A Plea to People of The People’s Paper

Contributed by Patricia Chesbro

Alaska is in a fiscal crisis. Our accessible savings are almost gone and there is no plan to replenish the funds. Some of our incumbent legislators are pushing to raid funds that have been set aside for specific help for Alaskans, like the Power Cost Equalization Fund that helps our neighbors in remote Alaska to afford power. Again, there is no plan to replenish this vital fund.

It is important that we send people to Juneau who can work together to solve problems. That is why I support Monica Stein-Olson. She has worked with warring factions around the world to solve problems. She is experienced and expert in finance. She puts people over politics.

The current House District 10 representative appears to only represent himself. He obstructs progress and seems to care little about the people he represents and even less about the future of all Alaskans. He will not have the courage to help Alaska gain a firm footing in our finances.

The time is now to make a change. We cannot put our heads in the sand and hope that big oil or Pebble Mine or a lottery win will help us out of the crisis caused by years of inaction.

Make a voting plan and vote for Monica Stein-Olson in a way that is convenient for you.