Learn To Compost - For Free!

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Contributed by Ellen Vande Visse, Good Earth Garden School

Free Compost Classes
Sept. 23, 29, 2017
Oct. 7, 21, 25, 27, 2017
Nov. 4, 2017
Division of Solid Waste, Mat-Su Borough
MSB Landfill
1201 N 49th State St. Palmer
FREE Event, Please Register

Our landfill is overflowing with garbage.  About 40% of this waste is organic matter that’s emiting methane gas and odors and grabbing valuable recreational trail acreage. Yet all this waste could be converted into the valuable soil product called compost.

How? Come learn how easy it is - for free!

Fun and no-cost classes, sponsored by the Mat-Su Borough’s Solid Waste Division, will train you to be a certified expert composter. Discover the mysteries revealed: how chunks of, well, raw potato peels, grass, leaves, manure and paper plates miraculously turn into fragrant, rich compost. No need to spend money taking compostables to the dump, or to demolish more precious land!

Certified trainings for Backyard Composters and Vermi-(worm) Composter are two hours long with hands-on participation and demonstration. The Master Composter training is tw0 days. Master Composters share their expertise by pledging volunteer service hours. They help others in the community to become successful composters. You receive certification at the completion of any of the training sessions. The Mat-Su Borough is offering these classes continually this September, October and early November.

Request a flyer and register at 861-7605. Schedules are on Facebook at www.facebook.com/MatSuLandfill/.