A New Christmas Sensation in the Valley - The Christmas Factory

Contributed by Emma Wilcox

We see their advertisements, we hear them on the radio, but who are the people behind the scenes of The Christmas Factory, and what motivates them to build- as-they-say, Santa’s newest outpost: Outpost 907? I’ve met with the creators on location at The Christmas Factory, opening its doors the day after Thanksgiving at the State Fairgrounds.

Stepping into the Factory, it feels like time has been turned back, and suddenly this author is 6 years old again, wandering around, gazing at toys and magical ornaments. A young couple is waiting for me with radiant smiles and one can’t help thinking that they already look like Santa’s elves themselves. Megan and Nolan, the heads of The Christmas Factory’s Creative Team, are only lacking an elf’s sharp ears.

Looking around, one feels like it is not their first time creating the ultimate Christmas scene and Megan informs that this is indeed, their 10th year creating magical holiday programs.

In response to the question, on why a Christmas-themed event and why creating it in Alaska this time, Nolan responds, “Who doesn’t like Christmas?! Unless you’re a Grinch you wish every day would be like this beautiful season of the year. The music, the smell of goodies, the good wishes, the memories of your childhood, the love in the air. Our goal is to add something special to people’s Christmas experience.”

The Christmas Factory’s web page (www.akchristams.com) further informs that this is a theatrical scene with bubbly elves, funny situations, and magical moments. Megan expounded that, “our hope is to help families create lifetime memories together, and also to help the community to come together, having new experiences.” Further, she added about why here: “We chose Alaska because this is the most beautiful State of all, and because winter is amazing here. What a perfect location for Santa and his Outpost 907”.

Asking, if Santa himself will be here greeting the children, Nolan responded, “Of course, he will be here! What is a true Outpost without him? He will be the crowning moment of The Christmas Factory experience. After the visitors have had some hot chocolate and cookies with Mrs. Claus, Santa will chat with the little ones and with every family and they’ll get to have a photo with Santa himself. All of this is included in the ticket price. We don’t nickel-and-dime our visitors. We take pride in that! Once families are at The Christmas Factory, we provide a full experience without charging anything extra for any part of The Factory!”

“Is this a onetime project for you and your team or is this a long-term project?” they are asked.

“This is definitely not a onetime project,” Megan answers. “We started this with our 3 children, with the dream to create this factory. We will have thousands of visitors who will take and share their experiences. We are especially confident that the city of Palmer will develop a pride in The Christmas Factory and in a few short years will embrace it as its own.”

Inquiring about their earlier statement regarding how important building a community is to them, “How can The Christmas Factory help with that?”, they are asked.

Nolan responds, “This project is not first and foremost a money-making venture, but rather our first priority is the community where we are raising our children. We are aware of the needs of many in the Valley and our primary goal is to help those who are less fortunate. We contribute a portion of our proceeds to the Mat-Su School District and we’ve chosen two local elementary schools. We will provide help to them in whatever way they need. We’ve also started a very fruitful relationship with Mrs. Alaska 2018, Leticia Wade, who has created a beautiful program she calls ‘Build Them Up’ and we are excited to be a supporter of Mrs. Wade’s non-profit. Our goal is to help local programs that focuses on helping children,” he concludes.

Doors to this magical experience open on the 23rd of November and it runs through December 24th. Tours can have a maximum of 50 people in a group. The creative team encourages people to book their tickets in advance and book early to ensure a spot for the preferred day and time as tickets are going fast. Check out their web page, akchristmas.com for more information to book your tickets and find information about special offers. Follow their Facebook page for contests and learn how The Factory is progressing.

Megan and Nolan conclude our visit with a wish for a very Merry Christmas and an invitation for all to come and see this special new addition to the Valley, this season at The Christmas Factory!