The Big Lie

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Contributed by Vic Kohring

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” Words from Adolf Hitler, the basis of his playbook from which the liberal media justifies much of its reporting.

Our increasingly godless society is manifesting itself in the form of a constant media assault against conservatives and Christians, especially against our president. A recent Harvard study showed 93% of mainstream press coverage on Donald Trump to be negative, compared with only 40% against Barack Obama during his tenure. The onslaught has turned into an ugly mud storm against the president. The online news is full of hostility, whether it's Yahoo, Google and any number of outlets - a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week bashing of the man. The same with print, TV and radio.

We're witnessing the biggest witch hunt in U.S. political history, unprecedented, as the anti-Trump press chorus reaches a fever-pitch. It's an attempted overthrow of the president, a brazen, unabashed effort to oust him in a bloodless coup. The press keeps manufacturing lies and smearing our leader, whether it's alleged racism, being anti-immigrant, stealing away your healthcare or driving us to nuclear war with North Korea. They are a destructive mouthpiece for the Left whose first priority is clearly not our country, but the annihilation of their political opponents in an out of control frenzy.

Led by the press, most bastions of American liberalism are in a hysteria of hatred against the president, including Hollywood, college campuses and our upstanding Congress, that respected group of politicians with an 11% approval rating lead by John McCain and Nancy Pelosi. Then there are the George Soros-bankrolled organizations manipulating millennials like puppets who scream in the streets, smash windows and harass motorists. Free speech is a meaningless provision of the constitution to these groups, unless that speech is progressive doctrine. And it's okay to riot against conservatives if you disagree with them, including looting, burning and engaging in violence.

False charges have been levied en masse against Trump as the entrenched media gushes hate with relentless dishonesty. He needs to fight back and obliterate them with the truth. To start, get them off the front row in the White House press room and out of view of TV cameras. Stop giving them a forum at press conferences to spew their venom as they push false narratives on the public. You can see the anger in the faces of the anxious reporters from such vaunted news

entities as the Clinton News Network (CNN), the Washington Compost and the Huffington, Puffington Post. Quit being nice to these hacks as if appeasing them. I saw enough of that in Juneau while serving in the legislature where weak-kneed pols placated reporters.

We're witnessing an unrivaled persecution of our president. Yet ne'er a word against Obama after so many egregious, impeachable acts. Trump gets two scoops of ice cream on his pie, doesn't wave from Air Force One or ask that Americans stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and is eviscerated with a headline story, replete with personal criticism and speculation as to sinister motives. Obama's failure to protect our Libyan embassy resulted in the slaughter of Ambassador Stevens and other staff, and yet he's treated with kid gloves and let off the hook. The disaster, rife with misleading statements and a cover-up, made Watergate look like Mickey Mouse by comparison. Remember, no one died in Watergate.

Even our very own Alaska Dispatch News has jumped on the lefty bandwagon (at least prior to its recent change in ownership), repeating erroneous stories from back east. A Washington Post “story” in May (more of a hit piece) ripped Trump for supposedly passing classified material to the Russians in an Oval Office meeting. The Dispatch News mimics the national media, although they're far less egregious than their predecessor, the Anchorage Daily News. They're still a mostly left wing mouthpiece presenting so-called news in a quiet, subtle manner, whereas the Daily News was downright viscous in its unabashed hatred of conservatives, myself included.

The mainstream press is an enemy of America as they disgorge poisonous propaganda while advocating socialism, heavy government controls on Americans and usurping individual freedoms. Most consist of yellow journalists who, under the cloak of alleged constitutional protection, prefer to impede forward progress of our country, undermine the president's efforts to build a strong economy with substantial job growth and establish a high standard of living for the middle class. They would rather bring the U.S. to its knees to fulfill their political agenda than work to make it a better place.

Our rivals throughout the world are witnessing our destruction from within without firing a shot. God help us.