionals around the world are speaking out in letters and testimony regarding the need to end the emergency. One such effort dated September 5, 2020 has been signed to date by 624 doctors and 1,714 medical professionals in Belgium who have signed a letter at the time of this writing in agreement to end Belgium’s and the EU’s emergency mandates. Over 12,254 citizens have signed the letter so far. The letter calls for an immediate end to the emergency and the mandates imposed. (https://docs4opendebate.be/en/open-letter/)

The Belgian letter states that:

•   Isolation and economic damage have resulted in increased depression, anxiety,
suicides, intra-family violence and child abuse.

•   Masking by healthy persons is ineffective in preventing viral infections.

•   Wearing a mask is the equivalent to being in an “extremely poorly ventilated
room” and is harmful.

•   There is no scientific basis for masking or social distancing.

•   The measures and penalties imposed are contrary to medical values, that the
measures are not completely scientifically based, and that open debate has been

•   The death count was not taking into account the fact that most of the people who
died suffered from other pathologies, and because of that, death should not be
attributed to COVID-19.

•   Those dying are 80 years old or older, and those younger than 70 who die have
serious underlying disorders that contribute to death.

•   Greater than 98% of those infected are not ill or recover without complications and
without medical intervention.

•   The PCR test was designed for research, not patient testing, and the testing inflates
the numbers, because of false positives.

•   Lockdowns have not lowered the mortality rate.

•   Strengthening natural immunity is done through exercise in fresh air without a
mask, good nutrition, stress reduction and having social contacts.

•   Isolation and quarantine have fatal consequences.

The letter stresses that social distancing induces stress, fear and loneliness all having a negative impact on mental and physical health.

We know that the testing is flawed, which inflates the numbers and introduces an error rate that, like Neil Ferguson’s flawed study is driving the continuance of an emergency that is based upon false information, conjecture and censure of any attempt to debate continuing the emergency in the face of growing information denying that there is a threat to the general public health.

The letter and many articles over the last few months affirm that Sweden and South Dakota were correct in their strategies of no lockdowns.

I urge you to look at the letter and the information presented. If it comes up in Dutch, there is a translation button on the menu.

In a 23 June article in the UK’s Daily Mail, it was reported that Stanford researchers found:

•   That people, 50-64, without complications have a 1 in 19.1 million chance of dying from COVID-19.

•   There is a 4,000:1 potential of being infected without masking or social distancing.

•   Middle-aged Americans have a 1 in a 1,000,000 chance of being hospitalized.

If there was an emergency, it is over, and the situation is now being misrepresented by our governor, Dr. Anne Zink, the MSM and the CDC in their effort to continue this fraud ad infinitum.

Once again, I ask Governor Michael Dunleavy to end his emergency declaration, and to immediately restore Alaska to normalcy. To remove any and all restrictions imposed against business, against family members seeing family members in healthcare facilities and to end the tyranny imposed in Anchorage and other Alaska cities by despots who seem to be enjoying the misery and fear that they are imposing upon their constituents.