To Mom, With Love

Contributed by Randi Perlman

It hovers, falsely innocuous, seeping in to make the rounds from coast to coast.

Intrusive guest in particular circles, unwanted, unwelcome, indiscriminately flitting from host to host.

Age is no factor, nor country or town

Like a wolf pack on prey, it whittles you down

We’re no match for its strength, its ferocious attack

creates fear from all sides and no way to turn back

She was 91 years, but a youngster at heart

Defying all odds to have made it this far

A feisty New Yorker with sharply fierce tongue

A lovely young beauty queen, locks rarely undone

A new-age divorcee with three kids she adored

A soft spot for creatures who arrived at her door

It was hard to forget her – she made sure of that

She was light on her feet, like a sleek supple cat

An indomitable spirit - a fiery life force

The family matriarch, don’t mess with the Boss

She loved just to hang and to gab with her clan

To be ‘in-the-know’, to be part of the plan

To forever stay young, she believed that was true

Forever and always, she’ll be our family’s glue…

Obdurate sinner, poisonous tea, steeping our lives in a deadly affront of novel design and intent.

Arrogant pestilence, elderly bent, rippling through families with insidious guise, shamelessly impenitent.