Changing Course in District 10

Contributed by Eric Wittner

I am an undeclared voter, but tend to lean Right. I have lived in the Valley for decades and haven’t seen anything like the past two years. It never occurred to me to vote for a Democrat. I am currently represented by David Eastman and will be voting for Monica Stein-Olson in November.

I don’t so much mind what Eastman says. He’s a good talker! But it seems that is all he has does. It is hard to accomplish anything when being removed from committees and slapped with ethics violations. I would like to see less fighting and more legislating. It no longer matters that he supports a full PFD because it will never pass if he is unwilling to work with others.

I met Monica and Steve when they dropped signs off at my Wasilla home. I was impressed that Monica had worked for administrations of both parties. She also supports the Second Amendment, the PFD and is interested in a central bank rather than just taxes to increase revenue. We need to start looking at long term solutions and not just short-term fixes.

I’m going to vote for a new candidate who is ready to work more than blog.